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Sunday, July 31, 2011

salam ramadhan

i left my telekung on the sajadah after maghrib sbb malas nak lipat sbb dah nak masuk isyak tadi. lepas tu keluar kejap dari bilik, masuk2, telekung tengah bergerak2. creepy tak?kan macam malam lailatul qadar, ada pokok sujud, telekung sujud bagai kan, ni tengok2 telekung saya sujud.misteri.

lepas tu tetibe keluar suara "akbar,akbar,.." dari dalam telekung. pastu keluar lah si bontot belang2 dgn kaki kecik dia. hahahahahahahaha. pastu saya cakap kat dia, aqeef kan boy, no need to use telekunglah. dia cakap, "gegirl!". haha. dia skrg ni mmg kalau org tanya aqeef boy ke girl, dia akan jawab gegirl!! dgn bersungguh2, hihi.

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unique case when negative is a good thing,:)

alhamdulillah, my pap smear result turned out to be negative for any cancerous cells.:) i received a call from my doctor last friday as the result of my pap smear has been concluded. so yesterday i went to the clinic and alhamdulillah, my cells' clasified as class 1.

class 1 means negative for any cancerous cells and bad things. haha, sgtlah tak tau medical term nya. my mom and sisters started to utter seriously boring medical terms when they read my result, tp i just asked them one question, "the result is good right?i have nothing to worry about kan?" haha.

cakap medical term panjang2, tapi patient(sayalah tu, yg otak tak medical langsung) tak faham apa pun tak guna jugak kan. layman term please doctors,:p

kesimpulannya, takdelah teruk mana pun pap smear, tak sakit pun, uncomfortable saja. and the end result is you get your clarity of mind knowing everything inside u is ok insyaAllah.:) not too bad at all.all in all, a good news to start my Ramadhan with,thank you Allah,:)

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Monday, July 25, 2011

pap smear

some general information about pap smear,taken from wikipedia.

i have been postponing my pap smear for as long as i could after aqeef was born. shortly after aqeef was born, my gynae told me to come and see her after 5 months for this pap smear thingy.
however, due to scary remarks by friends, family members and internet about how painful the procedure is, i chose to postpone it.subconciously(or conciously kot,;p) forgetting the need to do so, last 2 months came the alarming warning,stabbing pain at my lower left pelvic.:(

scared of all the uncertainties, i tried repeatedly to book an appoinment with my gynae, but to no avail. she's one busy lady, hence, tired of being worried, i went to our family clinic in kota kemuning and had the pap smear once and for all.

and of course, the doctor was furious that i did not have the pap smear earlier on as my gynae suggested. she said, the best time to get one is 5 months after each delivery.hmm, but she's more concern rather than angry though.

then came the scary part, the speculum-cell gathering-part. kahkahkah. it was awkward. yup, thats the word, awkward, not that scary, and the doctor was very supportive, "u dont have to be shy, just relax, it wont hurt you at all if u relax, u can imagine u husband if u like", haha. and before i knew it, it was over. done. alhamdulillah, settle satu part.

and oh, the result's of the test normally takes 4 working days to be concluded.so the doctor said. and it cost me rm40 je. murah sgt kot.actually, u can get it done for free at any of the government hospital/clinic.but u know how sometimes the nurses/doctors at government hospitals can be kan?i did not want to risk having my first ever pap smear at any of the government's hospitals.kang, itulah yang first, itulah yang last. haha.

now, we just wait and pray that the result is OK insyaAllah.:)

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pre-ramadhan's entry,;p

i would like to dedicate this entry to everybody who is going to welcome Ramadhan next week insyaAllah. semoga Ramadhan ini membawa sejuta keberkatan and barakah insyaAllah. i had my pre-Ramadhan's craving all sorted out.had scrumptious dinner at bubba gump with hubby last middle of the week.

scrumptious-finger licking good onion ring tower.literally menjilat jari,:)

set apatah, ada ayam, daging, fries n coleslaw. my all time favourite.puas hati dpt makan,:)

strawberry lemonade. mmg kegemaran tahap dewa la ni. sgt sedap.waaaa, teringin sudah.lepas keje esok pegi tapau ah.

and now my newly-found favourite dessert of all time, bubba's alabama mud pie..second best dessert after tgif's mocha mud pie.serious weh sgt sedap.

sgt sedap, da kenyang2 pun boleh gagah habiskan jugak dgn encik sapik.;) saya suka makan. so?saya tak mintak duit org lain nak makan pun, sila jgn bising. eh, apsal tetibe emo nak justify makan banyak tah.;p

uwaaa!the description pun sgt menggoda dah. apakah?ok, diet sekarang makan buah je for dinner.

kahkahkahkahkahkahkahkah. buah durian?gagal lagi. sudah sudah. makan je, minggu depan diet,;p

selamat datang, Ramadhan. please stay longer this time, if u may,:)

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

aqeef danish @ 18 months

wah!lama sungguh tak update aqeef's development here. mcm banyak sungguh dah benda yg dia dah boleh buat.risau pula tak ingat apa perkembangan dia nanti. so, here i am, summarizing his abilities before my memory goes kaput on me.

currently aqeef sgt pandai bercakap da, alhamdulillah, since 17 months kot.earlier on, dia basically akan repeat apa yg org lain cakap especially the final syllables yg org ckp. mcm makan, dia akan ckp kan. minum dia cakap num. tp sgt clear la sebutan dia. nowadays especially for the past 2 weeks dia dah boleh sebut simple words yg kami repeatedly ckp kat dia. for example pokok, ikan, nasi n ball. tapi kadang2 tersasul2 juga dia. like this afternoon, tgh jalan dlm kereta nampak pokok dia ckp "mama, kopok", n ingat kan amenda la kopok tgh jalan, tgk2 dia point kat pokok,haha. tp bila betulkan dia ingat la tu pokok n sebut pokok da.

n skrg dia dah boleh kenal nama
org da mcm nama mama dia, nama dia,nama papa dia n nama semua org dlm rumah. when people ask, "siapa nama mama aqeef? nordi....?" he'll say, "naaaaa!" haha, kenal la sgt nama kan, tp dia boleh sambung semua nama aunty dia n papa dia ok, n smlm maktok dia tunjuk skill terbaru dia, bila maktok tanya, "whats ur name?" dia akan jawab "aqeeeeeefffffff..." hehe, comel sgt, dah besar dah anak saya,:)

n skrg satu perangai dia kalau makan pape suka cicah something, be it kuah kari, sos cili atau kicap. haha. boleh bayangkan tak baby setahun setengah makan bercicah?tergelak2 ok tgk dia mkn bercicah, so cute.

ni antara gambar dia mencicah sos cili yang mama sempat ambil gambar. n tadi siang makan kat nando's, dia boleh cicah fries kat hot peri sauce mama, gagah tak?pastu muka da terkujat2 kepedasan n kemasaman. haha. sibuk la cari air.

aqeef minum air byk sbb kepedasan. sibuk sgt nak cicah hot peri sauce sesuka hati, lidah dah burn.sian.

gambar takde motif.aqeef still pedas, nasib baik air bottomless.ngehngeh.

and skrg aqeef dah sampai stage tak boleh berenggang dgn mama or papa. means either one of us kena ada dgn dia, kalau tak melalak. tp dgn saya mmg melampau la dahsyat, bgn malam2 pegi toilet, tetibe tgh dlm toilet, ada org ketuk pintu "mama...mama.." haha. scary tak?pastu lepas mama keluar tandas, baring balik, dia sambung tidur. huhu. skrg nak pergi keje pun melalak2 nk ikut. tak boleh tinggal. kadang sian tgk baby saya. :(

n oh, aqeef's favourite past time adalah swimming also known as ming - as called by aqeef. skrg kalau bawa dia swimming, dia dah pandai berkawan dah. sibuk nak main dgn abang2 n kakak2 kat pool tu. n skrg kakak yam dia dah ada baju swim, kak yam dia lah melayan dia.n kak yam dah jadi ketua kolam renang yang dictate nak main apa dgn budak2 tu. haha, maryam, maryam.eh, ni cite maryam ke aqeef ni?;p

aqeef n kakak maryam aka spiderwoman. haha.

spot aqeef. haha, sgt oren pelampung dia.

apa lagi eh aqeef. oh oh, skrg aqeef dah tukar susu, tak minum susu enfagrow dah, bila tukar from stage 2 to stage 3, dia tak suka sungguh stage 3 tu. so we switched to anmum, so far so good.

n dia sgt suka ball, among other things. dah berlambak2 dah ball kat umah ni, n yet bila jalan2 nampak ball dia nak ball lagi. huhu.as long as dia tak mintak barbie doll, we're good.hehe.

ni dia nak basketball yg sgt mahal apakah tak logik budak setahun setengah nak basketball nike rm100?;p

ni gym ball, dia nak juga.kalau dah ball tu, ceruk kedai mana pun ball tu tersorok dia korek jugak. sgt terer akip saya.

n aqeef sgt suka naik rides kat shopping malls, what else is new huh?haha.

n sgt suka memanjat(boys will be boys). ni kat maxis center.

ni kat jabatan pendaftaran negara. panjat lagi.

ni kat kolam renang. dia bukan panjat sbb nak keluar ok. dia panjat pastu masuk balik, pastu panjat keluar lagi repeatedly.haha.gagah tak bosan buat benda sama.

n to date, aqeef dah pandai buat bunyi kambing, kuda, ayam, kucing, lembu n harimau. n oh, dia pandai buat bunyi papa tido berdengkur juga, muahaha.

hmm, thats about it kot.next month cerita lagi insyaAllah, hopefully there'll be more positive updates.:)

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aqeef the wise,:)

smlm jalan2 dgn aqeef kat sunway pyramid. tgh2 lepak dlm mph tgk buku, papa aqeef tgh tgk aksesori apetah, aqeef hilang entah ke mana. we usually just let him do whatever he wants selagi boleh dengar suara dia mencicit dalam kedai tu kan.

saya tgh baca sinopsis buku apetah,tetibe aqeef muncul kat tepi n pass something kat saya sambil cakap "mama, mama, bek.." (read:mama, mama, ambik ni,;p). n u know what, dia bagi saya ni.....

awwwww, it was like being kicked in the stomach ok. n like a sign from up above through my cute baby, hehe.i have been miserable for the past couple of weeks at work.like seriously sgt stress mengarut. padahal takde la pape sgt pun. i just need to be more positive kot.

n for aqeef to pass me that motivational quote, walaupun secara tak sengaja je dia ambil sbb benda tu sgt colorful, it still hit me hard and the words went straight to my heart.

tomorrow's monday, and i'm going to be a better person tomorrow, insyaAllah,:)

it's good to be blogging again.hello diary, i've missed u,:)

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