got this book for free!hehe. i have been postponing to buy this book cause i know i can get it for free during this training. ngehngeh.this book alone is good enough reason to spend three days away from the office risking mountains of tasks waiting for u once u get back.plus they give u free food!haha.
ok, the 7 habits.
no. 1 : be proactive
no. 2 : begin with the end in mind
no. 3 : first things first
no. 4 : think win-win
no. 5 : seek first to understand, then to be understood
no. 6 : synergize
no. 7 : sharpen the saw
the first 3 are for ur own personal growth, the next 3 are applicable for the people arnd u. the public. n the last one's applicable for all.i
am currently focussing on the first three habits because hey, if u want to change the world, u have to change yourself first right?
the workshop has a lot of interesting moments, they shared lots of interesting stories, video clips and perspectives. i had lots of teary moments jugak,haha. but the one thing that really has changed a big part of me is in habit 2. begin with the end in mind. when i first heard this i was thinking in the scope of my organization. in terms of job scope that is.i started to ask myself "what is my final target when i go to work every day?", just in case the instructor ask me about it. haha. and then she asked us this "who are u going to invite to ur 80th birthday party?and what do u want people to say about u at your 80th birthday?". ok, she made us make a list of people and stuff that we want them to say about us at our 80th birthday and the rest was history. i want my loved ones around me obviously and she taught us to work towards achieving the things that we want people to say about us in the end.
for example: i want aqeef to be at my 80th birthday party insyaAllah.:) (ok, terbayang aqeef da tinggi and badan besar, tp muka still baby mcm skrg, haha. apetah). and say i want him to say "my mom is the best mommy in the world. she's always there for me and i am so lucky to have her in my life.she's always there to listen, to guide, to hold and to just be there for me. i love u mama" ok. so, i'm not exactly that lagi kan. whats with working around the clock balek lmbt, pastu pegi gym tunggang terbalik poyo2 kan.i barely have time for aqeef most of the time. but in order for aqeef to say those things to me, i have to change my life now! it really got to me ok. i know now who and what should i focus on. kita selalu rasa mcm family ni adalah someone yg selalu akan ada dgn kita no matter mcm mana teruk pun kita dgn mereka kan, dan kita akan tak kisah sgtlah nk ambil hati mereka sbb no matter what they'll always be there kan? tp sbnrnya itulah org yg kita patut focus pada.i know that now.rather than focussing on my job, or other superficial stuff, i need to focus on my family. and actually when u have ur family's interest at heart, u'll automatically work har at work juga kan for the sake of ur family?
wah, saya da pening dgn ayat sendiri. kahkah. yg penting course ni adalah sgt membuka mata saya. and i am going to change, insyaAllah.:)
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