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Thursday, May 20, 2010


seriously bila baca LKSA asyik teringat laksa je.haish.lapar plak.(haku ni sume nak ingat makanan pls).lebuhraya kemuning shah alam pls.sgt happy bila dpt tahu diorang nak buat hioghway ni about a year ago kot.

pagi tadi on the way to work,tgk diorang dah alih penghadang jalan yg diorang letak kat entrance LKSA tu.huwaa!da siapkah?they havent officially opened it yet kot.tolonglah bagi free tol for the first year boleh?senang sket aqeef nak bergerak dari seksyen 7 ke kota kemuning.hopefully this highway will be the solution to the neverending heavy traffic in hicom.

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