it was love at first sight for my father, that he told me to get the maxi cosi carrier for my baby as soon as possible.ooh,to be honest,yup, i love the carrier too, so, we did a quick research and our hearts were set on this carrier as not only it can be used as a carrier, it is also a rocker, carseat and stroller for newborn to 1 year old.Surveying around all the baby shops, we found out that the maxi cosi is cheaper if it is bought together with it's compatible stroller, the quinny zapp.

We did a lot of thinking and since my father insisted to buy the stroller for his grandchild, we went ahead and buy the set and put it aside in its boxes until aqeef was born.
on the day aqeef was born, we went to the hospital with the maxi cosi fully installed in our car.(kahkah,bajet balik rumah dari hospital nanti aqeef duduk dalam tu n mama dia boleh rehat2 enjoy the ride je.huhu).but, as it turns out, i couldnt even let anyone but my mom hold my aqeef longer than 5 minutes for fear of hurting him, let alone to put him in his baby carrier for our rocky car ride home on his third day arriving in this world.hah.berangan lebih.
i think during the earlier days, the maxi cosi was mostly used as a rocker and after i've completed my pantang days,we started to use it as a car seat and a stroller during our outings.and alhamdulillah, aqeef loved the maxi cosi so much so that he'll be fast asleep as soon as we put him inside the carrier.=)
but as soon as aqeef reached 5 months, he started to outgrow the maxi cosi and we had no choice but to switch to the quinny zapp stroller.he loved the quinny zapp as well probably cause he could sit and see the world while being strolled around shopping malls.(tsk,shopping malls je akip pegi).but one problem with the quinny zapp is,the seat could not be fully reclined to a flat position for aqeef's nap time and it hurt us to see him sleeping uncomfortably in sitting position during our outings.=(
fortunately, mydear had their warehouse sale last month and we decided to get him a stroller that can be fully reclined to a flat position among other things and alhamdulillah we got a very good deal with below stroller.it could be fully reclined, it has a full canopy coverage & the handle position has two way functions.All in all, we fell in love the very first time we used it with aqeef last week. and aqeef pon sgt suka dgn stroller baru dia!alhamdulillah,=)

to compare the two strollers in terms of quality, of course the quinny zapp is better.i think it is better in the sense that its wheels can be turned 360 degrees with smooth rotation function where else the mydear stroller's quite hard to be navigated.but all in all, i super love the mydear stroller simply because my dear aqeef can sleep comfortably in it.hopefully two strollers are going to be enough for my aqeef(and his parents,=p).
dina,siti here..
kalau plan nak jual quinny habaq mai k..heheh
hi siti.so far takde plan lagi kot, plan nak guna bila dia da besar sket nanti n bila dia ada adik nanti insyaAllah,hehe.
tak nak jual ker maxi cosi tu ;) saya tengah cr yg 2nd hand sbb pikir tak kan pakai lama.kalau jual inbox saya ye sue_dm@yahoo.com
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