managed to crossed out 50% of our stuff- to-buy-for-holiday list. the money changer in pyramid had the best rate compared to all others in shah alam by the way.

looking for new sandals and shoes for aqeef. papa akan try satu2 sandal n kasut kat dia and aqeef akan goyang2 kaki sampai kasut tu tanggal.

went to eat at laksa shack. tapi kecewa. laksa dia dah tak sesedap dulu. da lama tak makan kat laksa shack.dulu2 kalau makan kat laksa shack mmg sedap gila laksa assam used to be the second best assam laksa after the one in jusco midvalley.slurrrp, teringin sudah..huhu.

bedsheet hunting.oh,i'm a ring sling mummy now!hehe. it's the most comfortable type for me. and it's not that hard to use pun, seriously. people used to tell me that ring sling is for hard core baby wearing mummy & that a first timer wont be able to know how to use it. wrong. with proper instruction and guidance it is possible. thank you to lunatots for continous support!:)
oh, and aqeef skrg dia nak berdukung dgn mama dia saja ok. so the ring sling is the most important thing to bring when we go out now. i can hold him up to 2 hours! so far after 2 hours dia da tido da.n mmg betul, baby wearing ni buat baby lebih tenang and cepat tidur. tak meragam langsung. and i feel closer to aqeef jugak, that's the best part.

oh, tutti frutti!our first time rasa tutti frutti ni, sbb mak chu akip sibuk bising2, "na, belanja la tutti frutti na." setiap 5 menit. haha.lama2 masuk juga kami.tutti frutti sells self service frozen yogurt and they're delicious!

papa n aqeef tgh tunggu mama n mak chu pilih yogurt,tgk muka aqeef tergoda sudah.kat tutti frutti ni first we choose the container size that we want, small or big. and then we choose the yogurt that you want. you can mix everything! so we tried everything, but out of all the flavours i love the vanilla and chocolate the most. and the best part is the yogurt is low sugar and low fat.hehe.
after you choose the yogurt, you can choose your toppings plak! ada buah, chocolate rice, chocolate sauce, nuts. byk sgt lah! after that, you weigh, you pay and you eat!:) it's rm5.30 per 100g.

and this was ours. rm22 ok!hehe, but, worth every penny, sgt lazat tau, makan 4 org semua satisfied gila.aqeef yg paling happy, non stop dia makan, hehe.

tgk betapa besarnya bekas ice cream tu compared to aqeef. yummm! teringin sudah. definitely going to get more later!;)
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