23 december 2009
ai da start amik medical leave from work sbb dah tak tahan nak pegi office sambil membawa perut yg memboyot.huhu.kelakar,awal2 da mintak MC dari doktor siti. telefon kak seri (nurse doktor siti) ckp "akak, boleh tak saya nak minta cuti dua hari?saya dah tak larat da nak keje". kak seri ckp "oklah,dtg hospital ambil MC" walaupun mula2 dia hesitate jugak nk bagi.tp lepas cakap saya dah masuk 40 weeks, dia OK je.hehe.
pastu duduk rumah tido je manjang sbb dah tak larat nak gerak2 sgt,perut pon da memboyot sgt masa tu.
26 december 2009
ai sempat pegi wedding chika y'all!!!!ai pegi dgn sapik,cumi dan cumi's fiance encik niki.walaupun perut da memboyot, gagah lagi pegi wedding pls.untuk chika tersayang, apa jua saya redah (eika,sila buatkan saya toblerone cheesecake skrg).huhu.
muka ai ngan cumi sebelum makan,muka ceria semacam tapi perut berkeriok.
dgn encik sapik selepas kekenyangan makan nasi minyak johor yg lazat!
cumi dan encik niki!(gambar ni je yg cumi tak tido ok,lain sume out)
pelamin chika yg chantek.saya dan cumi sgt suka pelamin kamu chika.
finally pengantin sampai selepas sejam kot kitorang tunggu.congrats chika!
cumi-dina-cika.masa ni rasa cam nak nangis sbb dpt amik gambar ngan chika.
the four couples.cumi-niki.dina-sapik.ita-izran.eika-lee.=).cita n cumi next.
masa pegi wedding cika tu mmg sgt best.we stayed for 2 hours kot.tunggu pengantin datang,ambil gambar baru balik.pastu masuk kete mmg sgt flat ok.tak larat gila.rasa cam kaki da tak tertanggung da berat badan ai pls.pastu sgt penat dan balik kot,tak ingat.
28 december 2009
we had our last check up with our gynae specialist dr siti maryam at 9am. masa ni mmg sangat anxious sbb da lepas due date pun tak beranak2 lagi.apohal ni yop?kawan da tak larat sungguh da ni.siap masa jumpa dr siti boleh tanya "due date bila sebenarnya dr?bukan 26hb ke?should we do anythiing utk cepatkan delivery?". tetibe doktor ckp, " eh,due date awk 2 january lah" hampeh.all the while kitorang ingat due date 26dec pls.tetibe 2january.
and then i had my second vaginal examination, and this time it wasnt that pleasant as the previous one.maybe i was not in a good mood and i certainly wasnt ready to be told that i actually had another week to go before my due date.tp after VE, comes the surprise, doktor cakap kepala baby tak engage lagi,padahal sepatutnya first baby during 36~38 weeks da engage da.and dia kata this could be due to either baby's too big or my pelvic bone's too small. mcm mana pun, doktor siti kata, the chance utk i deliver normally secara selamat adalah 20% je.dia suggest to go for c-section. wau.berderau darah dgr kena c-section.mcm tak dpt fikir lain da,takut gila.we did not even once thought about the possibility of delivering through c-section.tu yg terkejut gila tu.
leaps cerita2 dgn doktor pasal pros,cons and risks of c-section, we agreed to go with her suggestion - C-SECTION. wau.after taking test yg utk tgk heartbeat baby tu(CTG kot),doktor kata we can choose any date we want.lepas keluar dari bilik doktor we had to sign release forms, admission forms and tetapkan tarikh bila kita nak deliver.any date was fine but she suggested as soon as possible supaya baby tak jadi terlalu besar.even as we were filing up the forms pon kitorang mcm da takleh fikir apa.sibuk telefon mak n my sisters whether or not we should go with caesarian.we finally chose 30th december 2009 and the nurses told us to come to the hospital 7am in the morning to be admitted.
we went to sunway pyramid afterwards.dua2 sangat runsing ok.tapi syafik beli tiket avatar n sherlock holmes.ok,movie marathon pula.during the movies,mmg tak keruan je perasaan dua2 org,masing2 fikir mcm2.during the movies baby dlm perut tendang2 sgt kuat.probably sbb sound effect both movies sgt kuat.keluar dari movie pegi tandas tgk ada blood show!oh no!masa tu serious rasa "am i going to deliver tonight?" mcm takut sgt sampai nangis.balik rumah,beritahu mak,n mak brought us to hospital pakar bersalin damo kat pelabuhan klang.
at the hospital,sgt horror.the service was so bad.we had to wait like an hour or so even though my mom told them that i had contractions and a blood show already. tp after jumpa doktor, doktor kata even though da ada contractions and blood show, tp kepala baby masih tak engage and she also suggested c-section.and that second opinion made us calmer and more confident to deliver with c-section.alhamdulillah. and after that we went home and i spent two days having mild contractions and cramps.
30 december 2009
bangun jam 6 utk siap sedia nak pergi hospital.sembahyang subuh berjemaah dgn sapik for the last time dgn perut boyot.masa lepas sapik baca doa, termenangis juga i sbb takut sgt lepas ni dah takde peluang nak jemaah dgn suami i.siap minta maaf bagai kalau ada salah silap dan tak dpt jumpa lagi lepas ni.sayu ok.feelings tu,Allah saja yg tau mcm mana rasanya.anything can happen in the operation theater.
lepas siap angkut barang semua,off we went to the hospital.mak and adik pun teman sekali.so sweet.mak cuti sbb saya nak deliver.lepas sampai hospital n admit dlm wad,relax2 je, siap tgk astro pls.cerita betty.tp fikiran ke mana, betty ke mana.takut sgt.lepas tu nurse dtg bagi pil buang air utk kosongkan perut.lepas 2 minit, terus buang air ok,sgt bagus pil tu.kosong perut i.
after that, another nurse came utk shave saya,=p and masukkan tiub kencing. boleh lagi ckp dgn dia "kalau tak masukkan takpe ke?" dia cakap tak boleh,after caesarian selalu mmg sgt sakit n tak larat nak pegi tandas.ok,lagi takut.mmg sgt tak comfortable lah tiub tu ok.lepas da siap2 semua, dalam pulkul 9.45am nurse2 dtg nak sorong pegi operation theatre.masa tu da cuak sgt.air mata bergenang je sbb takut tak survive. sepanjang kena sorong tu,syafik pegang je tangan i.sgt takut tak dpt jumpa dia lagi lepas tu.and syafik pun diam saja tak cakap apa. the last thing dia cakap " saya tunggu dia kat luar ya" .dlm hati terdetik nk ckp "kalau saya tak keluar?" tp keluar suara sbb takut sgt.
masuk je OT tu, ada anesthetician specialist dtg approach borak "da ready?asal mana?anak first ke?".maybe to calm me down. lepas tu,dia cucuk tgn utk masukkan IV for the operation.then,lepas sampai kat OT,the anesthetician suruh duduk and dia cucuk belakang i dgn epidural kot,sbb after that terus kebas dari perut ke bawah. lepas tu, diorang letak satu blind depan muka i supaya tak nampak perut and doktor siti pun masuk "dina dah ready da". hmm, angguk je la.kalu ikutkan sampai bila pun tak ready nak kena potong perut.isk2.
masa operation tu boleh rasa perut kita kena godek2 goyang2 bagai,tapi tak sakit.kuasa Allah kan.hmm..lepas seploh menit doktor godek2 perut i,tetibe perut rasa ringan.n lepas tu dengar suara baby nangis sgt kuat!kus semangat!masa tu rasa happy,bangga,syukur,lega semua ada bercampur baur, mengalir sket air mata "i'm a mother now.." a feeling like no other.n doktor dtg suakan punggung aqeef tunjuk anu dia kat i n i automatically wanted to get up to hold him. semua org jerit "jgn bgn!" haha.lupa perut tgh melopong.terburai pulak isi perut kang.huhu.
alhamdulillah,syukur,aqeef dah selamat.after that,masa doktor tgh bersih2kan perut nak jahit balik luka, doktor jumpa cyst ok kat ovari saya n dia tanya "nak buang ke?" saya mestilah jawab nak kan?siapa yg nak ada cyst kat ovari diorang kan?hmm..
lepas selamat dijahit semua,i was sent back to my room to rest.alhamdulillah..
itulah cerita kelahiran muhammad aqeef danish saya.=)next time insyaAllah akan cerita pasal post delivery pula.toodles!
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