sgtlah seronoknya dpt tgk smlm. kalau cerita harry potter dari first one mesti kena tgk dgn my two younger sisters and mesti kena tgk on the first week yg dia keluar. hehe. n semalam sgt seronok sbb dpt mengekalkan tradition kami.(padahal kena tgk dgn diorang sbb diorang tau sume benda pasal harry potter, senang nk rujuk kalau tak faham or tak kenal sesapa.teeheehee). tp cerita smlm mmg sgt best.for me lah. even after dah habis movie tu org semua tepuk tgn ramai2(join skali pls) mcm tgk teater.semua element pun ada, sedih, kelakar, family, evil, love, suspense- sume ada lah. and of course magic!hehe. i went out of the movie casting "stupidify" to my sisters and they replied with "engorgio!" haha.bengong. best sgt je jadi magician yg ada gang mcm diorang kat bwh ni kan, ron yg clumsy kelakar, hermione yg practical, bijak, comel n oh baju2 dia saya sgt suka.:)

sweet je tgk hermione granger dlm movie ni compared to the bald emma watson in real life. hmm. i guess child star mmg akan melalui zaman gelap diorang kot(britney, lindsay etc). hopefully emma's wont be as bad as her seniors. why do i care tah. suka diorang lah kan. huhu.

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