i like his album above. my sister 'mistakenly' (yeah right) bought it, and now she's ashamed to even admit that she owns a bieber album.so now, i'm the proud owner of the album. and i love all the songs in the album.seriously. great songs for your morning ride to the office. will surely make you want to move and a great substitute for your morning caffeine.plus he's so cute and adorable.tambah 80 juta points.
does this make me a paedophile or something?erk.
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1 comment:
Haha omg dina i pun xde malu nak mengaku i suka dgr Justin Bieber's songs and i got his album too hahahaha! I kena influenced by anak2 buah i masa i gi visit them in UK last year.Lagipun Hamzah absolutely loves the "baby" song.Its our song when we dance together,i nyanyi ke dia sure dia senyum2 malu peluk i (aaawwww) miss him always when i am not with him ;)
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