i stayed back in the office til 8.30pm just now. had a great time with colleagues striving to complete all tasks given by our big boss despite kena belasah kaw kaw punya. knp lagi semangat lps kena belasah we'll never know.
sampai rumah arnd 9 lebih sket, tgk2 muhammad aqeef demam panas. berderau darah saya, terus menangis tgk dia lemah je. menyesal sbb siapkan keje kat opis tadi, sedangkan anak kat rumah demam panas.:( aqeef penyek je baring waktu mama balik tadi. bila dia bau mama, dia buka mata, nampak mama dia n cakap "mama...." and grabbed my little finger tightly. hancur luluh jantung saya.ya Allah kalau boleh sakit anakku ini disalurkan kepada diriku, salurkanlah ya Allah, jangan lah kau sakiti anakku ya Allah.. Allah saja yg tahu perasaan seorang mama tgk anak dia sakit. jantung macam kena tusuk pedang.:(
nobody told me aqeef demam the whole day maybe sbb tahu saya byk keje. walaupun saya tahu aqeef di bawah jagaan org2 yg saya sgt percaya tapi saya still rasa terkilan sbb tak balik awal n jaga aqeef sendiri. rasa bersalah sgt2 kat aqeef skrg ni. maktok aqeef kata satu hari dia tak tidur sbb badan panas sgt, n tghari minum susu, dia muntah balik sbb nk buang panas my mom kata. minta2 esok oklah. insyaAllah.
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Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
ice cream di malam buta

yup, went out with aqeef n mak ngah aqeef just now to satisfy my craving for frozen yogurt. tp tak larat nk gi jauh2. so the next best thing adalah ice cream kat 100 yen shop kat kota kemuning ni je.ngehngeh. boleh tidur dgn aman skrg.alhamdulillah.:)
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its that time of the month
i have been craving for sweet stuff all weekends long and my body does not accept no for an answer. have been stuffing myself with sweet things since yesterday. no rice or other heavy food, but lots of ice cream, ribena, jellies, cranberry cooler and chocolates.
and oh, hubby got 5 of his teeth taken out last friday. sgtlah kesian tgk dia. first time kena operate kata dia. and for that matter, his first time kena amik darah bagai. bising la ckp "oh, darah saya dah tak virgin lagi". haha. hampeh. pastu dari hari jumaat dok diam je sbb mulut bengkak n sakit lagi. sian dia. da la dia mmg jenis tak byk ckp, lepas operate lagi jadi bisu.
so hari ni dok umah je, tak seronok nak jalan2 takde sapik. sgt kagum dgn diri sendiri sbb dok umah masak utk suami pls. eh tapi smlm keluar jugak dgn my sisters n nephews pegi ikea.sapik tersadai kat umah,huhu.sapik kata pergilah sbb da lama tak kuar dgn mereka.tp si aiman bising, "besar2 mcm ni, semua perabot je ke?nak makan kat mana ni?aiman laparlah".haha. pastu dia yg paling seronok dgn perabot2 tu.

aiman n anuar feeling jadi king ke hape ni. pastu sibuk la jerit2 "aunty dina!amik gambar pls!!"

aunty dina, knp kerusi ni ada bumbung?muahahaha.so cute.

nampak aje mainan budak2 ni tau. dok sini je da berapa lama.

deciding which chair to buy for mak ngah.

"aunty dina, tgk ni, aiman mati!" aiman said. and then anwar came and said "anwar nak mati juga!", huhu

"aiman nak jadi baby duduk dlm stroller aqeef. apa kata aunty dina dukung je aqeef?"

aqeef lari duduk dgn mak ngah dia. good boy.dia tak byk ragam pun, tgk je abg2 dia lari sana sini.

aqeef belajar dari abg aiman cara2 panjat gunung konon2nya.

pastu dia panjat sendiri bila org tak layan dia. haish.cpt je dia belajar.

aqeef main panjat2 katil n bam2 taknak bangun sbb katil ikea kan sgt comfortable n fluffy. oh sgt tak bersih kan sbnrnya, da berapa ramai org baring situ tah.huhu.
tp seronok lah smlm. we had a great time dgn abg2 aqeef. tp keluar dgn 4 boys mmg sgt memenatkan ok. seronok tp memenatkan. no wonder my sister jarang keluar n kalau nk keluar pun kena bawa aunty2 mereka ni ha. huhu.
uwaa, nk teringin tutti frutti ni. tp the nearest one would be kat sunway.tak daya nk ke sana semata2 utk froyo. no no no. tsk tsk tsk esok isnin. dreading it more than ever. mcm ada feeling nk kena belasah the whole week saja.:(
well, selamat hari isnin to all.
and oh, hubby got 5 of his teeth taken out last friday. sgtlah kesian tgk dia. first time kena operate kata dia. and for that matter, his first time kena amik darah bagai. bising la ckp "oh, darah saya dah tak virgin lagi". haha. hampeh. pastu dari hari jumaat dok diam je sbb mulut bengkak n sakit lagi. sian dia. da la dia mmg jenis tak byk ckp, lepas operate lagi jadi bisu.
so hari ni dok umah je, tak seronok nak jalan2 takde sapik. sgt kagum dgn diri sendiri sbb dok umah masak utk suami pls. eh tapi smlm keluar jugak dgn my sisters n nephews pegi ikea.sapik tersadai kat umah,huhu.sapik kata pergilah sbb da lama tak kuar dgn mereka.tp si aiman bising, "besar2 mcm ni, semua perabot je ke?nak makan kat mana ni?aiman laparlah".haha. pastu dia yg paling seronok dgn perabot2 tu.

aiman n anuar feeling jadi king ke hape ni. pastu sibuk la jerit2 "aunty dina!amik gambar pls!!"

aunty dina, knp kerusi ni ada bumbung?muahahaha.so cute.

nampak aje mainan budak2 ni tau. dok sini je da berapa lama.

deciding which chair to buy for mak ngah.

"aunty dina, tgk ni, aiman mati!" aiman said. and then anwar came and said "anwar nak mati juga!", huhu

"aiman nak jadi baby duduk dlm stroller aqeef. apa kata aunty dina dukung je aqeef?"

aqeef lari duduk dgn mak ngah dia. good boy.dia tak byk ragam pun, tgk je abg2 dia lari sana sini.

aqeef belajar dari abg aiman cara2 panjat gunung konon2nya.

pastu dia panjat sendiri bila org tak layan dia. haish.cpt je dia belajar.

aqeef main panjat2 katil n bam2 taknak bangun sbb katil ikea kan sgt comfortable n fluffy. oh sgt tak bersih kan sbnrnya, da berapa ramai org baring situ tah.huhu.
tp seronok lah smlm. we had a great time dgn abg2 aqeef. tp keluar dgn 4 boys mmg sgt memenatkan ok. seronok tp memenatkan. no wonder my sister jarang keluar n kalau nk keluar pun kena bawa aunty2 mereka ni ha. huhu.
uwaa, nk teringin tutti frutti ni. tp the nearest one would be kat sunway.tak daya nk ke sana semata2 utk froyo. no no no. tsk tsk tsk esok isnin. dreading it more than ever. mcm ada feeling nk kena belasah the whole week saja.:(
well, selamat hari isnin to all.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
aqeef si pengemas
semalam tgh lunch kat kantin, tetibe ada bunyi sms. received an sms from mak tok aqeef "aqeef rajin keje rumah-kalau tak mengelap, menyapu".

hahahahahahaha. i laughed my heart out masa tu jugak. kesian anak saya kena dera dgn maktok sendiri pls.

siap hantar mms gambar atas ni pls.dah la kena sapu lantai satu rumah, seluar pun takde.pakai lampin je. sian anak saya.;p
tp aqeef skrg mmg suka membersihkan benda. sapu sampah, mop lantai, lap2 habuk kat lantai dan perabot bagai. hari tu nanny aqeef pegi hatyai belikan aqeef baju comel pastu dia ambil baju tu dia lap tangga n lantai. haha, mengamuk nanny ok.;p
kakak maryam dia angkat kain baju kering dari ampaian, tercicir underwear mama dia, dia ikut blkg, kutip underwear mama n lap lantai. T-T.
kalau dia nampak benda bersepah, dia susun benda tu jugak. hari tu tgh makan, ada botol kicap, sos2 atas meja bersepah2 kedudukannya, dia susun kasi alligned botol2 tu. sejuk perut mama mengandungkan akip.
haish. maktok kata maybe terkenan perangai mama dia suka berkemas masa mengandung.bagus2 bersih rumah i nanti dpt anak suka mengemas, huhu.
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hahahahahahaha. i laughed my heart out masa tu jugak. kesian anak saya kena dera dgn maktok sendiri pls.

siap hantar mms gambar atas ni pls.dah la kena sapu lantai satu rumah, seluar pun takde.pakai lampin je. sian anak saya.;p
tp aqeef skrg mmg suka membersihkan benda. sapu sampah, mop lantai, lap2 habuk kat lantai dan perabot bagai. hari tu nanny aqeef pegi hatyai belikan aqeef baju comel pastu dia ambil baju tu dia lap tangga n lantai. haha, mengamuk nanny ok.;p
kakak maryam dia angkat kain baju kering dari ampaian, tercicir underwear mama dia, dia ikut blkg, kutip underwear mama n lap lantai. T-T.
kalau dia nampak benda bersepah, dia susun benda tu jugak. hari tu tgh makan, ada botol kicap, sos2 atas meja bersepah2 kedudukannya, dia susun kasi alligned botol2 tu. sejuk perut mama mengandungkan akip.
haish. maktok kata maybe terkenan perangai mama dia suka berkemas masa mengandung.bagus2 bersih rumah i nanti dpt anak suka mengemas, huhu.
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Wednesday, February 23, 2011
tension dgn org yang dia tak puas hati bila dia senang kalau org lain tak susah. ada org asalkan dia senang, dia tak pedulik org lain. ada org kalau dia susah, org lain pun kena susah sekali dgn dia. sat yang ni ni, bila dia senang, dia takkan cukup senang selagi org lain tak susah. hayooo. buruk perangai. rasanya nak pelangkung je.(padahal nak nangis je bila terkena dgn org mcm ni,:(. tsk tsk). mudahkanlah ya Allah..
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Friday, February 18, 2011
i am currently in lcct waiting to board my second flight ever to phuket!i am so excited albeit the fact that mama woke me up at 3 in the morning,:p

i hv to look after our luggage now . papa's buying coffee for cranky mama. hehe. bye2 now.
-aqeef danish,:)
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i hv to look after our luggage now . papa's buying coffee for cranky mama. hehe. bye2 now.
-aqeef danish,:)
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Monday, February 14, 2011
my aqeef at thirteen and a half months.

he demanded his very own power-size fruit juice. he held it tightly ok, sipping it non-stop while strolling around empire yesterday. at least it's natural fruit juice and it kept him from shouting out loud. whatever u want, my darling baby.
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Sunday, February 13, 2011
dekat2 dgn 14february ni kan. love pun keluar. there are many types of love. love for your family, love for your friends, love for your country and also, love for food!:) saya suka plis. i love food. i'm currently controlling my diet, but that does not stop me from hunting good food.ngehngeh. makan sesudu pun kira makan juga kan. biar sapik n akip makan yg lain, ngehngeh.
today we went to empire shopping gallery, sapik wanted to buy swimming attire for our trip next week. surprisingly, they do not have enough swimming attire shop, or even enough sporting shop for that matter. it was utterly dissapointing.
tired from walking around the mall, we started to search for a place to have a quiet dinner. we headed towards italiannies, wanted to have their carbonara but as we stood in front of the entrance i had a sudden realization that the cheesy dish would be too much for my diet.;p poyo pls.
then we continued to walk around the mall searching for a place to eat. suddenly my eyes caught this "serai @empire". huhu. having read so many great(not good ok, GREAT) reviews about this restaurant, i jumped and ask syafik whether or not we can have out dinner there. laju aje dia ckp ok pls. dia kalau ada malay food, no problem saja.
reading the menu, wau. sgtlah menggoda plis. ada malay, chinese, middle east and even western food pun. sgt menggoda. and from my bloghopping activity, i've come to know that there are 5 must-try items when u dine at serai. nasi lemak, nasi kerabu,tom yam, nasi ambeng and their pavlova!since my family has been going to section three's serai for their delicious tom yam for as long as i can remember, we did not choose tomyam pun tadi.
we had their nasi kerabu and their sang har yin yong. huhu, as per recommended by my leader mr yap. we were talking about food the other day, and he said this is one of his favourites. so, when i saw that they have the dish there, sgt teruja ok. order sokmo.

awwwww.....great line. saya suka.huhu.

my babies, killing the time while
waiting for the food to arrive.

my yin yong. sgt lazat ok. its actually kueh tiau combined with crispy fried meehoon served with egg gravy and prawn!sgt puas hati i makan ok. seperti biasa berebut dgn akip.lol.

nasi kerabu! sgt lazat pls. i dont quite like nasi kerabi sbb sayur2 dia mmg tak dpt diterima tekak.tapi ayam percik dia sgt lazat weh. saya suka! dok la pau ayam si sapik ni ha. and the dish came with extra gravy on the side.coolness. da la sedap.

oh, the highlight of our dinner. their pavlova. simply heavenly. ini tergoda dgn mak hanis zalikha punya blog la ni, haish, hancur diet pun hancurlah. i couldnt care less. i had pavlova only once before, it was delicious' but because it was a bluberry flavoured one(i dont quite like bluberry u see), i didnt quite like it previously. but this one, mmmmm, sgt lazat menjilat jari i tell u.

aqeef da siap buka puting sbb nk makan pavlova.oh, mulut yg mcm bertahi lalat padahal kena gigit binatang, bilalah nak hilang. sebagai kenang2an nk post jugak kat sini. tapi tolong lah sembuh sebelum our holiday this friday.tsktsk.
wah, sgt berpuas hati ok dgn dinner kami hari ini.esok mesti duduk kat gym 3 jam. duduk je, tgk tv, bkn workout pon. at least kurang kot rasa bersalah makan pavlova kan. dgn harapan kalori semua terburn dgn sendirilah nordina?haish. apo nak jadi ekau ni jang?
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today we went to empire shopping gallery, sapik wanted to buy swimming attire for our trip next week. surprisingly, they do not have enough swimming attire shop, or even enough sporting shop for that matter. it was utterly dissapointing.
tired from walking around the mall, we started to search for a place to have a quiet dinner. we headed towards italiannies, wanted to have their carbonara but as we stood in front of the entrance i had a sudden realization that the cheesy dish would be too much for my diet.;p poyo pls.
then we continued to walk around the mall searching for a place to eat. suddenly my eyes caught this "serai @empire". huhu. having read so many great(not good ok, GREAT) reviews about this restaurant, i jumped and ask syafik whether or not we can have out dinner there. laju aje dia ckp ok pls. dia kalau ada malay food, no problem saja.
reading the menu, wau. sgtlah menggoda plis. ada malay, chinese, middle east and even western food pun. sgt menggoda. and from my bloghopping activity, i've come to know that there are 5 must-try items when u dine at serai. nasi lemak, nasi kerabu,tom yam, nasi ambeng and their pavlova!since my family has been going to section three's serai for their delicious tom yam for as long as i can remember, we did not choose tomyam pun tadi.
we had their nasi kerabu and their sang har yin yong. huhu, as per recommended by my leader mr yap. we were talking about food the other day, and he said this is one of his favourites. so, when i saw that they have the dish there, sgt teruja ok. order sokmo.

awwwww.....great line. saya suka.huhu.

my babies, killing the time while
waiting for the food to arrive.

my yin yong. sgt lazat ok. its actually kueh tiau combined with crispy fried meehoon served with egg gravy and prawn!sgt puas hati i makan ok. seperti biasa berebut dgn akip.lol.

nasi kerabu! sgt lazat pls. i dont quite like nasi kerabi sbb sayur2 dia mmg tak dpt diterima tekak.tapi ayam percik dia sgt lazat weh. saya suka! dok la pau ayam si sapik ni ha. and the dish came with extra gravy on the side.coolness. da la sedap.

oh, the highlight of our dinner. their pavlova. simply heavenly. ini tergoda dgn mak hanis zalikha punya blog la ni, haish, hancur diet pun hancurlah. i couldnt care less. i had pavlova only once before, it was delicious' but because it was a bluberry flavoured one(i dont quite like bluberry u see), i didnt quite like it previously. but this one, mmmmm, sgt lazat menjilat jari i tell u.

aqeef da siap buka puting sbb nk makan pavlova.oh, mulut yg mcm bertahi lalat padahal kena gigit binatang, bilalah nak hilang. sebagai kenang2an nk post jugak kat sini. tapi tolong lah sembuh sebelum our holiday this friday.tsktsk.
wah, sgt berpuas hati ok dgn dinner kami hari ini.esok mesti duduk kat gym 3 jam. duduk je, tgk tv, bkn workout pon. at least kurang kot rasa bersalah makan pavlova kan. dgn harapan kalori semua terburn dgn sendirilah nordina?haish. apo nak jadi ekau ni jang?
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Thursday, February 10, 2011
happy mc day!:)
hari ni saya mc. mulut bengkak gila. malu nak gi opis. mcm ada kena gigit benda kot hari isnin malam hari tu. terjaga sbb kena sengat mende tah. tapi sambung gak tido. esok pagi2nya dia bengkak sebijik kat that upper lip part. lepas tu dia semakin mengembang mcm penuh air n smlm dia pecah. oh, sakitnya yang amat.
smlm saiz dia mcm duit seposen je, tp still sgt obvious to the point bila org ckp dgn saya akan pandang2 mulut n ada juga yang dok2 kesat mulut, as if to tell me that i have something on my mouth, and that i have to wipe it off.lol.even encik bos pun dok tgk2 mulut saya bila ckp dgn saya sbb sgt obvious n menggelilan kot.huhu.kesian mereka. tapi sekesian kesian mereka, kesian lagi saya.sakit yg amat ok, mcm ada cili melekat kat situ, pijar gila. so i went to the factory's in house clinic n the doctor gave me bonjela and another anti viral creme.so ok, settle la konon.
bgn pagi tadi ia telah menjadi sgt besar mcm duit dua puluh sen n seluruh mulut mcm bengkak semacam. oh, tidak mungkin saya akan pergi ke ofis sebegitu ya encik, lantas saya mengsms leader kesayangan untuk memberitahu tentang cuti sakit saya dan dia mereply "take care". oh, kurang sket kesakitan saya. oh poyo.
apa saya buat sesudah itu?saya pergi klinik. doktor pun kesian tgk saya.dan dia memahami kesakitan saya. lantas diberi mc dan ubat. dia bertanya, nak sehari ke 2 hari? lantas saya menjawab "tak kisahlah doktor nak bagi berapa2 hari pun" - ikhlas, jujur
dan poyo lagi di situ. muahaha. bila dpt mc, dia bagi 2 hari. muahaha lagi.
tapi dia suruh pegi buat checkup-ambil darah n whatnot kat hospital klang. to ensure nothing's wrong with my body. double check ke hape tah. lantas saya berfikir "oh no, scary merry hospital klang.da la ramai org." balik2 terus beritahu emak that i have to go to hospital klang, she made a few calls, and i have an appoinment to see one of her friends at 2, takyah ambil nombor ke hape.muahahaha.happy di situ.
lepas balik dari klinik, pegi jalan2 dgn akip kat econsave. sbb sakit mulut ni saya takde selera nak makan lauk2, nasi2 ke hape(padahal kalau makan sakit mulut, ada hati nak cakap takde selera konon). tgk2 kat dapur ada fruit cocktail, jeli nona ngan laici dlm tin. jadi teringin nak makan jeli buah2an. tapi takde susu cair. so off we went to econsave.beli susu cair dan groceries juga.+

oh no, akip da nampak kereta mainan bunyi2. mari distract dia.

ok, vitagen menjadi distraction yg paling bagus. angkat saja ke muka dia.sgt berkesan.

oh no. da ada vitagen pun tgk kereta mainan juga. ok, balik skrg.

oh, sedapnya breakfast cum
lunch saya. berebut2 nk makan dgn baby akip saya.oh sungguh tak berkhasiat makanan saya hari ini. gula semata.muahahaha.
lupa diri mulut bengkak lagi. ouch. tapi sbb mcm tak sakit pun hari ni, mengada lebih malu nk gi opis sbb mulut bengkak je,nampaknya kena pegi keje esok.(padahal sbrnya byk keje dead line esok tak siap lagi,ngehngeh).semoga cpt sembuh ok diri sendiri, insyaAllah.
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smlm saiz dia mcm duit seposen je, tp still sgt obvious to the point bila org ckp dgn saya akan pandang2 mulut n ada juga yang dok2 kesat mulut, as if to tell me that i have something on my mouth, and that i have to wipe it off.lol.even encik bos pun dok tgk2 mulut saya bila ckp dgn saya sbb sgt obvious n menggelilan kot.huhu.kesian mereka. tapi sekesian kesian mereka, kesian lagi saya.sakit yg amat ok, mcm ada cili melekat kat situ, pijar gila. so i went to the factory's in house clinic n the doctor gave me bonjela and another anti viral creme.so ok, settle la konon.
bgn pagi tadi ia telah menjadi sgt besar mcm duit dua puluh sen n seluruh mulut mcm bengkak semacam. oh, tidak mungkin saya akan pergi ke ofis sebegitu ya encik, lantas saya mengsms leader kesayangan untuk memberitahu tentang cuti sakit saya dan dia mereply "take care". oh, kurang sket kesakitan saya. oh poyo.
apa saya buat sesudah itu?saya pergi klinik. doktor pun kesian tgk saya.dan dia memahami kesakitan saya. lantas diberi mc dan ubat. dia bertanya, nak sehari ke 2 hari? lantas saya menjawab "tak kisahlah doktor nak bagi berapa2 hari pun" - ikhlas, jujur
dan poyo lagi di situ. muahaha. bila dpt mc, dia bagi 2 hari. muahaha lagi.
tapi dia suruh pegi buat checkup-ambil darah n whatnot kat hospital klang. to ensure nothing's wrong with my body. double check ke hape tah. lantas saya berfikir "oh no, scary merry hospital klang.da la ramai org." balik2 terus beritahu emak that i have to go to hospital klang, she made a few calls, and i have an appoinment to see one of her friends at 2, takyah ambil nombor ke hape.muahahaha.happy di situ.
lepas balik dari klinik, pegi jalan2 dgn akip kat econsave. sbb sakit mulut ni saya takde selera nak makan lauk2, nasi2 ke hape(padahal kalau makan sakit mulut, ada hati nak cakap takde selera konon). tgk2 kat dapur ada fruit cocktail, jeli nona ngan laici dlm tin. jadi teringin nak makan jeli buah2an. tapi takde susu cair. so off we went to econsave.beli susu cair dan groceries juga.+

oh no, akip da nampak kereta mainan bunyi2. mari distract dia.

ok, vitagen menjadi distraction yg paling bagus. angkat saja ke muka dia.sgt berkesan.

oh no. da ada vitagen pun tgk kereta mainan juga. ok, balik skrg.

oh, sedapnya breakfast cum
lunch saya. berebut2 nk makan dgn baby akip saya.oh sungguh tak berkhasiat makanan saya hari ini. gula semata.muahahaha.
lupa diri mulut bengkak lagi. ouch. tapi sbb mcm tak sakit pun hari ni, mengada lebih malu nk gi opis sbb mulut bengkak je,nampaknya kena pegi keje esok.(padahal sbrnya byk keje dead line esok tak siap lagi,ngehngeh).semoga cpt sembuh ok diri sendiri, insyaAllah.
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Wednesday, February 09, 2011
sambal gudang
i called the house on my way back from the office last two nights and maryam answered the phone.
saya : maryam, mak saya masak apa hari ni?
maryam : lauk lemak ikan, sup ayam, sambal gudang...
saya : apa dia?sambal apa?
maryam : sambal gudang
saya: sambal apa?(sambil gelak2 da ni).
maryam : sambal gudang.sambal gudang. puan tak dgr ke?
saya seorang yang kejam,but i couldnt help it. sian maryam.udang jadi gudang.definitely need to teach her proper vocab.soon.
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saya : maryam, mak saya masak apa hari ni?
maryam : lauk lemak ikan, sup ayam, sambal gudang...
saya : apa dia?sambal apa?
maryam : sambal gudang
saya: sambal apa?(sambil gelak2 da ni).
maryam : sambal gudang.sambal gudang. puan tak dgr ke?
saya seorang yang kejam,but i couldnt help it. sian maryam.udang jadi gudang.definitely need to teach her proper vocab.soon.
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bieber fever
i love justin bieber. whats not to love?great hair, cute voice and face, great dance movement, catchy songs. he has the package kot. i guess what i'm trying to say is, i get why millions of people love him. he has the 'it' factors.

i like his album above. my sister 'mistakenly' (yeah right) bought it, and now she's ashamed to even admit that she owns a bieber album.so now, i'm the proud owner of the album. and i love all the songs in the album.seriously. great songs for your morning ride to the office. will surely make you want to move and a great substitute for your morning caffeine.plus he's so cute and adorable.tambah 80 juta points.
does this make me a paedophile or something?erk.
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i like his album above. my sister 'mistakenly' (yeah right) bought it, and now she's ashamed to even admit that she owns a bieber album.so now, i'm the proud owner of the album. and i love all the songs in the album.seriously. great songs for your morning ride to the office. will surely make you want to move and a great substitute for your morning caffeine.plus he's so cute and adorable.tambah 80 juta points.
does this make me a paedophile or something?erk.
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Tuesday, February 08, 2011
scary facts on disposable diapers
ok, i found this article in this cool blog about cloth diaper.
Why Cloth Diapers?
Cloth diapers were the norm before the late 1940's when disposable diapers were invented. By the 1970's cloth was out and disposables were in. By the late 1990's a wide variety of studies had been published showing the ill-effects of disposable diapers on our environment and health. Consumers became concerned that disposable diapers could not be recycled, were adding a considerable amount of waste to our landfills, were polluting natural resources and contained potentially toxic chemicals linked to health issues. Cloth diapers began making a comeback and cloth diaper companies cropped up to satisfy consumer demand. The multi-billion dollar disposable diaper industry took steps to reassure consumers that disposable diapers were safe but the campaigns were not very effective. One company ended up paying fines to consumer protection agencies because of misleading statements and false advertising related to their claims. [1]
Setting aside all debates over the environmental and health concerns of disposable diapers, there are some obvious advantages to using cloth diapers over disposables. We know that cloth diapers are:
Free of absorbent chemicals and by-products of disposable diaper manufacturing.
Safe and healthy
Cheaper than disposables
Helpful with avoiding diaper rashes
Easy to clean
More comfortable for a baby's bottom
Fun to buy and even more fun to sew!
There are also a few things that we know for sure about disposable diapers. Many contain chemicals that we can't help but wonder if are safe to be next to a developing baby's skin. Many disposables contain:
Sodium Polyacrylate: The "super absorbent layer" in most disposable diapers contains sodium polyacrylate, a highly absorbent material that can absorb more than 200 times its weight and hold it in a gooey gel. But is it worth it? In 1985 this material was banned from being used in tampons because it was linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome. The gooey gel formed during the absorption process can stick to a baby's skin and cause skin irritations and infections (the diaper rash that won't go away!) Plus, the chemical is just plain dangerous. Children who have accidentally ingested as little as 5 grams (1 heaping teaspoon!) of sodium polyacrylate have died.
Dioxin: Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all carcinogens. It has been associated with cancer, liver disease, miscarriage, immune-system depression, birth defects, and genetic damage in a variety of laboratory animals. It is a by-product of the bleaching process used in the disposable diaper-making industry. It is banned in many countries but not in the US.
Tirbutyltin (TBT): This chemical has been found in disposable diapers. It is a toxic chemical that can disrupt the hormonal system. It has a negative impact on our environment.
We also know that disposable diapers, outranked only by newspapers and food/beverage containers, account for more than 2% of landfill waste. We also know that most disposable diaper consumers do not dispose of the solid waste in the diapers before throwing them away. Disposing human waste in our landfills is an environmental health hazard and disease concern.
If cloth diapers save consumers money, are likely better for the environment and the health of our children, why are disposables so popular? The simple answer is perceived convenience! However, if you haven't considered cloth because you thought it would be too hard or inconvenient, take some time to reconsider. Cloth diapers have evolved! There are many kinds of diapers and fabrics to choose from. You can buy commercial cloth diapers or support WAHMs (work-at-home moms) who make them. Using and taking care of cloth diapers is probably a lot easier than you think - and it will save you money in the long run.
i will stop using disposable diaper insyaAllah.not even for the 3-diapers a week when we go out with aqeef.the dioxin part striked something inside me.i dont want my baby to be exposed to that kind of hazardous chemicals.not if i can help it.no.
Why Cloth Diapers?
Cloth diapers were the norm before the late 1940's when disposable diapers were invented. By the 1970's cloth was out and disposables were in. By the late 1990's a wide variety of studies had been published showing the ill-effects of disposable diapers on our environment and health. Consumers became concerned that disposable diapers could not be recycled, were adding a considerable amount of waste to our landfills, were polluting natural resources and contained potentially toxic chemicals linked to health issues. Cloth diapers began making a comeback and cloth diaper companies cropped up to satisfy consumer demand. The multi-billion dollar disposable diaper industry took steps to reassure consumers that disposable diapers were safe but the campaigns were not very effective. One company ended up paying fines to consumer protection agencies because of misleading statements and false advertising related to their claims. [1]
Setting aside all debates over the environmental and health concerns of disposable diapers, there are some obvious advantages to using cloth diapers over disposables. We know that cloth diapers are:
Free of absorbent chemicals and by-products of disposable diaper manufacturing.
Safe and healthy
Cheaper than disposables
Helpful with avoiding diaper rashes
Easy to clean
More comfortable for a baby's bottom
Fun to buy and even more fun to sew!
There are also a few things that we know for sure about disposable diapers. Many contain chemicals that we can't help but wonder if are safe to be next to a developing baby's skin. Many disposables contain:
Sodium Polyacrylate: The "super absorbent layer" in most disposable diapers contains sodium polyacrylate, a highly absorbent material that can absorb more than 200 times its weight and hold it in a gooey gel. But is it worth it? In 1985 this material was banned from being used in tampons because it was linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome. The gooey gel formed during the absorption process can stick to a baby's skin and cause skin irritations and infections (the diaper rash that won't go away!) Plus, the chemical is just plain dangerous. Children who have accidentally ingested as little as 5 grams (1 heaping teaspoon!) of sodium polyacrylate have died.
Dioxin: Dioxin is listed by the EPA as the most toxic of all carcinogens. It has been associated with cancer, liver disease, miscarriage, immune-system depression, birth defects, and genetic damage in a variety of laboratory animals. It is a by-product of the bleaching process used in the disposable diaper-making industry. It is banned in many countries but not in the US.
Tirbutyltin (TBT): This chemical has been found in disposable diapers. It is a toxic chemical that can disrupt the hormonal system. It has a negative impact on our environment.
We also know that disposable diapers, outranked only by newspapers and food/beverage containers, account for more than 2% of landfill waste. We also know that most disposable diaper consumers do not dispose of the solid waste in the diapers before throwing them away. Disposing human waste in our landfills is an environmental health hazard and disease concern.
If cloth diapers save consumers money, are likely better for the environment and the health of our children, why are disposables so popular? The simple answer is perceived convenience! However, if you haven't considered cloth because you thought it would be too hard or inconvenient, take some time to reconsider. Cloth diapers have evolved! There are many kinds of diapers and fabrics to choose from. You can buy commercial cloth diapers or support WAHMs (work-at-home moms) who make them. Using and taking care of cloth diapers is probably a lot easier than you think - and it will save you money in the long run.
i will stop using disposable diaper insyaAllah.not even for the 3-diapers a week when we go out with aqeef.the dioxin part striked something inside me.i dont want my baby to be exposed to that kind of hazardous chemicals.not if i can help it.no.
Monday, February 07, 2011
lunatots in giant kota kemuning!
wooot!they've finally opened a lunatots outlet in kota kemuning!huhu. well its actually still a booth, but they told me they're looking for a potential permanent shop around here.yeay!

their booth just outside of giant's entrance. sgt suka ok, i went there twice da since yesterday. owner dia pun sgt cool dan baik2, the owner tu adik kepada puan haza, the owner of lunatots putrajaya.by the way, yesterday was gawking-at-the-new-colorful-diapers day and today, i dropped by to buy something for my baby.

all in one(aio) lunatots for aqeef. sgt tergoda dgn kaler dia. plus it uses hem insert instead of the normal microfiber which can keep my baby dry for 8hours instead of 4hours with the microfiber alone.thats the point of us buying it in the first place pun. malas nk bgn tgh malam tukar lampin aqeef. huhu. selalu aqeef akan bgn bila lampin dia da basah. bila tukar lampin dia tido balik. hopefully with the new cd, my baby can have uninterrupted sleep insyaAllah.
kalau ok bolehlah beli insert hem je lagi to be used with the current microfiber insert. actually nak beli hem insert je. tp takde stok, discuss2 dgn papa aqeef, we decided to buy one to try it out first.(padahal mama suka kaler yg chanteq2 tu. hui, smart gila pls, dalam kaler hitam, luar kaler lain).

sneak preview of the new lunatots on my baby.balik2 si kecik ni da melepek.sian dia tak sihat, batuk2 n selsema sampai maktok dia kena bawa pegi jumpa pakar kanak kanak. alhamdulillah nothing serious pun. dia bagi ubat yg kuat sket.tu yg melepek terus baby saya.
balik rumah, big baby pula teringin makan maggi kari.sian.. papa pun tak sihat, batuk plus selsema. oleh itu, masakkan lah maggi utk papa.

pastu pau sket maggi dari papa. ish ish ish.
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their booth just outside of giant's entrance. sgt suka ok, i went there twice da since yesterday. owner dia pun sgt cool dan baik2, the owner tu adik kepada puan haza, the owner of lunatots putrajaya.by the way, yesterday was gawking-at-the-new-colorful-diapers day and today, i dropped by to buy something for my baby.

all in one(aio) lunatots for aqeef. sgt tergoda dgn kaler dia. plus it uses hem insert instead of the normal microfiber which can keep my baby dry for 8hours instead of 4hours with the microfiber alone.thats the point of us buying it in the first place pun. malas nk bgn tgh malam tukar lampin aqeef. huhu. selalu aqeef akan bgn bila lampin dia da basah. bila tukar lampin dia tido balik. hopefully with the new cd, my baby can have uninterrupted sleep insyaAllah.
kalau ok bolehlah beli insert hem je lagi to be used with the current microfiber insert. actually nak beli hem insert je. tp takde stok, discuss2 dgn papa aqeef, we decided to buy one to try it out first.(padahal mama suka kaler yg chanteq2 tu. hui, smart gila pls, dalam kaler hitam, luar kaler lain).

sneak preview of the new lunatots on my baby.balik2 si kecik ni da melepek.sian dia tak sihat, batuk2 n selsema sampai maktok dia kena bawa pegi jumpa pakar kanak kanak. alhamdulillah nothing serious pun. dia bagi ubat yg kuat sket.tu yg melepek terus baby saya.
balik rumah, big baby pula teringin makan maggi kari.sian.. papa pun tak sihat, batuk plus selsema. oleh itu, masakkan lah maggi utk papa.

pastu pau sket maggi dari papa. ish ish ish.
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Sunday, February 06, 2011
ikea's daim cake
tsktsk. smlm mak ngah akip pesan beli one whole daim cake and skrg mama akip sgt tempted nak makan. n mestilah sgt byk kalori benda mengarut ni kan. huwaaa. setiap kali buka peti sejuk je nampak. tsktsk. makan je la kan, esok pegi la gym kan.

sinfully delicious this thing you know.:(
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sinfully delicious this thing you know.:(
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bruno mars
currently in love with this song.a great workout song too. sgt bersemangat nak jogging bagai dgn lagu ni.mmg its impossible to stay still bila dgr lagu ni.mesti nak gerakkan badan.huhu.and all the songs in his album below are great.i love every single song.especially grenade and just the way you are.

always loved him in initial-d and now the green hornet. since my two babies are asleep,i'll be spending my sunday with this guy now,;p

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tips for better health
some great tips i read just now, posted at the gym's notice board.

note to self : must buy apples today. and strawberries. and soy milk.

ok, need to control stress level. i think my stress level has considerably gone down once i started to go to the gym. i feel calmer after all of my gym sessions regardless how sucky my day was.ok da kot kan?

i like no.33. anything to increase the motabolism bebeh,;p

never knew the color of your lenses could help weight loss.my contact lenses are slightly bluish, i wonder if that counts.huhu.

yup,you must must must eat breakfast n sit down when u eat.
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note to self : must buy apples today. and strawberries. and soy milk.

ok, need to control stress level. i think my stress level has considerably gone down once i started to go to the gym. i feel calmer after all of my gym sessions regardless how sucky my day was.ok da kot kan?

i like no.33. anything to increase the motabolism bebeh,;p

never knew the color of your lenses could help weight loss.my contact lenses are slightly bluish, i wonder if that counts.huhu.

yup,you must must must eat breakfast n sit down when u eat.
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