ok, its sunday and i'm in the office.mari gelakkan diri sendiri.apa nak jadi dgn kamu ni nordina?aqeef cried(sort of begging his mum not to leave him) this morning when I gave him to maryam before i went out to work.and what did i get?neverending tasks walaupun datang ahad pon and heartwrenching guilt for leaving aqeef to go to WORK!tsktsk.=( ok, i'm not proud of this and this is something that I need to improve on.no more working sundays (and even saturdays pon,=p).biarlah balik pukul 3 pagi pon on weekdays asalkan tak payah keje on weekends.
hmm,but we had a great saturday.since i knew i was not going to be at home today, we planned our saturday carefully so that we can have lots of fun, good food and enough rest as well.hmm, alhamdulillah, we had fun yesterday, went out with aqeef to empire and let him play in toy's r us, had great home made meal and ample time to rest afterwards juga.:)

aqeef with cheaper version of iphone, =p

aqeef dgn palm learner yg sgt disukai tp lepas 20 minit campak je kat lantai.haha.

oh food!glorious food!(bila tah nak insaf ni weh?)

tropical punch nama diberi.makchu akip yg buat.

papa aqeef's meal.yummy.spaghetti ala bolognese + mashed potato + coleslaw.

aqeef's sad face sbb tak dpt spaghetti dn air yg byk buah warna warni.sian anak saya.
ok ok. seriously need to go home and spend what's left of my sunday with my precious baby aqeef.toodles.
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