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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

telatah aqeef at 15 and a half months

aqeef suka makan, what else is new huh?dari nasi kandar ke bubur nasi sup ayam utk baby, semua belasah. alhamdulillah, as long as cukup utk perkembangan fizikal, mental n emosi dia,:)

aqeef suka gila tgk lif and selalu dok wonder and muka confuse gila bila dlm lif or when he's outside and pintu lif tertutup. kat klia hari tu, puas hati dia dok tgk see through elevator,comel je dok terjengah2,huhu.

aqeef suka tgk kakebang, suka tgk train and anything that moves for that matter. boys will be boys kot kan.

and suka mengurat budak2 perempuan2 comel plis. nak berkawan kot, dia akan diri dpn any girls. senyum2 n sometimes diri eye to eye right in front of the girl and start into her eyes.

tapi bila the girl responded, he'll run the other way lintang pukang. haha. dia ingat main kejar2 kot.haha.

aqeef juga suka senyum, when people say "aqeef, suka tak?" or "aqeef, suka qeef, suka mcm mana?" he'll smile dgn mata sepet2nya,:)

aqeef suka mak ngah n mak chu juga. sbb diorang rajin melayan aqeef, kan kip?n rajin belanja aqeef makan n mainan kan?n suka bagi aqeef main apa saja, n sepahkan rumah sesuka hati bila mama takde kan kip?

aqeef sgt suka mac n cheese juga. mama just found this out.habis satu mangkuk dia habiskan sorang.

especially when the dish is a free one. muahaha. kalau mkn kat kenny rogers, and u makan 2 meal ayam dia, children before 4.5ft will get a free dish.yummm,:)

aqeef suka merry go round juga. puas la dia jerit2 nk tarik mama naik, tp camne, kalau mama naik kang roboh, kalau aqeef naik sorang bahaya pula. tunggu besar sket la ok sayang?

aqeef suka baby doll. ehem.batuk kejap. need to ask nanny aqeef, papa masa kecik2 dulu ada tendency suka baby doll ke tak.haha, nak salahkan papa jugak, muehehe.

seriously he'll grab all the baby dolls dulu ok. siap peluk pastu nangis2 bila pulang without any one of it. mama kejam belikan lego je.

aqeef suka naik kete bergerak ni. not necessarily kete saja kot. sume jalan.huhu.

aqeef sgt suka pancake juga. makan kan, apa saja boleh ditelan kan.

tgklah betapa gembira nya aqeef makan ice cream n pancake. mama pun happy tgk aqeef happy, berbaloi baloi weekends mama, tau kip.

n aqeef suka perasan baby, nak duduk atas tmpt baby instead of tmpt stroller. tapi mcm sakit belakang je tgk aqeef duduk mcm tu kan?huhu.

n of course la aqeef suka swimming kan, as always,:) n mestilah swim kat umah je sbb mama boleh join sekali,;p

thats about it kot, til next month's progress,toodles.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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