i was on leave yesterday.was supposed to pack our stuff for our trip today. so excited, i'm freaking myself out,;p ok i have completed aqeef's and syafik's stuff, but my stuff? nada.none.haha, mama aqeef tinggal.
why? because yesterday i went out with my cik fateng.ngehngeh. will write more about this later. the perfect ending to my year. lepaking with my tenton.:)
now, insyaAllah am going to spend my year end with my beloved family. nothing's more important than family. i'm truly blessed.:)
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Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
bring it on!
i am mentally, emotionally & physically ready to lose weight and live healthier now insyaAllah.
nothing can stop me now.nothing.
u just wait and see.
nothing can stop me now.nothing.
u just wait and see.
Monday, December 20, 2010
aqlan's first birthday party!
yesterday(19th december 2010), aqeef's cousin, aqlan turned 1!yeay!oh sekejapnya rasa. rasa baru semalam je melawat aqlan kat ppum masa dia baru lahir tahun lepas. masa tu akip dlm perut lagi. hmmm..skrg dua2 da berjalan & merangkak bagai, how time flies.
we had a little 1 year old party at my parent in law's place. it was a small gathering, but very happening you know.(eisya je da meriah satu kampung ok).

birthday boy yang comel dan cool je walaupun birthday present diambil org.mak ngah sayang aqlan tau. comel gila budak ni.

ni aqlan dgn kakak eisya dia. kena paksa posing dgn band manager aka pak ngah. haha. sibuk la suruh eisya pegang guitar betul2.(da la dia yg pilih guitar tu.kalau bday budak balik2 dia pilih guitar, huhu).

finally birthday boy da dpt main dgn birthday present dia!:)

comel gila kek ni. mak mak syida belikan aqlan. sedap plak tu pls. mak mak, aqeef nk juga pls, ;p

oh mama's delicious nasi tomato. takde lain da nasi tomato yang lebih sedap dari mama punya. tambah 2 kali ok i. mama siap kasi bungkus bawa balik lagi. "kau suka ayam masak merah kan dina?mama bungkus utk kau eh?".i heart u lah mama,:)

ini bibik aka mak mak syida yang kurus sungguh. uit, takyah diet pls, kurus sudah awk.:)
hmmm, skrg tgh byk idea utk birthday party aqeef ni. tapi nk cari yg paling cost effective n tak penat nk mengemas bagai.nanti2 lah.
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we had a little 1 year old party at my parent in law's place. it was a small gathering, but very happening you know.(eisya je da meriah satu kampung ok).

birthday boy yang comel dan cool je walaupun birthday present diambil org.mak ngah sayang aqlan tau. comel gila budak ni.

ni aqlan dgn kakak eisya dia. kena paksa posing dgn band manager aka pak ngah. haha. sibuk la suruh eisya pegang guitar betul2.(da la dia yg pilih guitar tu.kalau bday budak balik2 dia pilih guitar, huhu).

finally birthday boy da dpt main dgn birthday present dia!:)

comel gila kek ni. mak mak syida belikan aqlan. sedap plak tu pls. mak mak, aqeef nk juga pls, ;p

oh mama's delicious nasi tomato. takde lain da nasi tomato yang lebih sedap dari mama punya. tambah 2 kali ok i. mama siap kasi bungkus bawa balik lagi. "kau suka ayam masak merah kan dina?mama bungkus utk kau eh?".i heart u lah mama,:)

ini bibik aka mak mak syida yang kurus sungguh. uit, takyah diet pls, kurus sudah awk.:)
hmmm, skrg tgh byk idea utk birthday party aqeef ni. tapi nk cari yg paling cost effective n tak penat nk mengemas bagai.nanti2 lah.
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Sunday, December 19, 2010
hari ahad aqeef

saya panjat gear stick kete mak ngah masa mak tok beli breakfast pagi2. lepas tu kena marah dgn maktok. tapi saya tak faham pun.takpe.

nangis2 dlm kereta dgn mama sampai mama bagi satu biskut rusks perisa apple dan oren. sedap sgt! saya suka makan!:)

tapi mama marah saya sbb makan guna tgn kiri. tapi saya tak faham juga. jadi saya tak kisah lagi.:)

yyyyy!siapa nak sikit, sedap tau..:) selamat hari ahad!
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tutti frutti & kami
lepas hilang penat jogging we went out searching for the best money changer and we ended up in sunway pyramid lagi. huhu. its like our second home da. balik2 pegi situ.
managed to crossed out 50% of our stuff- to-buy-for-holiday list. the money changer in pyramid had the best rate compared to all others in shah alam by the way.

looking for new sandals and shoes for aqeef. papa akan try satu2 sandal n kasut kat dia and aqeef akan goyang2 kaki sampai kasut tu tanggal.

went to eat at laksa shack. tapi kecewa. laksa dia dah tak sesedap dulu. da lama tak makan kat laksa shack.dulu2 kalau makan kat laksa shack mmg sedap gila laksa assam dia.it used to be the second best assam laksa after the one in jusco midvalley.slurrrp, teringin sudah..huhu.

bedsheet hunting.oh,i'm a ring sling mummy now!hehe. it's the most comfortable type for me. and it's not that hard to use pun, seriously. people used to tell me that ring sling is for hard core baby wearing mummy & that a first timer wont be able to know how to use it. wrong. with proper instruction and guidance it is possible. thank you to lunatots for continous support!:)
oh, and aqeef skrg dia nak berdukung dgn mama dia saja ok. so the ring sling is the most important thing to bring when we go out now. i can hold him up to 2 hours! so far after 2 hours dia da tido da.n mmg betul, baby wearing ni buat baby lebih tenang and cepat tidur. tak meragam langsung. and i feel closer to aqeef jugak, that's the best part.

oh, tutti frutti!our first time rasa tutti frutti ni, sbb mak chu akip sibuk bising2, "na, belanja la tutti frutti na." setiap 5 menit. haha.lama2 masuk juga kami.tutti frutti sells self service frozen yogurt and they're delicious!

papa n aqeef tgh tunggu mama n mak chu pilih yogurt,tgk muka aqeef tergoda sudah.kat tutti frutti ni first we choose the container size that we want, small or big. and then we choose the yogurt that you want. you can mix everything! so we tried everything, but out of all the flavours i love the vanilla and chocolate the most. and the best part is the yogurt is low sugar and low fat.hehe.
after you choose the yogurt, you can choose your toppings plak! ada buah, chocolate rice, chocolate sauce, nuts. byk sgt lah! after that, you weigh, you pay and you eat!:) it's rm5.30 per 100g.

and this was ours. rm22 ok!hehe, but, worth every penny, sgt lazat tau, makan 4 org semua satisfied gila.aqeef yg paling happy, non stop dia makan, hehe.

tgk betapa besarnya bekas ice cream tu compared to aqeef. yummm! teringin sudah. definitely going to get more later!;)
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managed to crossed out 50% of our stuff- to-buy-for-holiday list. the money changer in pyramid had the best rate compared to all others in shah alam by the way.

looking for new sandals and shoes for aqeef. papa akan try satu2 sandal n kasut kat dia and aqeef akan goyang2 kaki sampai kasut tu tanggal.

went to eat at laksa shack. tapi kecewa. laksa dia dah tak sesedap dulu. da lama tak makan kat laksa shack.dulu2 kalau makan kat laksa shack mmg sedap gila laksa assam dia.it used to be the second best assam laksa after the one in jusco midvalley.slurrrp, teringin sudah..huhu.

bedsheet hunting.oh,i'm a ring sling mummy now!hehe. it's the most comfortable type for me. and it's not that hard to use pun, seriously. people used to tell me that ring sling is for hard core baby wearing mummy & that a first timer wont be able to know how to use it. wrong. with proper instruction and guidance it is possible. thank you to lunatots for continous support!:)
oh, and aqeef skrg dia nak berdukung dgn mama dia saja ok. so the ring sling is the most important thing to bring when we go out now. i can hold him up to 2 hours! so far after 2 hours dia da tido da.n mmg betul, baby wearing ni buat baby lebih tenang and cepat tidur. tak meragam langsung. and i feel closer to aqeef jugak, that's the best part.

oh, tutti frutti!our first time rasa tutti frutti ni, sbb mak chu akip sibuk bising2, "na, belanja la tutti frutti na." setiap 5 menit. haha.lama2 masuk juga kami.tutti frutti sells self service frozen yogurt and they're delicious!

papa n aqeef tgh tunggu mama n mak chu pilih yogurt,tgk muka aqeef tergoda sudah.kat tutti frutti ni first we choose the container size that we want, small or big. and then we choose the yogurt that you want. you can mix everything! so we tried everything, but out of all the flavours i love the vanilla and chocolate the most. and the best part is the yogurt is low sugar and low fat.hehe.
after you choose the yogurt, you can choose your toppings plak! ada buah, chocolate rice, chocolate sauce, nuts. byk sgt lah! after that, you weigh, you pay and you eat!:) it's rm5.30 per 100g.

and this was ours. rm22 ok!hehe, but, worth every penny, sgt lazat tau, makan 4 org semua satisfied gila.aqeef yg paling happy, non stop dia makan, hehe.

tgk betapa besarnya bekas ice cream tu compared to aqeef. yummm! teringin sudah. definitely going to get more later!;)
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Saturday, December 18, 2010
jogging2 di hari sabtu
it's saturday!:)
we went for a quick jog at kota kemuning lake just now.papa aqeef, mak chu aqeef, kak yam aqeef, aqeef n mama semua jogging!

i was left behind by syafik n khalidah. boohoo!org yg konon2 pegi gym yg paling tak fit pls, haha.

lepas tu budak kecik tu yang tertinggal kat blkg pastu skodeng kami. haha.oh, masa kami bertiga jogging, aqeef ngan kakak maryam dok bagi ikan makan roti.

dah siap jogging, aqeef seronok jumpa mama, papa n makchu semula!:)

lepas jogging, mesti lah tambah kalori semula pls, ngehngeh. i shared tosai with my baby. aqeef ate half of it kot. aqeef, aqeef. tgk muka dia atas tu adalah bila mamak tu hantar roti canai n tosai ok. happy semacam kan?

da sampai umah, mak chu semangat nk timbang berat, aqeef melepek kat situ tak kasi org guna weighing machine, huhu.melekat ok, kalau angkat dia, melalak2 beratkan badan tarik2 machine tu.

ni da buka baju nak mandi pun nangis2 lagi, pastu biar dia bergerak bebas, dia cari machine ni gak. aqeef, aqeef.

all in all, had a great time jogging n eating out. maybe we should make it a point for the whole family to jog every week. ok, what to do next?shopping! and oh, to survey money changer mana yang paling murah rate tukaran dia. lps tu, shopping lagi!:)
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we went for a quick jog at kota kemuning lake just now.papa aqeef, mak chu aqeef, kak yam aqeef, aqeef n mama semua jogging!

i was left behind by syafik n khalidah. boohoo!org yg konon2 pegi gym yg paling tak fit pls, haha.

lepas tu budak kecik tu yang tertinggal kat blkg pastu skodeng kami. haha.oh, masa kami bertiga jogging, aqeef ngan kakak maryam dok bagi ikan makan roti.

dah siap jogging, aqeef seronok jumpa mama, papa n makchu semula!:)

lepas jogging, mesti lah tambah kalori semula pls, ngehngeh. i shared tosai with my baby. aqeef ate half of it kot. aqeef, aqeef. tgk muka dia atas tu adalah bila mamak tu hantar roti canai n tosai ok. happy semacam kan?

da sampai umah, mak chu semangat nk timbang berat, aqeef melepek kat situ tak kasi org guna weighing machine, huhu.melekat ok, kalau angkat dia, melalak2 beratkan badan tarik2 machine tu.

ni da buka baju nak mandi pun nangis2 lagi, pastu biar dia bergerak bebas, dia cari machine ni gak. aqeef, aqeef.

all in all, had a great time jogging n eating out. maybe we should make it a point for the whole family to jog every week. ok, what to do next?shopping! and oh, to survey money changer mana yang paling murah rate tukaran dia. lps tu, shopping lagi!:)
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Friday, December 17, 2010
free stuff, i like!:)

had my third session with my personal trainer today. need to write another post solely to explain about the stuff that i've learnt from her for future reference. weight trainings, appropriate cardio exercise, balance coordination training and stuff. too many to mention now. or rather, i'm too exhausted to even tap my phone now, hehe.
oh, got my complimentary stuff from the gym today!hoyeah!lagi semangat nak senaman ni. come on man, org malaysia mana yg tak suka benda free kan?hehe.
i got a bag, a face towel, an earphone & a water bottle, which i love the most!huhu. the funny thing is, i came home, put the bag on a table, and maryam came looking at the bag. analyzing the bag, she said "puan, bag baru ya? boleh buat bag susu aqeef" while smiling.banyak cikadak.penat2 je saya senaman baru dpt bag okeh.she's lucky i didnt ask her to drop down and give me 20 push-ups.huhu.
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aqeef's weight loss
aqeef and i have been struggling with our weight for as long as i can remember.(ok, tetibe libatkan aqeef yang tak bersalah, haha). aqeef was born 3.93kg and his weight kept increasing since. we were worried but syafik kept on comforting me by saying "jgn risau, baby gemuk takpe, comel apa, nanti dia da besar main bola dia kurus la".. ok, fine.
if my memory serves me well, the last time we measured his weight was when he's 8 months old. and at that time he was 13.5 kg!haha. when i mentioned his weight to other parents, it never fail to shock them to say the least.their 1 year plus babies would normally weigh less than 10kilos kot.hmmph.ok, takpe, as long as my baby's healthy(being a mum you have to find your own way to think positively, or else u'll spend your life worrying about your baby saja kot. my experience lah).
ok, so last night syafik measured aqeef's weight (sgt susah ok nk suruh dia stay still atas weighing machine tu.menari2 sakan, pastu gigit tgn papa la, haish aqeef bertuah ni..). and his current weight is 10kg!!!!!huhu. that's a tormendous weight loss!(gaya dave nuku bagi semangat kat biggest loser contestant pls). we were shocked but happy nonetheless. i was asking lots of questions "adakah saya bagi dia makanan dgn nutrisi yg betul?adakah bdn dia tak boleh absorb vitamin mineral semua properly?" and so on. and syafik's reply was " kita lelaki mmg macam ni kan kip?makan byk tapi aktif mmg tak gemuk kan kip? tak macam org perempuan kan kip, makan byk je lebih..". to which aqeef replied with a huge laugh. fine. i need a baby girl now pls.;p
the point here is that aqeef weighs 10kg now at 11 months & 17 days. same as his weight when he was 6 months old. still cannot decide whether i should be happy or worried.hehe.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010
unconditional love
yesterday i went home earlier than usual because i miss my baby(and i have to go to the gym jugak sbnrnya.haha).i arrived home, and was welcomed by a grin and a tight hug from aqeef.guess he missed me too. and i asked him while holding him in my arms, "aqeef rindu mama tak?", he looked deeply into my eyes for about 5secs, grinned the cutest grin ever and hug me tightly for about a minute or so.
thats what make being a mother so worthwhile. there. unconditional love. :)
oh, please dont let me forget this feeling.

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thats what make being a mother so worthwhile. there. unconditional love. :)
oh, please dont let me forget this feeling.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
grueling but exciting first step
i had my first training session with my oh-so-energetic personal trainer and my verdict.....i loved it!!!:) still loving the fact that i'm currently a member of a gym.a very stylish one i might add. i'm in love with my gym, everybody in the gym's friendly and i didnt see anybody i know there. plus point.haha.
i had to go through multiple tests yesterday in order to analyze my fitness and strength level. i failed miserably at all the tests(a no brainer kan?)but flexibility.hah? even my PT was shocked at my flexibility level.huhu.(i was shocked jugak initially but when i come to think of it maybe i've had enough training in terms of body flexibility kot,;p, ok mengarut).
and they also did some body fat analysis and it did not come as a surprise to me when they told me that my body fat is 52.6%.it means that most of my body adalah fat semata and its even more than my muscle and everything.haish, kinda scary aint it?but i'm glad that i've taken some measures to improve it instead of still staying put, denying all the obvious facts.
i'm going to have another session today!hooray, i'm loving it, albeit the fact that my fitness and strength level is of the same level of a dying 70 year old pun,;p. insyaAllah all that is going to change soon.
i had to go through multiple tests yesterday in order to analyze my fitness and strength level. i failed miserably at all the tests(a no brainer kan?)but flexibility.hah? even my PT was shocked at my flexibility level.huhu.(i was shocked jugak initially but when i come to think of it maybe i've had enough training in terms of body flexibility kot,;p, ok mengarut).
and they also did some body fat analysis and it did not come as a surprise to me when they told me that my body fat is 52.6%.it means that most of my body adalah fat semata and its even more than my muscle and everything.haish, kinda scary aint it?but i'm glad that i've taken some measures to improve it instead of still staying put, denying all the obvious facts.
i'm going to have another session today!hooray, i'm loving it, albeit the fact that my fitness and strength level is of the same level of a dying 70 year old pun,;p. insyaAllah all that is going to change soon.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
kampuchean engrish
ok, i just overheard my kampuchean maid teaching my baby boy " aqeef, one two chreee, semail....". hahahaha. normally i would say "aqeef, 1,2,3, smile...!" when i want to snap his picture.hahahaha.semail tu tak tahan.
her abc is even worse.she would sing "a,b,c,d,e,f,g....x,y,z,k,l,m,n" after g she'd jump straight to x. tu belum dia nampak aeroplane lagi, tetibe je, "aqeef,tengok atas tu ada kakebang!".
hancur vocab baby i u know.
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her abc is even worse.she would sing "a,b,c,d,e,f,g....x,y,z,k,l,m,n" after g she'd jump straight to x. tu belum dia nampak aeroplane lagi, tetibe je, "aqeef,tengok atas tu ada kakebang!".
hancur vocab baby i u know.
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its official now
alhamdulillah.one thing's settled.
new year, same ol' resolution but trying a different approach to achieve the target.

now let me enjoy my last prosperity burger first(ye ke last?haha). and oh oreo mudpie mcflurry, i love u. how am i going to survive without u?

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new year, same ol' resolution but trying a different approach to achieve the target.

now let me enjoy my last prosperity burger first(ye ke last?haha). and oh oreo mudpie mcflurry, i love u. how am i going to survive without u?

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abu bakar ellah saya belajar gosok gigi
aqeef has a new hairstyle. papa dia punya choice jugak. rambut aqeef adalah teritory papa ok, mama aqeef takleh kacau, duduk diam2 kat tepi. ok. tp i still have the right to laugh and comment kot kan. lps gunting rambut i call aqeef, abu, haha.n i couldnt stop laughing for a full 5 minutes kot. n papa's reply was "rambut lelaki ni mmg camtu after haircut horror sket, lepas tido n mandi baru ok nanti. tak macam rambut perempuan, pegi saloon bagai cantik, lepas sehari horror." boleh?baiklah papa.
we went to cut aqeef's hair kat shah alam mall by the way. ada kedai mamak kat basement tu. we had no other choice, all the other barber shops(seksyen 2, seksyen 4, kota kemuning) were closed, n maktok aqeef has been complaining about aqeef's fringe poking into his eyes for ages. so, shah alam mall pun, shah alam mall lah.
mula2 masuk kedai tu dia relax je, senyum2 kat uncle tu, pastu duduk atas riba papa, papa peluk dia, n uncle tu wrap dgn cloth kan muka senyum2 je. and then came the shaver. muka da cuak. bunyi je shaver tu, muka da jadi cam kat bawah ni, hehe. and lepas tu mmg melalak goyang2 kepala n badan nak lepaskan diri. this is the only picture i have of him kat barber shop tu pun.

sekarang, i present tu u, abu bakar aqeef!!!!hehe.

aqeef tgh belajar berus gigi guna normal tooth brush. all this while, gosok2 je gigi dia guna berus gigi getah baby tu je. smlm maktok aqeef belikan aqeef 2 berus gigi ok, semangat betul.

ni nak gosok gigi ni pun mama dia kena duduk depan pegang berus gigi sendiri n berus gigi juga. baru dia nak berus gigi dia. n dia tak bagi org lain pegang toothbrush dia ok. nk pegang sendiri juga.

semoga maktok aqeef berjaya mengajar aqeef memberus gigi dgn betul!;)
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we went to cut aqeef's hair kat shah alam mall by the way. ada kedai mamak kat basement tu. we had no other choice, all the other barber shops(seksyen 2, seksyen 4, kota kemuning) were closed, n maktok aqeef has been complaining about aqeef's fringe poking into his eyes for ages. so, shah alam mall pun, shah alam mall lah.
mula2 masuk kedai tu dia relax je, senyum2 kat uncle tu, pastu duduk atas riba papa, papa peluk dia, n uncle tu wrap dgn cloth kan muka senyum2 je. and then came the shaver. muka da cuak. bunyi je shaver tu, muka da jadi cam kat bawah ni, hehe. and lepas tu mmg melalak goyang2 kepala n badan nak lepaskan diri. this is the only picture i have of him kat barber shop tu pun.

sekarang, i present tu u, abu bakar aqeef!!!!hehe.

aqeef tgh belajar berus gigi guna normal tooth brush. all this while, gosok2 je gigi dia guna berus gigi getah baby tu je. smlm maktok aqeef belikan aqeef 2 berus gigi ok, semangat betul.

ni nak gosok gigi ni pun mama dia kena duduk depan pegang berus gigi sendiri n berus gigi juga. baru dia nak berus gigi dia. n dia tak bagi org lain pegang toothbrush dia ok. nk pegang sendiri juga.

semoga maktok aqeef berjaya mengajar aqeef memberus gigi dgn betul!;)
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