faten,hanisah,amoy and i received fariza's sms around 2pm on wednesday and quickly planned to visit her at the hospital.unfortunately, amoy was not able to visit her at the hospital due to work matter.amoy kata hari sabtu baru boleh pegi melawat fariza.oleh itu,cuma saya, faten and hanisah je yg pegi.kat hospital,jumpa kak farah who came with her children.=) sgt kurus ok kak farah and lovely as ever.
us with the newborn baby yg sgt cumels.mari tgk in 1 year siapa lagi yang akan menambahkan ahli gang kita ya.hehe.
hari sabtu pulak,pagi2 da keluar dgn amoy, syafik and aqeef utk melawat aunty fariza,uncle bilal and baby fatih.=) janji nak ambil amoy pukul 10.30 pagi and jumpa faten arnd 11 camtu.tapi mama aqeef ni lmbt siap.hehe.sorry amoy n tenton.last2 tiba anakku da pukul 11 lebih.lepas beli hadiah fariza kat anakku seksyen 9,straight pegi rumah fariza.seronok sgt lepak kat sana,like old times,borak2.bezanya cuma ada 2 babies ~ aqeef n fatih.
p/s: update dari hanisah, insyaAllah dia akan bertunang bulan 6 ini,=) and oh, watching little fatih made me want another baby.hish.=p
salam Nordina Torji...
Ni Yati Mohammad .Kenal lagi x
Nak no Tel leh
Hi Salam Dina
Lama x dengar khabar
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