of creamy red velvet cuppies/cakes. nyumnyum. went to sunway pyramid last monday(sapiki if u're reading this, i know i did not ask for ur permission to go there, sorry sgt. but i have a very good reason.u just wait,;p). and i got myself..

something from cupcake chic!:) ngehngeh. i've tasted them once before and it was quite ok. they have this schedule where certain cupcakes will be available at certain days only. for example chocolate marshmallow will be available only on tuesdays and fridays, red velvet will only r available on mondays and thursdays only. something like that lah. and it so happened that monday is red velvet day!(am currently addicted to anything red-velvety,dont know why).so i bought one and took one of their vanilla cuppies.

wow!was my first impression after having the first bite of the creamy red velvet. its no delicious' red velvet but it sure came pretty close to it. yeay, nyummy red velvet in sunway pyramid. a dream come true. huhu.bila tah nal insaf.

takpe, lepas makan cupcakes, kita exercise dgn paula abdul. have started to dance with her again after 2 years. it felt so good. this is the only aerobic routine that i can actually follow without feeling bored. sgtlah membantu stamina, and its fun too!seriously. 1 hour will pass by without u noticing it and i'll sweat like crazy afterwards.even sapik pun tergoda nak joget sekali. siap buat ayat "saya rasa saya lagi graceful dari dia lah" haha.perasan pls.
equation for the day : cuppies + paula abdul's getup n dance = neutral. haha.
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