so i surprised him with birthday present n card instead. aih, terharu baca ayat2 puitis i ke bang?lama benor membacanya.huhu.padahal dlm kad tu tulis "lps ni jgn lupa mop lantai, lipat baju, jaga aqeef eh".muahaha.

hadiah hari jadi papa. bergaduh2 dgn akip nk unwrap present ni.akip
nk makan hadiah papa. haha.

ini muka budak tak puas hati tak dpt makan hadiah papa.

lepas tu, kami berdating kat sunway pyramid.just the two of us. :) it felt nice, mcm masa study2 dulu keluar dua org, rasa mcm muda balik.huhu.we went to watch green hornet.3d ok. the movie was ok, takdelah best sgt. tak perlu tgk 3d kot. the best part about the movie was jay chou ngan cameron diaz je kot. oh cameron diaz, when can i have an evenly proportioned body like yours?tsk.then we went to have his birthday lunch at tony roma's.

the complimentary garlic bread. sgt sedap.the bread was crunchie outside and so soft inside. at first i thought the garlic spread was wasabi ok. haha.lps da tau berebut2 dgn si sapik nk makan.

ok, birthday boy happy, tetibe je tarik garlic bread to his side.hepp.tak baik pls.

and here's our starter. the onion loaf.yummeh.sgt sedap n besar ok!boleh makan 6 org kot. kitorang makan 2 org tak habis, kena tapau.

their 4 signature sauces.i love the smokey one.sgt sedap woo!

my drink, the cranberry cooler. erm, it was ok, nothing to shout about kot. i like the one in bubba gump better.

the birthday boy's dish. the bountiful roma's ribs served with steamed broccoli and mashed potatoes. TO-DIE-FOR!seriously, sgt sedap ok, berebut juga dgn sapik nk makan. the meat was so juicy and tender and it was nicely flavored too. sedap gila weh, the best ribs i've ever tasted. and the mash potatoes n broccoli pun sgt sedap. wah!i'm salivating just thinking about it.

and then, my dish came - the fish n fries.served with coleslaw.oh my goodness. the portion was so huge! tau tak pinggan hidang lauk kat rumah yg boleh serve 8 org tu?ah, sebesar tu lah. gilo ke hape?mmg tak dapeklah den nak perabihkan. i did not even touch my dish at all.haha.tapau lagi.ended up eating sapik's dish je. balik rumah, mak chu akip, atok n maktok akip tlg makan fisj n fries serta onion loaf.

muka birthday boy yg happy.sgt comel,:p belum tau lagi kejap lagi food dia nak kena attack dgn wife tersayang, ngehngeh.

oh, and syafik had their strawberry lemonade. i was so busy attacking his ribs, i forgot to take a sip.he said it was ok.

ada hati nak tgk dessert's menu.haha. we did not have any pun, perut da nak meletup.

after that went around the mall looking for accessories for papa's present.got one that papa really likes. and oh, went to maxis to settle some stuff and guess sapr kitorang jumpa.ayu raudhah dgn zakuan adha!huhu.ok, knp excited tah. i did not notice them pun, tetibe ada dgr sorang perempuan membebel2 dgn suara sgt nyaring kat tepi. so i glanced sideways to take a look and i saw her with her husband. mula2 tak perasan. dua kali tgk,eh handsomenya husband dia mcm zakuan adha. eh, mmg zakuan adha pls. kahkah. ayu raudhah was yapping away n zakuan looked so stressed out, muka monyok gila. n tetibe ada org cucuk2 perut kat tepi, "na, na, tgk sape tu.." haha.sapik pun sedar sudah. his comment, "ala, dia tak cantik macam rozita che wan" apekah?

papa aqeef with his birthday present. glad u liked it papa.
hope u had as much fun as i did.ke, saya syok sendiri?huhu.have a great year ahead ok bebeh?muacks.
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