what happens when a hungry mummy comes home from work only to find the house has nothing that is instantly edible?huhu.jadik chef dina sekejap pls.i arrived home at 8pm today,finding nobody's home but maryam n aqeef.after maghrib,i washed the dirty laundry and headed to the kitchen.wau.even as i'm typing this post i couldnt believe it.saya memasak.hahaha,gelakkan diri sendiri pls.but the outcome was not that bad.
telur dadar lazat
asam pedas tenggiri yang lazat juga
sayur kobis yang ultimate lazat.
p/s:mari muntah sbb sendiri masak sendiri cakap sedap.huahuahua.
beb,u cooked all dis??i'm impressed!!!!
haha,of course.i da jadi terer masak da babe.=)
meh la sini nanti i masak utk u,=)
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