ok,saya sudah habis baca buku
sidney sheldon's ni, and skrg nak move on to sophie kinsella's mini shopaholic pula!:D excited lebih pls.buku sidney sheldon tu sgt best to the point that i felt really sad after i've finished reading it just because i had to part with the characters from the book. boleh tak gitu?hmm, this book mmg sgt best, but then again i've always loved sheldon's way of writing pon.
tp smlm before masuk panggung, singgah mph and terjumpa dua buku bawah ni and sgt nak nak nak!

ishishish, kena beli ni.tak boleh jadi ni.especially the first book,tak pernah tau pun sophie kinsella used to write as madeleine wickham.huhu.ada banyak pulak tu buku under medeleine wickham.tp ni yg paling seronok summary dia.
esok hari sabtu.esok keje.:(
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