saya tgh baca sinopsis buku apetah,tetibe aqeef muncul kat tepi n pass something kat saya sambil cakap "mama, mama, bek.." (read:mama, mama, ambik ni,;p). n u know what, dia bagi saya ni.....

awwwww, it was like being kicked in the stomach ok. n like a sign from up above through my cute baby, hehe.i have been miserable for the past couple of weeks at seriously sgt stress mengarut. padahal takde la pape sgt pun. i just need to be more positive kot.
n for aqeef to pass me that motivational quote, walaupun secara tak sengaja je dia ambil sbb benda tu sgt colorful, it still hit me hard and the words went straight to my heart.
tomorrow's monday, and i'm going to be a better person tomorrow, insyaAllah,:)
it's good to be blogging again.hello diary, i've missed u,:)
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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