but today, my mum was so happy, telling me that she has managed to make aqeef brush his teeth without any persuasion. how did she do it?
aqeef has a thing with elmo. he loves elmo very much, so much so that he only watches elmo's dvd(no barney's or teletubbies for him ok, semua dia buat bodo) and only respond to elmo's toys whenever we went out looking for toys with him. so, when we were in perth, during boxing day to be precise, mak ngah aqeef bought him a big talking elmo and since then, the thing has been aqeef's best friend.

this elmo is bigger than aqeef tau, n it can talk juga when it's tummy is pressed.
so, what my mom did is, she took one toothbrush and brushed elmo's teeth(it's actually just an opening without any teeth pun,haha) and aqeef took another toothbrush of his and started to brush his teeth too!my mum was ecstatic!masa cerita pun sgt happy dia, and sgt berbangga dgn cucu dia sbb da pandai berus gigi.
oh, baby aqeef saya da besar,;)
tp, after that my mum asked me innocently "but where can i get toothbrush yg tak basah eh?kesian elmo basah bila kena berus gigi," hahahahahahahaha, we laughed our guts out lepas tu.
i love u mummy, for everything. and i know for a fact that aqeef loves u too, so very much.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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