went to balloon buzz shop in section 9 this morning to get aqeef's accessories and party packs for aqeef's guests. we went without papa because he was still asleep in the morning, thinking, how hard is it to choose the party pack for little children right?haha.

choice 1:all inclusive gifts inside(party popper,whistle,party hat, mask & paper whistle yg keluar ke depan bila tiup tu,;p).

choice 2:separate bag and stuffs. need to buy separately.

choice 3: all inclusive gifts inside(same as choice 1) but with a see through bag instead of a paper bag.
which one did mama choose for aqeef?haha. all of them.bought one of each and asked papa to choose.ngehngehngeh.
papa's answer? - "which one is cheaper?".ok.;p
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Me and hamzah nak dtg aqeef's birthday hehe :-)
:) sila2, jemput ya mawar and hamzah datang party aqeef this coming saturday 15th november kat mcdonalds kota kemuning insyaAllah. pukul 3, c u there ya mawar,:)
dinaaaaaaaaa...15th november???ni sure belum rasa lagi mcm 2011 is here kn :) 15 january at kota kemuning's mcd?check!thanks!we'll be there insyaAllah
haha, sorry mawar.yup, 15th january, haha.what was i thinking?haha.jemput eh mawar,:)
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