their booth just outside of giant's entrance. sgt suka ok, i went there twice da since yesterday. owner dia pun sgt cool dan baik2, the owner tu adik kepada puan haza, the owner of lunatots putrajaya.by the way, yesterday was gawking-at-the-new-colorful-diapers day and today, i dropped by to buy something for my baby.

all in one(aio) lunatots for aqeef. sgt tergoda dgn kaler dia. plus it uses hem insert instead of the normal microfiber which can keep my baby dry for 8hours instead of 4hours with the microfiber alone.thats the point of us buying it in the first place pun. malas nk bgn tgh malam tukar lampin aqeef. huhu. selalu aqeef akan bgn bila lampin dia da basah. bila tukar lampin dia tido balik. hopefully with the new cd, my baby can have uninterrupted sleep insyaAllah.
kalau ok bolehlah beli insert hem je lagi to be used with the current microfiber insert. actually nak beli hem insert je. tp takde stok, discuss2 dgn papa aqeef, we decided to buy one to try it out first.(padahal mama suka kaler yg chanteq2 tu. hui, smart gila pls, dalam kaler hitam, luar kaler lain).

sneak preview of the new lunatots on my baby.balik2 si kecik ni da melepek.sian dia tak sihat, batuk2 n selsema sampai maktok dia kena bawa pegi jumpa pakar kanak kanak. alhamdulillah nothing serious pun. dia bagi ubat yg kuat sket.tu yg melepek terus baby saya.
balik rumah, big baby pula teringin makan maggi kari.sian.. papa pun tak sihat, batuk plus selsema. oleh itu, masakkan lah maggi utk papa.

pastu pau sket maggi dari papa. ish ish ish.
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