erm,tadi pegi tgk karate opinion of the movie?WOW!i love love love the movie.sgt suka jalan cerita dia,actor dia and tmpt mereka shoot movie tu.beijing.tak tahu kenapa.tapi rasa mcm nak pegi beijing sgt2 after the movie.haha.boleh?tp one thing yg buat saya sgt suka dgn movie ini adalah message yg cuba disampaikan - when life gets you down, you can choose whether or not you want to get back up.that sums up the movie kot.and oh, it also reminded me to keep fighting with honor and dignity.and saya sgt suka jaden smith sama jacky chan.jaden smith itu adalah the spitting image of his father ok.sgt cool and charismatic.i love will smith by the way,always have now,sgt terjatuh hati dgn anak dia yg comel itu juga.

p/s: entry ini ditulis bersama-sama xiao aqeef yg tergelak2 dekat riba mama dia sbb dpt tekan keyboard lappy mama's been two hours tak post2 jugak entry ni.aqeef type-mama delete-mama rewrite-aqeef type-mama delete-mama rewrite-aqeef type-.....oh.motherhood
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