therefore,being a good daughter, i actually waited until my pregnancy reached 8 months before buying anything.(but i did buy a cute kitten set of booties and mittens with chika when i was 6 months pregnant kot.couldnt resist the temptation.tu shud be ok kot kan,kalau pape jadi,buang je la booties mittens tu.haha). but it turned out to be a good thing after all.once my pregnancy reached 8 months the mega sale was on and it was time for my bonus as well.hoyeah!sakan lah shopping november hari sgt.rezeki akip kot,bonus kencang jugak,alhamdulillah.byk la dpt brg akip masa tu. (apsal da jadi in malay plak ni?haha)
but of all the stuff that i bought for aqeef, there are three items that i feel are very useful albeit the high cost.huhu.first is MAM drinking bottle.i love it because :
(1) it comes in attractive colors(skrg aqeef ada all colors except pink,due to obvious reasons).
(2) it has anticolic function (guna botol ni je aqeef tak meragam after minum susu and the best part is we dont even have to burp him after feeding,alhamdulillah perut tak kembung pun).
(3) detachable bottom part for easy cleaning(serius benci nak cuci botol biasa sbb sgt susah nak clean the bottom part properly even with a brush pon)
(4) the curvy shape (what can i say, i love curves babeh,haha.n aqeef pun senang nak pegang botol tu due to its curve).

the next one is lunatots cloth diapers!*like*.before aqeef was born we did some research on cloth diapers and surprisingly papa aqeef sgt berminat dgn cloth diaper.i remember explaining to him vaguely what cloth diaper was all about,the next thing i knew i got a call from him saying "saya da beli lunatots 5" haha.sabo je.dia mmg begitu,kalau dia rasa benda tu berguna dia tak banyak cerita,beli saja.kalau dia rasa tak berguna,jgnlah harap buying jewelleries, he thinks no good can come out of buying gold,jadi makan hati berulamkan jantung je la saya tunggu sapik bagi hadiah brg kemas.hikhik.
tp alhamdulillah,cloth diaper ni sgt bagus.jimat,environmental friendly dan safe for aqeef juga.kalau pakai disposable diaper tak tukar lebih dari 5 jam(sbb terlupa tukar) da merah2 da kulit aqeef,tapi lunatots sgt best,5 jam lembut je kulit aqeef.the first 3 weeks aqeef pakai disposable diapers sbb mama dia tak larat nak berjalan lagi,nak basuh lampin apatah first i was sceptical "boleh ke aku nak membasuh lampin ni,da la pemalas.ada hati nak basuh lampin." tp lepas da buat,takdelah susah mana.lunatots kotor tu,bilas je najis semua,(it was surprisingly easy to wash the stools off from lunatots ok) pastu letak dlm baldi letak dettol or nappikleen sket.after da byk sket agak2 tak muat baldi tu,masuk washing machine sampai siap spin,n sidai.serious tak susah langsung.kadang2 rasa addicted plak nak basuh lampin,boleh?some more, cd ni sgt senang kering,sidai dlm rumah sejam da kering.=)
why lunatots?sbb we've also tried other brands,cheaper and more expensive ones, and from experience i can say lunatots cd is the best considering the price and quality.some cloth diaper has age limits,say it can only be used from newborn to 1 year or from 6 months above only. lunatots can be used starting from birth up to 3 years old.jimat di situ.i tried cheaper brands and almost all made air kencing aqeef mengalir keluar laju everytime aqeef wee wee.aduh.serius susah kena tukar lampin dan seluar/baju mama sekali.cukup seminggu,i sticked to lunatots je.
some more dia ada lots of attractive colors and patterns,=)

oh,kaler ni kaler lunatots baru kot,before this tak pernah nampak pun.hari tu pegi kedai lunatots kat amcorp,sgt tergoda nak sapik kata "eh,ni kaler baby boy ke girl?" haish.takleh ke boy pakai kaler ni?T-T

the last item is mosquito repellent that used high frequency sound to repel the mosquitos and other insects.ya Allah sumpah berkesan ok.takde sebintat gigitan nyamuk pun kat badan aqeef (badan mama aqeef pun tak kena gigit nyamuk,hoyeah!)actually we have only started to use this thing for 1 week je,tp serious nyamuk tak gigit.huahuahua.kagum.padahal beli rm16.90 je.tak expect pun akan work.thought of giving it a try lagi berkesan dari other methods spray,cream,stick-to-bedsheet punya repellent.
Dina, mana nak dpt mosquieto repellant tu ek?
akak sangat berminat ni..hehehe
:) kami jumpa kat sunway pyramid,kedai mom's care nama kedai tu ada kat midvalley n OU jugak,tak sure pula kat sana ada ke tak.kalau akak nak,nanti dina pegi kedai tu dina beliikan,=)
mmg sgt bagus,=)
sy nak gak repellent tersebut!!!!
sappy,bagi sini mailing address kamu pls.ada seprais utk kamu.take care pingu pingu (double pingu ok,tak bleh blah,haha)
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