hoyeah!hari ni da jumaat.triple hoyeah!(walaupun weekends kena keje,tp nak bergembira seketika pls).hoyeah!
pagi tadi we (sapik,aqeef & i) woke up very early, around 5am camtu pastu bersenda gurau dgn aqeef di atas katil.haha.jarang berlaku ni, kul 5 pagi bersenda gurau pls.papa aqeef siap agah aqeef dari belakang masa dia minum susu sampai tercabut2 botol susu dia sbb terkejut habis.tp lepas tu tergelak2 tgk papa dia.haish.
pastu,lepas mandi, saya masak bubur aqeef n tgh2 masak bubur sakit perut pula.pastu masuk bilik tgk2 sapik tgh mandi.pastu tak tahan sakit perut sgt ketuk pintu bilik air.
dina: ki, saya sakit perut nak terberak.
sapik: bukan terberak la, terberry..
dina: hah?berry?what the?
sapik: ye la, sbb kan rupa dia mcm berry(sambil sengih2 kerang busok).
ahahahaha.there n then saya tergelak gila pastu tolak dia keluar sbb sakit perut tak tahan, pastu jerit kat dia "taklah, not my stool!!!".ahahahaha.suami saya ni, apatah mimpi dia bergurau senda di pagi hari pulak ni.he's not a morning person ok, selalu bgn pagi mamai sampai kul 9 at least baru nak jadi diri sendiri.pagi ni boleh bergurau senda bagai.hmm.but i'm not complaining, the berry joke made me smile from ear to ear til now everytime i think of berry.haha.
ok, rindu sapik skrg,:(
Friday, July 23, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
scrumptious yummilicious delicious
Semalam satu hari dok rumah berehat dan bermain dgn aqeef, by petang berasa sgt fully rested pastu lepak2 dgn mak ngah aqeef, tetibe terfikir "eh, jom gi makan delicious jom?" tetibe dia setuju.haha.lepas solat maghrib kami bertolak.pastu dan2 masuk kereta baru terfikir nak pegi mana.bangsar,midvalley or one utama.haha.seb baik sapik ada "midvalley dgn bangsar confirm jam,OU jelah." so bertolak lah kami ke OU.n sampai2 terus menuju ke arah delicious dan makan.

starter.wild mushroom soup.syafik's favourite.
salad mak ngah aqeef.kat sini salad pun sedap.serious.tak tipu punya.
my dish.carbonara spaghettini with wild mushroom, beef bacon, oregano & cream.delicious yg amat.
syafik's food.four cheese macaroni.sgt cheesy and yummy.tp satu suap da full.=)
mari makan!bismillah..
tiramisu in a glass.sedap sgt juga!nyummy!
blueberry apple crumble yg sgt menjilat jari hokeh.even though da kenyang masing2 berebut gak lagi sbb sgt sedap.serious.
syafik's drink, hot mocha with biscotti.nampak sedap tp tak rasa pula.
my watermelon+lychee blast.superdelicious man.like no other.
food2 mereka sgtlah menepati nama restoran dia.mmg puas hati hokeh makan kat sini.semua sedap.mak ngah aqeef siap komen "food dia semua sedap.tak pernah sekali pun makan kat delicious ni rasa dia hampeh.semua dish dia delicious".n bila da sampai damansara,mestilah beli...

double delicious.tp smlm da kenyang makan delicious tak sempat makan wondermilk.so,skrg nak pegi makan cuppies!nyumnyumnyum.=)

food2 mereka sgtlah menepati nama restoran dia.mmg puas hati hokeh makan kat sini.semua sedap.mak ngah aqeef siap komen "food dia semua sedap.tak pernah sekali pun makan kat delicious ni rasa dia hampeh.semua dish dia delicious".n bila da sampai damansara,mestilah beli...
double delicious.tp smlm da kenyang makan delicious tak sempat makan wondermilk.so,skrg nak pegi makan cuppies!nyumnyumnyum.=)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
muazzam n azida's wedding
went to one of syafik's friends , muazzam and azida's wedding in dewan besar tun rahah earlier this month, and only now teringat nak post the pictures.sorry mizah,lmbt sungguh saya post.huhu.its our first time kat dewan besar tun rahah kot.not bad, only that its in KL!hah.tak suka wedding kat KL.jam satu macam.in the first place pun mmg tak suka KL,so takyah banyak cakap.
below are the pictures.friends and food.seronok saja saya.semoga berbahagia dunia dan akhirat ya muazzam dan azida,=)

first couple : rafik and mimi, sweet couple.
second couple : dina & sapik, chubby couple.
third couple : faiz & mizah, hot parents couple.
fourth couple : abid & izura, the newlyweds.
fifth couple : sani & bilun, the jeling jeling couple, =p
us, with the bride and groom. n everybody else.haha.
below are the pictures.friends and food.seronok saja saya.semoga berbahagia dunia dan akhirat ya muazzam dan azida,=)
alhamdulillah, for the first time last night aqeef tidur dengan nyenyaknya selama 7 jam straight tanpa bangun.woohoo.maknanya mama dgn papa dia pun tido dengan nyenyaknya selama 7 jam straight tanpa bangun!=), its been a while since the last time we slept 7 hours straight through the night.hopefully malam ni pun dia akan tidur nyenyak juga.
semalam we woke up very early in the morning as we had to send aqeef's maktok and makcu to LCCT. their plane will depart at 8 in the morning and since we planned to have breakfast together in LCCT, we had to leave early.aqeef pun ikut sama sibuk bangun pagi sbb taknak kena tinggal.hehe.mmg mama tak tinggal aqeef la syg oi.
tp tung tang tung tang, lambat juga and tak sempat pun breakfast sama2 maktok n makchu kat lcct.tp after that kami pegi kedai mamak makan roti canai sedap.kat kedai tu mamak2 tu sume berkenan kat aqeef n dok la sibuk "macha, comel juga ada.." pastu aqeef happy dgr diorang cakap.haha.apetah.dudukkan dia kat baby chair kedai tu,pastu kitorang makan dgn happynya sbb dia sibuk memerhatikan org dan melayan macha2 kat kedai tu.huhu.
after that we went home dan saya kemas2 rumah dan bilik kami.tukar cadar,cuci tandas apa sume.next week, saya akan start busy kat office for one month,so, lebih baik mengemas apa yg patut.tghari, after zohor, makngah aqeef pun balik dari hospital,lepas zohor, kami berjalan ke sunway pyramid (mana lagi kami nak pegi kan?balik2 pyramid) sbb concealer mac mama aqeef da habis.and oh, harga barang mac da naik lagi ok,hampeh sungguh.am considering to quit using concealer and stick with foundation saja.i can still remember when i first started to use the concealer it cost only rm55, but the new price yesterday adalah rm7o hokeh?tak kelakar langsung for a small concealer like this rm70.baik beli something untuk aqeef.huhu.

lepas jalan2 shopping sume,mak ngah dapat bag charles & keith (yg tgh sale skrg) yg sgt cantik n mama dpt concealer mahal, tsktsk,kami jalan2 cari makanan pula.sibuk la saya suggest kat sapik n makngah dia sume restoran yg saya nak makan. bubba gump, manhattan fish market, hartz chicken buffet, nandos la.papa aqeef of course la " tak kisah,dia pilih je, saya semua boleh makan". tp mak ngah aqeef semua taknak ok. finally dia ckp " kita nak makan tmpt yg ada three layered tea. chicken rice shop boleh?" haha.cakap awal sket boleh tak makngah?huhu.sp off we went to chicken rice shop.
kat chicken rice shop, once kami masuk kedai tu je, almost everybody in the shop toleh tgk kami, sampai mak ngah aqeef perasan, "knp semua org tgk kite wak?" haha.sebenarnya semua tgk aqeef senyum2 pls, perasan la makngah.sampai ada one family ni siap panggil saya pegi meja diorang sbb diorang nak main dgn aqeef pastu gelak2 dgn aqeef bagai.saya terpaksa biar je, sampai sapik tegur "kenal ke dgn diorang?friendly semacam." haha.i think its the effect of dia punya baju baru kot.mak yang syarida dia bagi baju button down shirt yg sgt cool ok n smlm first time dia pakai baju tu.ramai gila org kat pyramid smlm dok berhenti tgh jalan tegur aqeef comel.its the shirt kot.huhu.
after kenyang makan, we went around for a little bit and terus bertolak pegi LCCT again ambil makchu n maktok aqeef.haha.sehari je pegi.pastu balik singgah dengkil makan sate kajang nyumnyum. n maktok aqeef bawa balik banyak sgt coklat utk aqeef!(read:untuk mama aqeef melantak).
favourite saya.nyumnyum.peanut butter hersheys.=) tq maktok aqeef!

balik rumah aqeef buat muka lapar, makan nasi broccoli dia lepas mandi kul 8. first time kot bagi aqeef makan bubur malam2.lepas makan dia terus tertido sampai 12oclock dia menggeliat2 sket, i gave him his milk and change his lunatots, he slept through the night sampai 7am.wah, adakah sbb dia kekenyangan makan bubur mlm2?hmm,tp maktok dia marah bagi bubur malam2. "u have to train him to have dinner before 7 like the chinese normally do" baik maktok.tak buat lagi.
all in all, had a great saturday and semua org happy,=) and oh, smlm on the way balik dari LCCT lepas hantar maktok aqeef, syafik sang the tilu song for me.ngehngeh,all this while mmg suka pon lagu ni.it meant more to me now,=).ok,nak melayan perasaan dgr lagu tilu sambil makan cokelat dgn baby aqeef.diet hancur baik punya.oh ahad, kenapakah berlalu begitu pantas?
semalam we woke up very early in the morning as we had to send aqeef's maktok and makcu to LCCT. their plane will depart at 8 in the morning and since we planned to have breakfast together in LCCT, we had to leave early.aqeef pun ikut sama sibuk bangun pagi sbb taknak kena tinggal.hehe.mmg mama tak tinggal aqeef la syg oi.
tp tung tang tung tang, lambat juga and tak sempat pun breakfast sama2 maktok n makchu kat lcct.tp after that kami pegi kedai mamak makan roti canai sedap.kat kedai tu mamak2 tu sume berkenan kat aqeef n dok la sibuk "macha, comel juga ada.." pastu aqeef happy dgr diorang cakap.haha.apetah.dudukkan dia kat baby chair kedai tu,pastu kitorang makan dgn happynya sbb dia sibuk memerhatikan org dan melayan macha2 kat kedai tu.huhu.
after that we went home dan saya kemas2 rumah dan bilik kami.tukar cadar,cuci tandas apa sume.next week, saya akan start busy kat office for one month,so, lebih baik mengemas apa yg patut.tghari, after zohor, makngah aqeef pun balik dari hospital,lepas zohor, kami berjalan ke sunway pyramid (mana lagi kami nak pegi kan?balik2 pyramid) sbb concealer mac mama aqeef da habis.and oh, harga barang mac da naik lagi ok,hampeh sungguh.am considering to quit using concealer and stick with foundation saja.i can still remember when i first started to use the concealer it cost only rm55, but the new price yesterday adalah rm7o hokeh?tak kelakar langsung for a small concealer like this rm70.baik beli something untuk aqeef.huhu.

lepas jalan2 shopping sume,mak ngah dapat bag charles & keith (yg tgh sale skrg) yg sgt cantik n mama dpt concealer mahal, tsktsk,kami jalan2 cari makanan pula.sibuk la saya suggest kat sapik n makngah dia sume restoran yg saya nak makan. bubba gump, manhattan fish market, hartz chicken buffet, nandos la.papa aqeef of course la " tak kisah,dia pilih je, saya semua boleh makan". tp mak ngah aqeef semua taknak ok. finally dia ckp " kita nak makan tmpt yg ada three layered tea. chicken rice shop boleh?" haha.cakap awal sket boleh tak makngah?huhu.sp off we went to chicken rice shop.
kat chicken rice shop, once kami masuk kedai tu je, almost everybody in the shop toleh tgk kami, sampai mak ngah aqeef perasan, "knp semua org tgk kite wak?" haha.sebenarnya semua tgk aqeef senyum2 pls, perasan la makngah.sampai ada one family ni siap panggil saya pegi meja diorang sbb diorang nak main dgn aqeef pastu gelak2 dgn aqeef bagai.saya terpaksa biar je, sampai sapik tegur "kenal ke dgn diorang?friendly semacam." haha.i think its the effect of dia punya baju baru kot.mak yang syarida dia bagi baju button down shirt yg sgt cool ok n smlm first time dia pakai baju tu.ramai gila org kat pyramid smlm dok berhenti tgh jalan tegur aqeef comel.its the shirt kot.huhu.

after kenyang makan, we went around for a little bit and terus bertolak pegi LCCT again ambil makchu n maktok aqeef.haha.sehari je pegi.pastu balik singgah dengkil makan sate kajang nyumnyum. n maktok aqeef bawa balik banyak sgt coklat utk aqeef!(read:untuk mama aqeef melantak).
balik rumah aqeef buat muka lapar, makan nasi broccoli dia lepas mandi kul 8. first time kot bagi aqeef makan bubur malam2.lepas makan dia terus tertido sampai 12oclock dia menggeliat2 sket, i gave him his milk and change his lunatots, he slept through the night sampai 7am.wah, adakah sbb dia kekenyangan makan bubur mlm2?hmm,tp maktok dia marah bagi bubur malam2. "u have to train him to have dinner before 7 like the chinese normally do" baik maktok.tak buat lagi.
all in all, had a great saturday and semua org happy,=) and oh, smlm on the way balik dari LCCT lepas hantar maktok aqeef, syafik sang the tilu song for me.ngehngeh,all this while mmg suka pon lagu ni.it meant more to me now,=).ok,nak melayan perasaan dgr lagu tilu sambil makan cokelat dgn baby aqeef.diet hancur baik punya.oh ahad, kenapakah berlalu begitu pantas?
Saturday, July 17, 2010
aqeef's food list
alhamdulillah dah 2 minggu dah saya makan bubur nasi dan so far saya sgt suka mkn mcm mama saya,ngehngeh.walaupun begitu,ada juga masa saya taknak makan mula2, especially bila bubur nasi itu diperbuat dari beras herba poni taj mahal yg takde kanji.tsktsk,doktor nasihatkan saya utk makan beras without kanji tu due to my weight,tp since saya tak suka,mama campurkan dgn beras biasa.
erm,so far saya da rasa makanan2 seperti di bawah:
(1) bubur nasi plain
(2) bubur nasi + carrot
(3) bubur nasi + kentang
(4) bubur nasi + broccoli
(5) bubur nasi + keledek
pastu esok insyaAllah mama nak rebus apple utk dimakan dgn bubur nasi,nyummy,lapar pula tetibe.tapi esok pagi mama kata kami nak hantar maktok n makcu pegi LCCT sbb mereka nak pegi penang ada org kahwin.dan saya sgt sedih sbb maktok tak nak bawa saya.=( tp mama happy sbb maktok kata maktok nak belanja breakfast kat mcd and promise utk bawa balik hershey's mini bar chocolate kegemaran mama bila mereka pulang nanti.oleh itu saya ikut happy dgn mama.oklah mama ajak tido sbb esok nak bgn pagi.selamat malam semua!=)
erm,so far saya da rasa makanan2 seperti di bawah:
(1) bubur nasi plain
(2) bubur nasi + carrot
(3) bubur nasi + kentang
(4) bubur nasi + broccoli
(5) bubur nasi + keledek
pastu esok insyaAllah mama nak rebus apple utk dimakan dgn bubur nasi,nyummy,lapar pula tetibe.tapi esok pagi mama kata kami nak hantar maktok n makcu pegi LCCT sbb mereka nak pegi penang ada org kahwin.dan saya sgt sedih sbb maktok tak nak bawa saya.=( tp mama happy sbb maktok kata maktok nak belanja breakfast kat mcd and promise utk bawa balik hershey's mini bar chocolate kegemaran mama bila mereka pulang nanti.oleh itu saya ikut happy dgn mama.oklah mama ajak tido sbb esok nak bgn pagi.selamat malam semua!=)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
stroller story.
stroller.hmm,before aqeef was born his stroller was the last thing on our "to buy" list.probably because we werent really sure whether or not our newborn baby is going to need a stroller to move around.we were planning on carrying him around wherever we go.haha.but, one day (i think it was 3 months before aqeef was born),my cousin's wife came to my parents house for a kenduri if i'm not mistaken, carrying her newborn son in a maxi cosi cabriofix baby carrier.

it was love at first sight for my father, that he told me to get the maxi cosi carrier for my baby as soon as possible.ooh,to be honest,yup, i love the carrier too, so, we did a quick research and our hearts were set on this carrier as not only it can be used as a carrier, it is also a rocker, carseat and stroller for newborn to 1 year old.Surveying around all the baby shops, we found out that the maxi cosi is cheaper if it is bought together with it's compatible stroller, the quinny zapp.

We did a lot of thinking and since my father insisted to buy the stroller for his grandchild, we went ahead and buy the set and put it aside in its boxes until aqeef was born.
on the day aqeef was born, we went to the hospital with the maxi cosi fully installed in our car.(kahkah,bajet balik rumah dari hospital nanti aqeef duduk dalam tu n mama dia boleh rehat2 enjoy the ride je.huhu).but, as it turns out, i couldnt even let anyone but my mom hold my aqeef longer than 5 minutes for fear of hurting him, let alone to put him in his baby carrier for our rocky car ride home on his third day arriving in this world.hah.berangan lebih.
i think during the earlier days, the maxi cosi was mostly used as a rocker and after i've completed my pantang days,we started to use it as a car seat and a stroller during our outings.and alhamdulillah, aqeef loved the maxi cosi so much so that he'll be fast asleep as soon as we put him inside the carrier.=)

but as soon as aqeef reached 5 months, he started to outgrow the maxi cosi and we had no choice but to switch to the quinny zapp stroller.he loved the quinny zapp as well probably cause he could sit and see the world while being strolled around shopping malls.(tsk,shopping malls je akip pegi).but one problem with the quinny zapp is,the seat could not be fully reclined to a flat position for aqeef's nap time and it hurt us to see him sleeping uncomfortably in sitting position during our outings.=(

fortunately, mydear had their warehouse sale last month and we decided to get him a stroller that can be fully reclined to a flat position among other things and alhamdulillah we got a very good deal with below stroller.it could be fully reclined, it has a full canopy coverage & the handle position has two way functions.All in all, we fell in love the very first time we used it with aqeef last week. and aqeef pon sgt suka dgn stroller baru dia!alhamdulillah,=)

to compare the two strollers in terms of quality, of course the quinny zapp is better.i think it is better in the sense that its wheels can be turned 360 degrees with smooth rotation function where else the mydear stroller's quite hard to be navigated.but all in all, i super love the mydear stroller simply because my dear aqeef can sleep comfortably in it.hopefully two strollers are going to be enough for my aqeef(and his parents,=p).

it was love at first sight for my father, that he told me to get the maxi cosi carrier for my baby as soon as possible.ooh,to be honest,yup, i love the carrier too, so, we did a quick research and our hearts were set on this carrier as not only it can be used as a carrier, it is also a rocker, carseat and stroller for newborn to 1 year old.Surveying around all the baby shops, we found out that the maxi cosi is cheaper if it is bought together with it's compatible stroller, the quinny zapp.

We did a lot of thinking and since my father insisted to buy the stroller for his grandchild, we went ahead and buy the set and put it aside in its boxes until aqeef was born.
on the day aqeef was born, we went to the hospital with the maxi cosi fully installed in our car.(kahkah,bajet balik rumah dari hospital nanti aqeef duduk dalam tu n mama dia boleh rehat2 enjoy the ride je.huhu).but, as it turns out, i couldnt even let anyone but my mom hold my aqeef longer than 5 minutes for fear of hurting him, let alone to put him in his baby carrier for our rocky car ride home on his third day arriving in this world.hah.berangan lebih.
i think during the earlier days, the maxi cosi was mostly used as a rocker and after i've completed my pantang days,we started to use it as a car seat and a stroller during our outings.and alhamdulillah, aqeef loved the maxi cosi so much so that he'll be fast asleep as soon as we put him inside the carrier.=)
but as soon as aqeef reached 5 months, he started to outgrow the maxi cosi and we had no choice but to switch to the quinny zapp stroller.he loved the quinny zapp as well probably cause he could sit and see the world while being strolled around shopping malls.(tsk,shopping malls je akip pegi).but one problem with the quinny zapp is,the seat could not be fully reclined to a flat position for aqeef's nap time and it hurt us to see him sleeping uncomfortably in sitting position during our outings.=(
fortunately, mydear had their warehouse sale last month and we decided to get him a stroller that can be fully reclined to a flat position among other things and alhamdulillah we got a very good deal with below stroller.it could be fully reclined, it has a full canopy coverage & the handle position has two way functions.All in all, we fell in love the very first time we used it with aqeef last week. and aqeef pon sgt suka dgn stroller baru dia!alhamdulillah,=)

to compare the two strollers in terms of quality, of course the quinny zapp is better.i think it is better in the sense that its wheels can be turned 360 degrees with smooth rotation function where else the mydear stroller's quite hard to be navigated.but all in all, i super love the mydear stroller simply because my dear aqeef can sleep comfortably in it.hopefully two strollers are going to be enough for my aqeef(and his parents,=p).
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
mimpi kami
semalam encik sapik tiba rumah dari opis jam 9.30 malam dan saya buat-buat merajuk dgn dia sbb balik lmbt.kahkah.sbb saya ada byk cerita nak cerita kat dia and penat pula tunggu dia tak balik2.huhu.tp dia bagi cerita menarik pula kat saya.
dina:hello macha, lambat lagi balik takleh?
sapik:sorry.. banyak keje plak tadi.mcm ni la keje saya skrg ni,mmg byk project sket,tapi takpe, insyaAllah, i will make sure, by the time we're 30 years old dia da takyah keje da,saya je keje. kita akan ada rumah, kereta dan semua keperluan hidup yang cukup utk kita satu family.i'm in the right direction insyaAllah.
dina: hish, taknak lah, nanti saya takde duit sendiri nak soping, some more, i'm not the kind of person yg boleh jadi a stay at home mom kot.i dont think i can survive staying home 24/7.its not good for me or my children kot.(mak yg kejam.not proud of it,but that's the truth kot,tsktsk).
sapik: no, insyaAllah saya boleh bagi dia allowance lebih banyak dari gaji dia sekarang.(sambil gelak2 berlagak, tahulah gaji saya sikit). supaya dia boleh bawak aqeef jalan2 dgn maid hari2 shopping2.even nak sambung study pun boleh.
dina: *berfikir dan tergoda*
sapik pegi mandi selepas itu sambil membiarkan saya berangan dgn aqeef yg menjerit "acha acha achaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." di telinga.huhu.sgt tergoda dgn apa yg dia ckp tu ya.hopefully dia boleh merealisasikan semua impian dia untuk kami tu,insyaAllah. sgt best kalau tak keje tapi boleh keluar jalan2 + shopping dgn aqeef hari2 ya.kalau duduk rumah je tak best,kalau jalan2 best.huhu.tp jalan2 means money, n kalau he can provide everything, no problem, on saja saya. the problem is, semua adalah kata2 sahaja.ya Allah, permudahkan lah semuanya untuk kami sekeluarga ya.semoga semua pilihan yang kami buat adalah yang terbaik untuk kami di dunia dan di akhirat.amin.
it's ok to dream big kan?when you aim for the moon, you'll at least get the stars insyaAllah,=)
dina:hello macha, lambat lagi balik takleh?
sapik:sorry.. banyak keje plak tadi.mcm ni la keje saya skrg ni,mmg byk project sket,tapi takpe, insyaAllah, i will make sure, by the time we're 30 years old dia da takyah keje da,saya je keje. kita akan ada rumah, kereta dan semua keperluan hidup yang cukup utk kita satu family.i'm in the right direction insyaAllah.
dina: hish, taknak lah, nanti saya takde duit sendiri nak soping, some more, i'm not the kind of person yg boleh jadi a stay at home mom kot.i dont think i can survive staying home 24/7.its not good for me or my children kot.(mak yg kejam.not proud of it,but that's the truth kot,tsktsk).
sapik: no, insyaAllah saya boleh bagi dia allowance lebih banyak dari gaji dia sekarang.(sambil gelak2 berlagak, tahulah gaji saya sikit). supaya dia boleh bawak aqeef jalan2 dgn maid hari2 shopping2.even nak sambung study pun boleh.
dina: *berfikir dan tergoda*
sapik pegi mandi selepas itu sambil membiarkan saya berangan dgn aqeef yg menjerit "acha acha achaaaaaaaaaaaaa...." di telinga.huhu.sgt tergoda dgn apa yg dia ckp tu ya.hopefully dia boleh merealisasikan semua impian dia untuk kami tu,insyaAllah. sgt best kalau tak keje tapi boleh keluar jalan2 + shopping dgn aqeef hari2 ya.kalau duduk rumah je tak best,kalau jalan2 best.huhu.tp jalan2 means money, n kalau he can provide everything, no problem, on saja saya. the problem is, semua adalah kata2 sahaja.ya Allah, permudahkan lah semuanya untuk kami sekeluarga ya.semoga semua pilihan yang kami buat adalah yang terbaik untuk kami di dunia dan di akhirat.amin.
it's ok to dream big kan?when you aim for the moon, you'll at least get the stars insyaAllah,=)
muhasabah diri.
please be reminded that u're not always right.
not everybody will agree with u n ur choices.
not everybody can accept u n ur way of life.
please nordina, ingat ok, u're not always right.
some people think they are, so just let them be.
let them be.
please be reminded that u're not always right.
not everybody will agree with u n ur choices.
not everybody can accept u n ur way of life.
please nordina, ingat ok, u're not always right.
some people think they are, so just let them be.
let them be.
hari ini dalam sejarah
:) alhamdulillah..baby aqeef saya da pandai control suara dia utk sebut things yang org2 sekeliling dia repeatedly say to him. dia boleh ckp atuk, kakak, babai n acca(haha, ni mestilah dia sebut sendiri, favorite word dia). initially i thought "oh, kebetulan kot dia ckp atuk, kakak n babai tu. a baby his age mestilah sama mcm ni kot ability dia". tp saya sgt surprise apabila everytime sesiapa nk keluar rumah ckp babai kat aqeef dia akan "babai" and everytime dia nampak atuk or kakak maryam dia, dia akan sebut "atuk" and "kakak" respectively. haha. n mak pula sgt impressed dgn cucu dia sorang ni, she keeps on saying "pandainya cucu maktok ni, belum 7bulan da pandai ckp" n smlm atuk dia pula ckp "nordina, please record somewhere that today your baby has started to speak. pls ya, dont forget."
therefore, supaya kami semua tidak lupa saya ingin mengumumkan bahawa, smlm 12july2010, muhammad aqeef danish bin mohd syafik azrir sudah pandai bercakap. boleh? haha. skrg mama dgn papa dia tgh giat mengajar aqeef sebut mama n papa pastu bet kalau aqeef sebut mama dulu dari papa, papa kena belanja mama makan n vice versa. huhu. mak bapak mcm ni pun ada ke?:p
apa apa pun mama dan papa sgt sayang dan bangga kat aqeef.alhamdulillah.
therefore, supaya kami semua tidak lupa saya ingin mengumumkan bahawa, smlm 12july2010, muhammad aqeef danish bin mohd syafik azrir sudah pandai bercakap. boleh? haha. skrg mama dgn papa dia tgh giat mengajar aqeef sebut mama n papa pastu bet kalau aqeef sebut mama dulu dari papa, papa kena belanja mama makan n vice versa. huhu. mak bapak mcm ni pun ada ke?:p
apa apa pun mama dan papa sgt sayang dan bangga kat aqeef.alhamdulillah.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
whole week update.
minggu ni adalah antara minggu2 yg tak best dlm tahun ni.minggu ni saya demam, sapik demam, aqeef pun selsema dan batuk terkena tempias kami.tsktsk.saya yg mula2 demam, selsema dan sakit tekak since thursday minggu lepas.hari sabtu lepas tu sapik pula demam right after argentina kalah.huhu.monday still pegi keje,tapi selasa i couldnt breath at all due to kahak,batuk n selsema yg sgt teruk.my mom had to bring me to emergency room and i had to use nebulizer to assist my breathing.sgt horror ok.mcm tak boleh bernafas langsung n oksigen yang masuk dlm badan mmg sgt sikit n mmg fikir nak mati da masa tu.tsktsk.
they took my blood for some tests and they found out that my white blood cells were quite high and from the other tests that they performed, the doctor told me that i had viral lung infection and gave me medical leaves to rest until saya baik sepenuhnya.they gave me a very good antibiotics and alhamdulillah, within two days i felt much better already.skrg,aqeef n papa dia pula yg tak sihat.hmm,kesian dua2 kesayangan saya ni.tido malam tersrott-srett-srott-srett.comel tapi,=p.
erm,dalam demam2, tadi boleh jugak keluar berdating dgn encik sapik pegi dinner kat nandos borak2 n tgk cerita eclipse.:) surprisingly eclipse sgt best.sebenarnya takde hati pun nak tgk eclipse sbb the last one sgt tak best dan tahapehape.tp ramai sgt org ckp best, pegi jugak la.tp serious,i had fun,and syafik did too as well.tergelak2 dia tgk.and sgt cool ok vampires especially when they walk in a group and muka cool2 gitu.tsktsk.saya suka edward cullen dan tak suka encik jakob yang mengganggu kehidupan cinta org lain(chewah.kehidupan cinta pls).bella juga saya benci sbb agak2 ah weh,kau da dpt edward cullen ada hati nak jatuh chenta kat jakob.what the?ok,semangat tetibe.all in all, i had fun tonight.balik rumah, aqeef tersedar dari tido yg sgt lama(saya tidokan dia kul 7 before saya keluar tadi), n senyum kat mama dia pastu minta dukung.lepas tu saya dodoi2 dia,dia tido semula,alhamdulillah.a perfect night after a not so perfect weekdays.=)
esok nak masak toblerone cheesecake resepi aunty chika (macam resepi uncle slocum pulak tetibe),=p.yummy.
they took my blood for some tests and they found out that my white blood cells were quite high and from the other tests that they performed, the doctor told me that i had viral lung infection and gave me medical leaves to rest until saya baik sepenuhnya.they gave me a very good antibiotics and alhamdulillah, within two days i felt much better already.skrg,aqeef n papa dia pula yg tak sihat.hmm,kesian dua2 kesayangan saya ni.tido malam tersrott-srett-srott-srett.comel tapi,=p.
erm,dalam demam2, tadi boleh jugak keluar berdating dgn encik sapik pegi dinner kat nandos borak2 n tgk cerita eclipse.:) surprisingly eclipse sgt best.sebenarnya takde hati pun nak tgk eclipse sbb the last one sgt tak best dan tahapehape.tp ramai sgt org ckp best, pegi jugak la.tp serious,i had fun,and syafik did too as well.tergelak2 dia tgk.and sgt cool ok vampires especially when they walk in a group and muka cool2 gitu.tsktsk.saya suka edward cullen dan tak suka encik jakob yang mengganggu kehidupan cinta org lain(chewah.kehidupan cinta pls).bella juga saya benci sbb agak2 ah weh,kau da dpt edward cullen ada hati nak jatuh chenta kat jakob.what the?ok,semangat tetibe.all in all, i had fun tonight.balik rumah, aqeef tersedar dari tido yg sgt lama(saya tidokan dia kul 7 before saya keluar tadi), n senyum kat mama dia pastu minta dukung.lepas tu saya dodoi2 dia,dia tido semula,alhamdulillah.a perfect night after a not so perfect weekdays.=)
esok nak masak toblerone cheesecake resepi aunty chika (macam resepi uncle slocum pulak tetibe),=p.yummy.
Sunday, July 04, 2010
movie week
minggu ni sempat menonton 2 movie dgn sapik.first one knight & day.this one i chose out of recommendation dari rakan2 di office.semua cakap best2,terus book and pegi tgk jumaat malam balik keje hari tu.review?erm,best la.romance,comedy & action all in one.plus,cameron diaz's so hot.fuh.bestnya kalau dapat badan macam cameron diaz,sgt tinggi & nicely-toned.insyaAllah nordina,mari berusaha.tsktsk.and tom cruise's not that bad.i never liked him before tapi in this movie dia agak desirable jugak.maybe sbb dia tak pernah berlakon in a romance-comedy punya movie before kot.selalu action2 melampau je,not my cup of tea.
erm,tadi pegi tgk karate kid.my opinion of the movie?WOW!i love love love the movie.sgt suka jalan cerita dia,actor dia and tmpt mereka shoot movie tu.beijing.tak tahu kenapa.tapi rasa mcm nak pegi beijing sgt2 after the movie.haha.boleh?tp one thing yg buat saya sgt suka dgn movie ini adalah message yg cuba disampaikan - when life gets you down, you can choose whether or not you want to get back up.that sums up the movie kot.and oh, it also reminded me to keep fighting with honor and dignity.and saya sgt suka jaden smith sama jacky chan.jaden smith itu adalah the spitting image of his father ok.sgt cool and charismatic.i love will smith by the way,always have been.so now,sgt terjatuh hati dgn anak dia yg comel itu juga.

p/s: entry ini ditulis bersama-sama xiao aqeef yg tergelak2 dekat riba mama dia sbb dpt tekan keyboard lappy mama dia.ok.it's been two hours tak post2 jugak entry ni.aqeef type-mama delete-mama rewrite-aqeef type-mama delete-mama rewrite-aqeef type-.....oh.motherhood
xiao aqeef.my pride & joy yg sgt suka makan macam mama dia.=)
erm,tadi pegi tgk karate kid.my opinion of the movie?WOW!i love love love the movie.sgt suka jalan cerita dia,actor dia and tmpt mereka shoot movie tu.beijing.tak tahu kenapa.tapi rasa mcm nak pegi beijing sgt2 after the movie.haha.boleh?tp one thing yg buat saya sgt suka dgn movie ini adalah message yg cuba disampaikan - when life gets you down, you can choose whether or not you want to get back up.that sums up the movie kot.and oh, it also reminded me to keep fighting with honor and dignity.and saya sgt suka jaden smith sama jacky chan.jaden smith itu adalah the spitting image of his father ok.sgt cool and charismatic.i love will smith by the way,always have been.so now,sgt terjatuh hati dgn anak dia yg comel itu juga.

p/s: entry ini ditulis bersama-sama xiao aqeef yg tergelak2 dekat riba mama dia sbb dpt tekan keyboard lappy mama dia.ok.it's been two hours tak post2 jugak entry ni.aqeef type-mama delete-mama rewrite-aqeef type-mama delete-mama rewrite-aqeef type-.....oh.motherhood
among the best days of my life~
stumbled upon these videos in youtube.oh,kenangan lalu.tetibe cam berasa nak kahwin lagi sekali.kahkahkah,kepada anda2 semua yang belum/akan mendirikan perkahwinan, silalah enjoy your wedding day ya.sekali je.i know i did.=)
perkara2 yang saya terfikir setelah menonton semula video2 di atas...
1.kenapakah saya sgt masam masa akad nikah saya?mcm kena kahwin paksa plak.kahkah.sabo je la.kecewa dgn diri sendiri sbb tak senyum masa before akad nikah.nervous tahap dewa kot.
2.cincin & gelang hadiah nikah dari sapik da kena rompak.tsktsk.sedeh.
3.saya suka deco bilik kami di hari nikah.mcm nak redecorate balik bilik skrg jadi camtu semula.tp mcm mana nak maintain fresh flowers hari2?kensel.berangan je sudah.
4.baru teringat,dvd disc wedding saya belum lagi diambil dari myshots(yg kami sgt berpuas hati dgn hasil kerjanya)walaupun dah setahun lapan bulan kami kahwin(baby da sorang da pls).=)
5.i made my family members wore pink during my solemnization day (thank you u ols) and we wore pink during our reception.wut the?why was i so obsessed with pink for my wedding tah.sbnrnya,pink's my least favourite kaler kot.eh.tp kenapa my phone's cover, my side lamp and my bed sheet sume adalah pink?kahkah.in denial.tak suka pink konon.
6.dari dulu sampai sekarang,saya masih lagi berasa sgt happy apabila berada bersama2 suami saya(even tgh tgk muka monyok dia sbb argentina kalah pun,saya berasa sgt sayang kat dia,huhu).alhamdulillah.=)
perkara2 yang saya terfikir setelah menonton semula video2 di atas...
1.kenapakah saya sgt masam masa akad nikah saya?mcm kena kahwin paksa plak.kahkah.sabo je la.kecewa dgn diri sendiri sbb tak senyum masa before akad nikah.nervous tahap dewa kot.
2.cincin & gelang hadiah nikah dari sapik da kena rompak.tsktsk.sedeh.
3.saya suka deco bilik kami di hari nikah.mcm nak redecorate balik bilik skrg jadi camtu semula.tp mcm mana nak maintain fresh flowers hari2?kensel.berangan je sudah.
4.baru teringat,dvd disc wedding saya belum lagi diambil dari myshots(yg kami sgt berpuas hati dgn hasil kerjanya)walaupun dah setahun lapan bulan kami kahwin(baby da sorang da pls).=)
5.i made my family members wore pink during my solemnization day (thank you u ols) and we wore pink during our reception.wut the?why was i so obsessed with pink for my wedding tah.sbnrnya,pink's my least favourite kaler kot.eh.tp kenapa my phone's cover, my side lamp and my bed sheet sume adalah pink?kahkah.in denial.tak suka pink konon.
6.dari dulu sampai sekarang,saya masih lagi berasa sgt happy apabila berada bersama2 suami saya(even tgh tgk muka monyok dia sbb argentina kalah pun,saya berasa sgt sayang kat dia,huhu).alhamdulillah.=)
Friday, July 02, 2010
protection for our little family.
Insurance?This word used to make me cringed thinking "apetah insurance ni,mengarut je.bukan ada purpose pun". or so i thought.being a mom made me think twice about the importance of insurance.Especially after a few friends of mine were unfortunate enough to have their children fell upon accidents without any insurance leaving them forking up their life savings just to pay for the hospital bills.
I began my research of insurance last week by asking almost all of my colleagues which insurance company/plan are they currently using and why. From my research, all my Chinese colleagues are covered by insurance and almost all of my Indian & Malay colleagues are not.Hmm,interesting facts.Haha, even yours truly is not covered by any insurance pun kan?
Upon asking about the insurance matters to my leader, he asked me 'Dina, you interested ke nak ambil insurance?Ada mana2 agent approach you tak?I agent ING" to which i replied jokingly "Tanak la Yap, nanti i tak buat keje u tak kasi claim" haha.
But after one day of weighing out other options i decided to ask him to quote for a plan that is within my limited budget,=p. My leader is one of the most efficient, honest and straight-to-the-point guys that I have ever known, therefore I could not imagine anyone else that is more trustworthy to be my insurance agent.=) From my googling activity about insurance, I've also come to know the fact that one of the most important part of insurance to be considered is the agent, whereby good insurance agent will result in faster, more efficient reimbursement process.
Hmm, he gave me the plan the next day(didnt i say he's one efficient guy?ke mmg sume insurance agent gitu?haha)and after discussing with encik sapik,we decided to go for a medical card plan for aqeef and investment-link plan that covers medical card, savings, death, critical illnesses & permanent disability for the both of us. Aqeef's medical card plan entitles him to claim up to RM150,000 annually and RM 450,000 for his whole lifetime. For that, we only have to pay RM962 annually, while our own plan cost us RM400 monthly,=). The lifetime limit for Aqeef's plan is relatively low, because we chose a medical card that has the lowest co-insurance rate.For aqeef's plan, regardless the total amount of the hospital bill, we only have to co-insure(not claimable) a fix amount of RM50 everytime he is to be warded(Nauzubillah).Most of the medical card plans from other companies requires you to co-insure at least 10% of the total bill. Just imagine, if your total bill is RM100,000, you have to pay RM10,000 from your own pocket. Which for us defeats the purpose of having insurance in the first place. Hmm..
All in all, alhamdulillah, i felt instantly secured,=).Oh,lunch time's over.Tata.
I began my research of insurance last week by asking almost all of my colleagues which insurance company/plan are they currently using and why. From my research, all my Chinese colleagues are covered by insurance and almost all of my Indian & Malay colleagues are not.Hmm,interesting facts.Haha, even yours truly is not covered by any insurance pun kan?
Upon asking about the insurance matters to my leader, he asked me 'Dina, you interested ke nak ambil insurance?Ada mana2 agent approach you tak?I agent ING" to which i replied jokingly "Tanak la Yap, nanti i tak buat keje u tak kasi claim" haha.
But after one day of weighing out other options i decided to ask him to quote for a plan that is within my limited budget,=p. My leader is one of the most efficient, honest and straight-to-the-point guys that I have ever known, therefore I could not imagine anyone else that is more trustworthy to be my insurance agent.=) From my googling activity about insurance, I've also come to know the fact that one of the most important part of insurance to be considered is the agent, whereby good insurance agent will result in faster, more efficient reimbursement process.
Hmm, he gave me the plan the next day(didnt i say he's one efficient guy?ke mmg sume insurance agent gitu?haha)and after discussing with encik sapik,we decided to go for a medical card plan for aqeef and investment-link plan that covers medical card, savings, death, critical illnesses & permanent disability for the both of us. Aqeef's medical card plan entitles him to claim up to RM150,000 annually and RM 450,000 for his whole lifetime. For that, we only have to pay RM962 annually, while our own plan cost us RM400 monthly,=). The lifetime limit for Aqeef's plan is relatively low, because we chose a medical card that has the lowest co-insurance rate.For aqeef's plan, regardless the total amount of the hospital bill, we only have to co-insure(not claimable) a fix amount of RM50 everytime he is to be warded(Nauzubillah).Most of the medical card plans from other companies requires you to co-insure at least 10% of the total bill. Just imagine, if your total bill is RM100,000, you have to pay RM10,000 from your own pocket. Which for us defeats the purpose of having insurance in the first place. Hmm..
All in all, alhamdulillah, i felt instantly secured,=).Oh,lunch time's over.Tata.
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