9 months today. how time flies. tiba2 da sembilan bulan dan saya terlepas nk update perkembangan baby aqeef masa dia 8 bulan. tsk2. skrg da tak ingat masa 8 bulan, apa yg aqeef boleh buat. tsktsk. takpe, skrg supaya tidak lupa, on the dot 9 bulan saya update pasal aqeef.huhu.
aqeef at 9 months da sgt byk perkembangan dia. sgt mengujakan kami sebagai parents.hehe.at 9months aqeef da ada perasaan da.boleh? haha, means dia da faham erti sedih, gembira, marah yg org lain tunjukkan and potray semua perasaan tu jugak himself. ok, tak tahu mcm mana nak explain. in short, kalau saya dan sapik gelak2 gembira, dia pun akan gelak2 gembira juga. kalau saya marah dia sbb dia asyik makan suratkhabar/kertas bagai, dia akan bermuka sedih seketika seakan2 faham yang dia sdg kena marah. n yg paling prominent skali adalah dia sgt sedih dan meraung bila time saya nak pegi keje or keluar without dia. mak ngah dia kata its normal for a baby his age to have this kind of behavior.separation anxiety dgn parents.hmm, sgt sedih setiap pagi nk pegi keje pass aqeef kat maryam n dia akan muka sedih gila nangis siap grab anything on me, tudung ke, handbag ke sbb dia tanak kena tinggal. so lately ni keje je la yg saya tinggalkan dia.kalau tak pegi mana2 melekat saja si manja tu dgn mama dia.tp hari tu nk tgk midnite movie, tunggu dia tido baru kuar ok je, kahkah.tp oh perasaan meninggalkan aqeef utk pegi keje dgn dia sedih2 sbb tak dpt ikut tu, Allah saja yg tau. mixed feelings sungguh. rasa nk berenti keje ada.nk amik unpaid leave ada, nk bawak aqeef pegi office pun ada. haha, you wish, nordina.
skrg at 9 months aqeef da sgt bising da, kalau saya balik main dgn dia "mama..mama..mama.." dia bising. hehe. bahagianya perasaan balik dari office yg tak best, dgr suara aqeef..hehe. hilang penat bekerja. pastu dia akan bercerita dgn mama n papa dia 'ata..ata..ata.." dgn expression dia yg sgt beria as if bercerita apa yg dia buat hari tu. comel sgt dgr dia membebel tahpape.tapi takdelah lagi dia ckp other words pon. mama dia excited lebih pls. haha.tp dia mmg riuh la skrg.:)
pastu kebolehan terbaru dia adalah berdiri sendiri dan berjalan sambil memegang sofa. huhu, tp saya tak pernah nmpk pun dia jln lg, the news was told by maryam smlm, and we were sceptical that he could actually stand up by himself let alone to walk by himself. kalau org tatih2 tu standard la kan. tp smlm mlm before i went to sleep arnd 12am camtu, aqeef merengek2 kelaparan n saya pun buat la susu dia sambil dia baring tu kan. tgh2 buat susu, tiba2 rasa ada org pegang bahu.pastu toleh2 aqeef da berdiri tegak kat blkg saya. ya Allah, terkejut ok dia da boleh berdiri tiba2 dgn sendiri. dgn muka kelaparan dia, sgt terkejut la saya. huhu.terus jerit panggil papa aqeef suruh tgk dia diri n dia pun sgt surprised tgk aqeef diri sendiri.
hmm, so far itu je kot perkembangan aqeef. selain dari dia suka sgt makan. semua benda yg kami mkn dia nak rasa juga. kadang2 kesian tgk dia muka merayu2 nk rasa food kami, rasakan juga kat dia sket2.haish2, tak bagus sungguh. doktor aqeef pun da warn not to give him makanan manis dan bergaram before 1 year. tp kami tak tahan juga.haish.oklah, so far itu je kot update utk aqeef 9 bulan. wah, baby saya da besar!alhamdulillah.:)
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
ketakutan seorang mama,:(
aqeef had a really bad allergic reaction today. we were having ice cream earlier on and i gave him some of my vanilla ice cream(with lots of nuts on top), but mind u, i did not gave him any of the nuts pon. i know for sure cause sapik warned me with "jgn bagi aqeef kacang. baby tak boleh makan kacang" when i wanted to give aqeef his first spoon of ice cream. 5 minutes after that red spots began to appear on his face and his mouth n eyes started to swell. OMG! i was so scared back then.aqeed cried and scratched like crazy n he only stopped crying after we applied some calamine lotion to his body.ok, seriously i've never seen such fast and bad allergic reaction tau. sgt terkejut. bengkak gila muka aqeef.
but one hour later he began scratching again n the swelling on his face became even worse.mak ngah aqeef checked his breathing and alhamdulillah takde pape. but she said aqeef needs to be given antihistamine to reduce the swellings and itchiness.it was 10.40pm, and no pharmacy would still be opened, we went to salam and along the way, aqeef sobbed quietly with his head leaned against my chest.i cried then, thinking pls ya Allah, please transfer his pain to me. saya tak sanggup tgk baby saya sakit mcm ni. luluh hati saya.:(
the doctor gave aqeef antihistamine n one other medication for his allergy. he told us to monitor aqeef's swellings in 24hours time, and if it gets any worse after taking the meds, we hv to go and see him again.alhamdulillah, bengkak kat muka aqeef da reda n he's sleeping soundly skrg ni after taking the meds.ya Allah, sungguh lemah saya ni. anak baru kena allergic reaction da tak tahan tgk, mcm mana lah anak2 yg kena terminal diseases semua tu?mesti mak mereka sgt tabah.nauzubillah.ya Allah, peliharalah anakku ya Allah..dan peliharalah ibuku sebagaimana beliau memeliharaku bagai menatang minyak yang penuh. terima kasih emak.
but one hour later he began scratching again n the swelling on his face became even worse.mak ngah aqeef checked his breathing and alhamdulillah takde pape. but she said aqeef needs to be given antihistamine to reduce the swellings and itchiness.it was 10.40pm, and no pharmacy would still be opened, we went to salam and along the way, aqeef sobbed quietly with his head leaned against my chest.i cried then, thinking pls ya Allah, please transfer his pain to me. saya tak sanggup tgk baby saya sakit mcm ni. luluh hati saya.:(
the doctor gave aqeef antihistamine n one other medication for his allergy. he told us to monitor aqeef's swellings in 24hours time, and if it gets any worse after taking the meds, we hv to go and see him again.alhamdulillah, bengkak kat muka aqeef da reda n he's sleeping soundly skrg ni after taking the meds.ya Allah, sungguh lemah saya ni. anak baru kena allergic reaction da tak tahan tgk, mcm mana lah anak2 yg kena terminal diseases semua tu?mesti mak mereka sgt tabah.nauzubillah.ya Allah, peliharalah anakku ya Allah..dan peliharalah ibuku sebagaimana beliau memeliharaku bagai menatang minyak yang penuh. terima kasih emak.
Friday, September 24, 2010
my eldest sister, mak long aqeef is on her way to gaza with the Viva Palestina 5 convoy to supply humanitarian aid to the people there.her journey can be read at www.azura4gaza.blogspot.com.prayers for her safety and success of the convoy will be very much appreciated.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
things to be accomplished come december.
(1) improve my body mass index.tsk,for the hundredth times.tsk.
(2) improve my skin problem issues.tsk2.currently needs to apply 2 types of lotion twice daily to improve my skin problem.tsktsk.Only Allah knows betapa sgt tak compliant nya saya tang penjagaan kulit ni.tsktsk.kalau beli lotion hari ni, maximum 2 hari je kot apply secara tetap.lepas tu, the next time i see the lotion would be to throw it away sbb da lepas tarikh luput.kahkah.
(3) must go for anniversary cum birthday holiday with mr hubby and baby akip.we're planning for the holiday as i'm typing this post.it's a tie between penang and singapore.which one is better tah.takut nak bawa aqeef jauh2 lagi.sgt keen utk stay kat hard rock penang, cause syafik sgt teruja dgn idea bilik hotel yg bukak sliding door boleh terus terjun pool.tp unfortunately for encik sapik, that kind of room is not available utk guests yg dtg dgn children below 12 y.o. huhu, sian dia(not!!haha).tergoda dgn singapore sbb nak pegi universal studio.hmm, belum survey lagi.we'll see how.
oh,itu saja kot for the time being.td before turn on lappy mcm byk sgt je reminder utk diri sendiri, skrg da takde.aduh.typical nordina.
(2) improve my skin problem issues.tsk2.currently needs to apply 2 types of lotion twice daily to improve my skin problem.tsktsk.Only Allah knows betapa sgt tak compliant nya saya tang penjagaan kulit ni.tsktsk.kalau beli lotion hari ni, maximum 2 hari je kot apply secara tetap.lepas tu, the next time i see the lotion would be to throw it away sbb da lepas tarikh luput.kahkah.
(3) must go for anniversary cum birthday holiday with mr hubby and baby akip.we're planning for the holiday as i'm typing this post.it's a tie between penang and singapore.which one is better tah.takut nak bawa aqeef jauh2 lagi.sgt keen utk stay kat hard rock penang, cause syafik sgt teruja dgn idea bilik hotel yg bukak sliding door boleh terus terjun pool.tp unfortunately for encik sapik, that kind of room is not available utk guests yg dtg dgn children below 12 y.o. huhu, sian dia(not!!haha).tergoda dgn singapore sbb nak pegi universal studio.hmm, belum survey lagi.we'll see how.
oh,itu saja kot for the time being.td before turn on lappy mcm byk sgt je reminder utk diri sendiri, skrg da takde.aduh.typical nordina.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
berpoya2 @ sunway pyramid
ok,saya dgn jayanya telah pergi bekerja di hari raya ke-5 pls(diamlah nordina, org lain 1 syawal keje pun tak kecoh,keje raya ke-5 bising lebih,=p). ok tp mood takde jugak kot kat opis,asyik ingat aqeef dgn papa dia tgh buat apa kat rumah je.tak productive langsung pls.siap ada list things to do sejurus tiba di rumah nanti.haha.tepat kul 6 bertolak pulang n sampai rumah arnd 6.45 camtu. teman maktok n atok aqeef buka puasa(ok saya mkn mengalahkan org puasa pls), n ajak papa aqeef gi sunway pyramid dia bersetuju!hoyeah!selalu sikit punya susah dia nak keluar malam tau.mesti dia kesian tgk wife dia kepenatan keje.chewah.
pastu after maghrib off we went to sunway pyramid.pastu sampai2 pyramid baru tersedar stroller aqeef tak bawak.aduih,masak kot nak hangkut 13kg keliling pyramid.huhu.memula tu gagah jugak la mengendong si aqeef bergilir2 dgn papa dia.setengah jam kemudian,pinggang masing2 da sakit da,haha.terus pegi kat concierge dia and ingat nk sewa stroller mereka.tp rupanya FOC saja ya,sgt cool.tak tahu pun.kalau tahu,mmg tak payah beli stroller kot utk aqeef.setiap kali shopping da ada stroller da.hehe.hampeh punya mama.
pastu window shopping arnd sunway n amik gambar stesyen keretapi dia.during ramadhan sgtlah packed dgn org yg nk ambik gambar kat situ,la ni sgt lah kosong.dua tiga group je yg ada including us.huhu.

oh, and of course i bought something for myself utk melepaskan penat lelah bekerja.hahaha.poyos.i superlove the thing inside the bag.alhamdulillah.sgt happy skrg ini.semoga perasaan bahagia dan tenang ini sentiasa berkekalan, amin..=)
pastu after maghrib off we went to sunway pyramid.pastu sampai2 pyramid baru tersedar stroller aqeef tak bawak.aduih,masak kot nak hangkut 13kg keliling pyramid.huhu.memula tu gagah jugak la mengendong si aqeef bergilir2 dgn papa dia.setengah jam kemudian,pinggang masing2 da sakit da,haha.terus pegi kat concierge dia and ingat nk sewa stroller mereka.tp rupanya FOC saja ya,sgt cool.tak tahu pun.kalau tahu,mmg tak payah beli stroller kot utk aqeef.setiap kali shopping da ada stroller da.hehe.hampeh punya mama.
pastu window shopping arnd sunway n amik gambar stesyen keretapi dia.during ramadhan sgtlah packed dgn org yg nk ambik gambar kat situ,la ni sgt lah kosong.dua tiga group je yg ada including us.huhu.
eid mubarak and blogging again,=)
hoyeah!selamat hari raya!still in raya mood but unfortunately tomorrow's a working day,=( its hokey,raya raya juga, keje keje juga kan? i had a great hari raya as syafik and i managed to spend time with both of our families during first hari raya.the best of both worlds.alhamdulillah.
it's the fourth day of syawal and i was supposed to go to work today tp jeles bangat tgk encik sapik tak keje, teros terponteng.haha,boleh?tp menjelang malam terpikir, sapik ni cuti seminggu ni takkan seminggu haku nak memonteng kan?tak hapelah, esok ngan rabu gi keje, pastu cuti balik for the rest of the week.huhu.hopefully bos tak reject leave application saya.
and oh, today we went to bkt raja and empire berpoya2 hokeh.sgt best sbb tak ramai org,maybe tak balik dari kampung masing2 lagi kot.first we went to bukit raja sbb makchu aqeef minta tlg hantar dia ada reunion dgn kawan dia.actually we never wanted to stay there but since we havent been there since aqeef was born, layan je lah.bkt raja has not changed that much.same old same old.hmm,shopping ala kadar utk aqeef n makan nandos seketika,kami bertolak ke empire pula cadangnya nak pegi toys r us belikan aqeef mainan.
we arrived there and parked our car at the basement and as soon as we went up one level from the basement i saw the cafe whisk which macaroons and red velvet cake had taken on great reviews from lots of bloggers.hmm,of course i had to go buy their macaroons and red velvet cake right?i went in(and oh, surprisingly the cafe was soooo small,seriously.sgt kecik ok) and was so dissapointed to see a banner that said all the macaroons has been sold off.tsktsk.fortunately the red velvet cake was still available and since a piece of that cake cost rm11.90, i took a piece only(cheapskate.yeah,i know).haha.
ok,aqeef gembira dpt minum berry blast papa yg sgt sedap.this drink is officially my favourite at juice works,:)
hahahahahahaha,setiap kali rasa air mama(tembikai ngan lemon apetah), mesti muka aqeef mcm ni.tp still nak lagi, and still buat muka mcm tu.hahahaha, and kami mestilah tergelak nangis2 tgk muka dia kan.haha.oh,i love my baby.
tgh tunggu sapik membayar kat the loaf, tetibe ternampak lin ngan naz,best buddies kat 5scwawasan dolu2.tsk2,sgt rindu kat mereka and high school.tsktsk.
lama gak borak2 dgn naz n lin, sbb da lama gila tak jumpa.last skali jumpa naz masa aqiqah aqeef n lin rasanya masa nisa nikah last year kot.serius lama gila.
aqeef and papa with the lovely ladies.:)
ini mainan aqeef yg sgt cool.we call the thing mr giggle.hehe.cause it giggles with funny noises everytime we shake it.
hasil tangkapan utk aqeef.baju2 pilihan papa as usual.mama belikan aqeef sipping cup tommy tippee non-spill, toys' basket and plastic bib sbb sgt murah kat toys r us.they're having babies' r us sale n byk gak brg yg reasonable.huhu.
and oh, hampir lupa.the red velvet cake.we had the cake at home and i was hoping that i'd hate the cake, so that this would be the last time that i'd have to buy it(with the cake being rm11.90 a piece kan?huhu).but the cake is scrumptious.delicious.enak sungguh dong.serious.it was worth the price.rupa tak serupa rasa.nampak cam hampeh,tp sedap tak hengat.ni yg nak singgah empire esok lepas keje ni.ok,nanti nak try macaroons dia.maybe saya akan paksa sapik pegi belikan macaroons utk saya as soon as the cafe opens up tomorrow and make him send them to bangi for my lunch.yummeh.ok,nak tido skrg bermimpikan velvet cake.ngehngeh.
selamat hari raya maaf zahir dan batin dari kami sekeluarga(walaupun aqeef pandang papa tak nampak muka pon,;p)
its good to blog again,=)
it's the fourth day of syawal and i was supposed to go to work today tp jeles bangat tgk encik sapik tak keje, teros terponteng.haha,boleh?tp menjelang malam terpikir, sapik ni cuti seminggu ni takkan seminggu haku nak memonteng kan?tak hapelah, esok ngan rabu gi keje, pastu cuti balik for the rest of the week.huhu.hopefully bos tak reject leave application saya.
and oh, today we went to bkt raja and empire berpoya2 hokeh.sgt best sbb tak ramai org,maybe tak balik dari kampung masing2 lagi kot.first we went to bukit raja sbb makchu aqeef minta tlg hantar dia ada reunion dgn kawan dia.actually we never wanted to stay there but since we havent been there since aqeef was born, layan je lah.bkt raja has not changed that much.same old same old.hmm,shopping ala kadar utk aqeef n makan nandos seketika,kami bertolak ke empire pula cadangnya nak pegi toys r us belikan aqeef mainan.
we arrived there and parked our car at the basement and as soon as we went up one level from the basement i saw the cafe whisk which macaroons and red velvet cake had taken on great reviews from lots of bloggers.hmm,of course i had to go buy their macaroons and red velvet cake right?i went in(and oh, surprisingly the cafe was soooo small,seriously.sgt kecik ok) and was so dissapointed to see a banner that said all the macaroons has been sold off.tsktsk.fortunately the red velvet cake was still available and since a piece of that cake cost rm11.90, i took a piece only(cheapskate.yeah,i know).haha.
its good to blog again,=)
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