I'm hooked to online shopping now. Mostly baju baju akip lah. Sbb i have nothing to lose pun kalau baju aqeef, n aqeef pun tak kisah kalau baju dia tak sesuai ke kan. Hihi.
I started buying online with one of my uni friends ijah last two weeks rasanya. Of course la sbb i trusted her kan, sbb tu berani je beli online in the first place. Lepas tu mmg bermacam2 bendalah saya beli online.

4 pairs of pyjamas for aqeef. Dia paling suka yg purple angry birds tu. suka betul sampai dia mintak terus buka n pakai terus.n terus nak tido, boleh?huhu.

Budak kecik takleh duduk diam diam. Ambik gambar pun susah. Tapi alhamdulillah, he likes all the pyjamas yg mama dia belikan.:)
Dah lah actually beli through facebook je. Beli kat "Noorayuni Anis Adam's collection". Jauh nun dari kedah. Tapi alhamdulillah, very efficient and semua baju true to the photos shown. Chanteq2 baju dia. Tak menyesal beli.:)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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