alamdulillah,lately we have been blessed with scrumptious food,yalah kan, hari raya month kan house memanjang.erm,tp despite all the openhouses ada jugak kami makan di luar.kata kaki makan pls.n sometimes da tak bleh blah da makan raya food kot.huhu.betapa tak bersyukurnya.
last two saturdays, we were hanging in the house doing nothing after completing all the chores, and suddenly mak ngah aqeef said something about going to chili's for lunch.bagai org mengantuk disorongkan bantal, saya pon teros la "kat empire ada chilis!" haha.we got ready in less than half an hour and off we went to empire for our late was almost 3 at the time kot.the moment mak ngah aqeef said chilis, i had sudden cravings for their extra-big burgers.kahkah.and so i ordered one mushroom swiss burger and my oh my, it was HUGE.i forgot how big chili's burgers are.

our bottomless drinks.ngehngeh.puas hati minum ice lemon tea 4 gelas.

appetizer kami. the triple play.sedap gila.this is my my sister's (mama aiman) favourite dish.kalau makan chilis, this will normally be her main dish. dip dia kot sgt sedap kalau combine tiga2 sekali.

syafik's lamb shoulder yg sgt lazat and if i'm not mistaken was the cheapest meal of all.definetely going to have this the next time around.

my mushroom swiss burger.sgt besar sampai tak muat mulut tapi takdelah berminat sgt saya dgn burger ni.mungkin sbb sgt teruja dgn rasa encik sapik punya food kot.makan 3 bite je da minta diorang tapaukan da.haha.

mak ngah aqeef had one of their fajitas dish and it was quite ok.nothing to shout about.fajitas has never been my cup of tea.

oh oh, their chocolate molten sgt sedap!!ke, sbb makan bertiga n berebut2 ke dia jadi sedap?tahlah,tp kalau saya boleh pilih my no.1 desert mestilah mocha mud pie kat TGIF pls.*drool*
and oh of course la bila pegi empire mestilah pegi whisk kan.and we bought their red velvet and macaroons, TO GO lah.haha.mmg tak larat la da makan chilis nak makan benda lain lagi.makan chilis pun tapau n makan kat rumah for dinner beramai2, gile ke hape nk makan kat on their macaroons?i've had them twice now and I dont fancy them that much.sapik lagi cool dia makan macaroons tu dia kata "mcm makanan kuda je". haha.comel sgt pls suami saya.i laughed my heart out masa dia kata tu, tp lepas tu dia capai lagi satu macaroons.

and the price of the macaroons is way to expensive for me. 10 for rm18.what the?
and ini adalah dalang yg menjadi punca baby aqeef saya punya allergy.peanut ice cream yg dibeli dari 100yen mmg sgt sedap ice cream ni.seriously,coklat dia sedap, n tambah extra kacang yg melimpah2 mmg i have to admit, skrg sedikit phobia juga nak makan since aqeef's incident hari tu.tgk lah lagi 2-3 minggu ke,haha.

and last saturday was a working day.tsktsk.sgtlah horror.i was in a bad mood by 3pm and sgtlah lapar and teringin seafood carbonara sbb ternampak gambar2 food masa hari raya hari tu dlm camera.

seafood carbonara + coleslaw + mashed potato.oh lazatnya.

home made seafood carbonara.takde lain da yg paling sedap kat tmpt lain yg pernah saya rasa.buat sendiri jugak yg paling sedap

and mak's fruit punch, sgt lazat!kalau kitorang buat tak sedap mcm mak buat jugak, nape bila teringin tu mengendeng2 la kat mak minta mak buat.sedap sgt.aiman pun suka fruit punch maktok dia.
and after keje, keluar dating dgn sapik mula2 nak pegi beli ingredients nak buat seafood carbonara tp fikir2 balik, hari ahad sehari je nak relax, lebih baik berehat dari masak2 we went to eat at...

syafik's appetizer.oklah.

tapi tak boleh lawan toasted bruschetta saya!nyumnyum sgt sedap.but u have to eat it while its still hot.kalau da sejuk tak sedap.

carbonara saya!surprisingly great.the texture and taste sgt menepati citarasa carbonara saya.ok,this comes second after our homemade sgt memenuhkan,sampai terpaksa tapau.rasanya 5 suap je da penuh da perut.huhu.

n syafik's chicken apetah.sedap juga.they cooked it with olive oil je kot.boleh rasa olive oil dia.sgt healthy.

hasil tapau kami, balik rumah kena rembat dgn mak ngah aqeef.apparently, dia kata ada italiannies baru bukak kat kelab golf negara subang, definitely going there soon sbb kat situ boleh masuk account atuk aqeef je.ngehngeh.coolness.
and price kat italiannies pun sgt berpatutan dgn food dia.1 appetizer + 1 main course cumalah rm27.90++ sgt murah!sbb food dia sgt sedap.sbb ambience yg best,i can say lagi berbaloi dari williams yg sdp tp kena makan tepi longkang and harga pun agak pricey jugak kan, arnd rm30~rm40 per dish.hmm
okeh,penat dah cerita pasal food.nak start diet da ni.haha.

haha, aqeef pun gelakkan mama dia pls.asyik ckp nak diet tp makan byk jugak.

aqeef main dgn elmo dlm kete tergelak2.mcm borak2 je diorang ni kan.

pastu lepas 5 menit tertido dgn elmo.oh aqeef,mama sayang aqeef.kalau aqeef da besar,hopefully tak ikut perangai kuat makan mama eh?;p
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