she came back yesterday so happy.exhilirated would be a better description. the hotel was superb-in her own words-n universal studio's undescribable.i am green with envy, can even feel the awesomeness of universal studio even by looking at the photos je pun.i'm even considering to postpone our london trip to next year, and go to universal studio instead this year. maybe to celebrate aqeef's second birthday?muahaha.(tp papa aqeef awal2 da reject idea pegi masa bday aqeef sbb hujung tahun cuti sekolah mesti penuh gila).ok, kena plan one of the weekends yg bukan cuti sekolah ya, papa aqeef pun mcm teruja juga.:) oh, thank God matta fair will only start next week, so ada masa nk tukar plan, ngeee,:)
oh by the way, mak ngah aqeef bought some stuff for us from universal studio.

the gingerbread man from shrek movie for aqeef and the others are for mama n papa aqeef.actually she bought us each a pen with a movie character that suits us best, but come on la mak ngah. aqeef mana reti guna pen ok, plus bahaya juga baby main dgn pen. so, mama dpt,;p takpe, aqeef suka sgt gingerbread man tu, dia da letak sebelah elmo dia da mak ngah.

mak ngah gave mama gloria from madagascar movie. and i was insulted ok. haha. but she said she bought it for me because of the color purple.oh fyi, i'm obsessed with purple color by the way.reason accepted, pen accepted jugak.haha.

papa aqeef got this jurassic park character and dia sgt suka. tak kompelin pun. biasalah

aqeef dpt ni, baby marty. so cute kan?tunggu la, mama simpan dulu, da besar nanti aqeef pakai eh?yeah right.

and these two pictures adalah antara gambar yg mengujakan saya utk pergi ke universal studio. yg atas sgt comel n cool. n sbb lapar nak mkn coklat.

yang ni sbb teruja nk
naik rollercoaster. its been a
while kot since my last rollercoaster ride. urgghh. cant wait!!!!
by the way, thank u mak ngah for the stuff n oh, makchu, minggu ni tak balik ke? ada brg best utk mak chu ni,;p
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
1 comment:
sgt best pls!baru tahu kot mak ngah g sana..tsk tsk.. ;p
bgun2 tgk ada pen dpn mata..hehe..thank u makngah..i lap u!
btw gloria tu sgt sinonim dgn every way..baik dari sudut sifat keibuan n suara...sama pls...hehe ;p
i lap u dear sis!nnt kita tlg akip main lap2 kat umah ok! =)
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