today we went to empire shopping gallery, sapik wanted to buy swimming attire for our trip next week. surprisingly, they do not have enough swimming attire shop, or even enough sporting shop for that matter. it was utterly dissapointing.
tired from walking around the mall, we started to search for a place to have a quiet dinner. we headed towards italiannies, wanted to have their carbonara but as we stood in front of the entrance i had a sudden realization that the cheesy dish would be too much for my diet.;p poyo pls.
then we continued to walk around the mall searching for a place to eat. suddenly my eyes caught this "serai @empire". huhu. having read so many great(not good ok, GREAT) reviews about this restaurant, i jumped and ask syafik whether or not we can have out dinner there. laju aje dia ckp ok pls. dia kalau ada malay food, no problem saja.
reading the menu, wau. sgtlah menggoda plis. ada malay, chinese, middle east and even western food pun. sgt menggoda. and from my bloghopping activity, i've come to know that there are 5 must-try items when u dine at serai. nasi lemak, nasi kerabu,tom yam, nasi ambeng and their pavlova!since my family has been going to section three's serai for their delicious tom yam for as long as i can remember, we did not choose tomyam pun tadi.
we had their nasi kerabu and their sang har yin yong. huhu, as per recommended by my leader mr yap. we were talking about food the other day, and he said this is one of his favourites. so, when i saw that they have the dish there, sgt teruja ok. order sokmo.

awwwww.....great line. saya suka.huhu.

my babies, killing the time while
waiting for the food to arrive.

my yin yong. sgt lazat ok. its actually kueh tiau combined with crispy fried meehoon served with egg gravy and prawn!sgt puas hati i makan ok. seperti biasa berebut dgn

nasi kerabu! sgt lazat pls. i dont quite like nasi kerabi sbb sayur2 dia mmg tak dpt diterima tekak.tapi ayam percik dia sgt lazat weh. saya suka! dok la pau ayam si sapik ni ha. and the dish came with extra gravy on the side.coolness. da la sedap.

oh, the highlight of our dinner. their pavlova. simply heavenly. ini tergoda dgn mak hanis zalikha punya blog la ni, haish, hancur diet pun hancurlah. i couldnt care less. i had pavlova only once before, it was delicious' but because it was a bluberry flavoured one(i dont quite like bluberry u see), i didnt quite like it previously. but this one, mmmmm, sgt lazat menjilat jari i tell u.

aqeef da siap buka puting sbb nk makan pavlova.oh, mulut yg mcm bertahi lalat padahal kena gigit binatang, bilalah nak hilang. sebagai kenang2an nk post jugak kat sini. tapi tolong lah sembuh sebelum our holiday this friday.tsktsk.
wah, sgt berpuas hati ok dgn dinner kami hari ini.esok mesti duduk kat gym 3 jam. duduk je, tgk tv, bkn workout pon. at least kurang kot rasa bersalah makan pavlova kan. dgn harapan kalori semua terburn dgn sendirilah nordina?haish. apo nak jadi ekau ni jang?
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