maryam has been asking me whether its ok to buy a walkman that has cassette player function and since we have nothing else to do we went around sunway pyramid looking for a cassette player.but we ended up being laughed by all of the salesperson for asking "sini ada jual walkman tak?" je.haha.syafik kata "dlm era digital ni mana ada org pakai walkman da.dulu masa belajar dulu, 6 years ago kot last sekali tgk org pakai walkman.haha.
ok,since tak jumpa cassette player and kami da lapar gila sbb tak breakfast (it was 2 oclock by then kot), we decided to eat kat hartz chicken buffet.sebab dia ada weekdays lunch time 30% off. hehe.saya selalu rasa hartz ni rasanya takdela sedap mana, tapi its a place yang kita boleh makan banyak gila!hehe.dulu2 masa belajar selalulah dtg sini,duduk makan dgn sapik n borak2 sambil makan.hehe.below adalah 20% daripada makanan kami yg sempat disnap and the faces of satisfied customers.except for aqeef, cause he only ate bubur nasi+orange+apple yg dibawa dari rumah dan air kosong saja.hehe.but we all sure had fun eating the limitless dia pun sedap.
lepas makan, we went around sunway pyramid, shopping and buying stuff for the house sume. and i went to maybank to change my current maybank atm card from the lame yellow card below..

to this brand new visa debit atm card with cherries.ngeeee,:D.

papetah seronok plak pegi tukar maybankard.i had to wait for 30 minutes or so, cause there were 8 people before me, but because the process was very fast & efficiently handled once i was called upon,lupa sudah perasaan penat menunggu tu.huhu.
all in all, oklah isnin kami.cuma sgt penat sbb baby aqeef sgt lasak and taknak duduk dlm stroller. dia kalau boleh nak merangkak je satu pyramid tu.haish.

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