aqeef at 11 months da pandai makan byk benda. haha. tak kelakar. aqeef's an expert at imitating things people say. for example if you're teaching him abc, he will repeat "a b cheee!!". if u sneeze, aaachoo, the next thing u'll hear would be aqeef saying "choooo". maktok is currently teaching aqeef to do flying kiss; the sound of kiss being blown complete with hand gestures and all.but currently he can only produce the kissing sound je. huhu.byk lagi sebenarnya bunyi2 tp tak ingat sudeh. huhu.
lagi, at 11 months he can tatih around the house while holding other people's hand.nope he's not walking on his own yet. not more than 3 steps lagi kot.yes,for me its a little frustrating sometimes, especially when i've been teaching and encouraging him to walk for an hour or so, but he keeps on dropping his cute butt down to the floor(luckily with a cute grin on his face as well) and crawl to get from one point to the other.but at the end of the day, when he's sleeping comfortably on my chest, i'm just grateful for his developmental progress and keep motivating myself to help him better tomorrow, insyaAllah.
:) aqeef can also wave his hands whenever he hears the word byebye. he claps his hands when i say "pandainya aqeef anak mama ni!" and he will raise his hands to his ears(to start praying) once he hears "allahuakbar!". and for all that je pun, i'm one grateful mama.:)
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