Papa aqeef's new toy. I'm officially poorer by a couple of thousand bucks today. But the sweet smile on his face made it all worth it.:) totally worth it.
Happy 29th birthday mohd syafik azrir!:) [eh, seminggu awal]. You must know that aqeef & i love you with all our heart ok? Enjoy your new toy by taking lots of pictures of aqeef n me tau,;p
And oh, sunway pyramid has a promotion until this coming 29th january, when you spend more than rm800 in maximum 2 receipts(other than jusco, parkson or giant), you'll get 1 dragon 2gb thumb drive! Hehe, saya seronok
je dpt thumb drive.

Sape nak bagi 2gb thumb drive free free je kan. And some more it can also be turned into a lovely bracelet,;p lovely nya,hihi.

Give me a break will ya? Saya pun nak excited dpt new toy jugak, pen drive pun pen drive la, haha.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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