i spent my last friday of 2010 in malaysia lepaking with my bff, cik tenton.ngehngeh,seronok gila pls.faten's currently working in sarawak and sgtlah susahnya kami nak berjumpa selalu.and since faten balik shah alam for her year end holidays hari tu, lepaklah kami bersama walaupun actually i crashed her shopping session with her sister naquiyah.sorry eh naquiyah,haha.

ok, tgk hantu kak limah balik rumah.hahahahaha, the best part of our outing kot.kelakar tgk tenton takut.faten sat in between naquiyah n me but still dia yang takut lebih.sampai saya pun tertakut sbb tgk dia takut.haha.da la sebelah kanan n depan semua kosong, kitorang duduk paling depan, so tak nampak org langsung.jadi takut tu lebih pls.haha.tapi i really had fun la tenton.haha.nanti awk balik sini kite lepak lagi pls.sila bitau bila awk ada kat shah alam hokeh?

tenton n i.had our lunch kat bubba gump's shrimp.sgt sedap as usual.yummeh.

our lunch.i had the fish n chip, not knowing that for the next 7 days most of the food that i'm going to be having adalah fish n chip saja.kahkah.tp i've had better fish n chip kot.kat sini not so special.better to stick to the shrimps je kat bubba gump kot.faten n naquiyah's dishes were so good.definitely going to have 'em the next time around.

faten n naquiyah.naquiyah yg sweet je tak kisah kakak dia kena hi-jack,ngehngeh. n oh by the way during lunch i got to know that naquiyah's selling decorative cakes yg comel2, n lepas tgk website dia saya sgt kagum ok.sgt comel.go check out her
flicker page & her
blog.serius comel2.i siap da mintak diskaun ok should i need to order nanti2.haha.order nye belum lagi, minta diskaun lebih.

our dessert.nyummy.it's a big cookie at the bottom and ice cream on top. sgt yummy, first time try ni.tp mmg sgt berbaloi.tapi tak habis pun sbb sgt besar n perut da kenyang ngan main dishes kami.
thank u tenton,i had great fun lepaking with u guys!i heart u so much!:)
alaaaa...sweetnye ade dedicated entry utk kite... i feel loved :)..
ahahahhaha klaka sgt please bile ingat balik... takyah susah2 plan beforehand nak hangout, spontaneous je decide last minute, and we had a great time :D
haha, kan?unplanned lagi senang kan, but we had ultimate fun jugak kan.:) by the way, u r truly loved ok tenton. with or without dedicated post pun, ;)
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