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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

aqiqah preparation

Aqeef's aqiqah ceremony will be on the 8th of May 2010 insyaAllah.=) initially we set the aqiqah to be on the 15th of May, but due to ucu pina's matriculation registration is to be on the 10th of May, the ceremony is being brought forward to the 8th.Kalau lmbt2 nanti ucu pina tak dpt join aqiqah aqeef pulak kan.

So, skrg tgh huru hara nak siapkan semua benda.sgt pening. semua benda nak buat DIY.invitation cards, doorgifts bagai.tak sedar ada 2 minggu je lagi nak settlekan benda.huwaaa!help!kad sume tak potong lagi.isk2.takut.

things to be done:

1.Baju mama aqeef- da hantar tailor(to collect on 1st May)
2.Baju papa aqeef- da hantar tailor(to collect on 1st May)
3.Baju Aqeef - insyaAllah siap 1st May (to collect from Mak Ngah)
4.Invitation card - tinggal nak photostate map,gunting semua n tampal atas paper keras + ikat riben + send to friends n family(uwaa,banyaknya lagi)
5.Door gift - nak ikat riben kat al-ma'thurat n carik paper bag.
6.Aqeef's baby cot - perlu ke?haha
7.Confirm price of lembu utk aqiqah - to pay mama.

ok.so many things to do,so little time.get moving nordina.

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