tp smlm balik dari office, tengok2 aqeef demam panas. siang sgt aqeef, sbb musim kot, kak maryam, eisya n aqlan sume demam kot. terus bawa dia jumpa paeds dia, tp tutup pula ptg smlm, haish. pastu terpaksa pegi another klinik in kota kemuning ni. i used to hate the clinic cause even though it had amazing interior design, the doctors are not people friendly, at all.but considering that i havent been there in the past year(the last time i went there, i just found out i was pregnant with aqeef n wanted to get some advice about pregnancy, and they simply instructed me to do the pee-on-stick test yet again even though i've told them that i've done it and said congratulations to me. that's it.$*~_]}^*<*%*%]^^{^$<^*), i decided to give it a try. tahtah da ok ke doktor dia skrg kan?(padahal takde option lain, sbb klinik kat kota kemuning sume tutup. haha).
as soon as we walked into the clinic, wow! i was very impressed! the interior design has been very much improved. sgt cantik! even aqeef were gobsmacked by their lightings and what not. terus terdiam dari menangis.huhu. terus excited nak main2.huhu.siap ada lcd display yg keluar nama patient ok bila sampai turn mereka utk jumpa doktor. huhu, jakun pls.

ok, tapi as soon as we went in to see the doctor, semua perasaan teruja dan excited da hilang.doktor tu seriously mmg sgtcakap laju,tak concern langsung pun pasal patient.mmg takde effort langsung nak pegang ke apa.just tanya kitorang aqeef sakit apa pastu tetibe "ok,mak peluk tangan anak and tarik dahi dia ke belakang" no please or whatsoever, without looking at me pon.pastu, i didnt understand dia at first, in fact i didnt even know he was talking to me, i asked him "pardon me?" pastu dgn muka annoyed dia, dia cakap "macam ni pegang, supaya dia tak meronta, saya nak check tekak dia jap" while showing me how to hug and push my baby's forehead backwards to make his job easier.!@#$%^&*.y then, i swore to myself that i'll never come back to this !@#$%^&*() clinic.dah la mahal gila, seb baik boleh claim.
kalau doktor aqeef mmg sangat bagus, dia akan main dgn aqeef dulu, agah aqeef, baca bismillah before doing any procedure mcm nak check tekak or nak bagi injection ke ape kan. pastu bila nak diagnose, dia akan make sure kami faham and explain one by one pasal sakit aqeef and how to take care of him sume.i highly recommend Dr. Fadilah kat Klinik Famili kat Kota Kemuning.mmg sgt bagus dia tu.
sekarang aqeef da getting better da alhamdulillah, dia semangat nak sihat nak teman mama dia jalan2 cuti 4 hari ni kot,:)
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