i have been postponing my pap smear for as long as i could after aqeef was born. shortly after aqeef was born, my gynae told me to come and see her after 5 months for this pap smear thingy.
however, due to scary remarks by friends, family members and internet about how painful the procedure is, i chose to postpone it.subconciously(or conciously kot,;p) forgetting the need to do so, last 2 months came the alarming warning,stabbing pain at my lower left pelvic.:(
scared of all the uncertainties, i tried repeatedly to book an appoinment with my gynae, but to no avail. she's one busy lady, hence, tired of being worried, i went to our family clinic in kota kemuning and had the pap smear once and for all.
and of course, the doctor was furious that i did not have the pap smear earlier on as my gynae suggested. she said, the best time to get one is 5 months after each delivery.hmm, but she's more concern rather than angry though.
then came the scary part, the speculum-cell gathering-part. kahkahkah. it was awkward. yup, thats the word, awkward, not that scary, and the doctor was very supportive, "u dont have to be shy, just relax, it wont hurt you at all if u relax, u can imagine u husband if u like", haha. and before i knew it, it was over. done. alhamdulillah, settle satu part.
and oh, the result's of the test normally takes 4 working days to be concluded.so the doctor said. and it cost me rm40 je. murah sgt kot.actually, u can get it done for free at any of the government hospital/clinic.but u know how sometimes the nurses/doctors at government hospitals can be kan?i did not want to risk having my first ever pap smear at any of the government's hospitals.kang, itulah yang first, itulah yang last. haha.
now, we just wait and pray that the result is OK insyaAllah.:)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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