quality time with hubby in sahara tent.our first time there.we had sudden cravings for nasi arab.teehee.the shop had a laidback interior design and music, but interesting nonetheless. we had a great time catching up,:)

spoilt with choices.finally chose lamb mandi and lamb briyani.

cute baby and rm8 per bottle of evian.

my lamb mandi. sedap juga, especially the yoghurt, never tasted one like it before, but i prefer sapik's food jugak as usual.

sapik's lamb beriyani.sgt sedaaaaapppp!!!!definitely going to come back for more.

one happy customer.:)

another contented customer, judging from the smile,hehe.

hahahaha,had to put this picture of sapik cause its so funny.he ordered the turkish tea and from his explanation it was dreadful."it taste like tar.." were his exact words.haha.

grande java chip frappucino with whipped cream.the reason why i'm still awake at 2am in the morning ni.tsktsktsk.

late night snacks.hehehe.ok esok diet.resolusi hari jadi.=p
thank you syafik azrir for a lovely birthday dinner and for the 'present',:)
*tido dgn senyuman*
I wonder what is the "present"? cam tau je.. haha penyebok pls =p
Eika, ish ish.. <^_^>/
hehe,biarlah menjadi rahsia kami suami isteri.=p takde ish ish nya kak huda.hehe.
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