di suatu hari yang senyap,saya mencari encik sapik dan telah menjumpai beliau dgn muka mengkereot-kereot sambil menghadap iphone.lantas saya menegur beliau..
saya: apa hal ko mat?
sapik: eh,encik silap orang ni, nama saya azan.
saya: ah???what the?tak faham.
sapik: yalah,nama saya azan, bukan qamat.(muka tak pedulik dan continue main game)
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.mengong ok pakcik ni.salah satu sebab kenapa saya jatuh hati kat encik sapik adalah kerana dia suka buat lawak bodoh, boleh?takde orang yang boleh buat saya gelak mcm dia buat saya gelak.serious.kalau orang tak kenal dia mmg ingat dia garang,serious dan tak reti buat lawak langsung.tapi sebenarnya quite the opposite ya.huhu.tapi dia hanya boleh buat lawak dgn certain2 org je kot.dgn saya dan kawan2 rapat dia je kot.itu je.eh, dgn aqeef pun dia kelakar juga.huhu.even dgn family pun dia diam dan serious ok.
dan sekarang dek kerana kesibukan kerja dan sebagainya,saya dah jarang dpt dgr dia punya lawak bodoh.tsktsk.rindu the old days bile dpt lepak2 dgn dia, borak2, gayut malam2 cite lawak2 bodoh.hmm..ok,malam ni mari berazam utk buat lawak bodoh sebelum tido.huhu..erk.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
misi sudah selesai.=)
Saturday, June 19, 2010
starting solids!
wah!sangat sekejap masa berlalu rasanya.aqeef danish saya dah start ambik solids da.tsktsk,sekejapnya masa berlalu.rasanya baru semalam je doktor nak inject epidural kat belakang saya untuk keluarkan aqeef.huhu.
skrg tgh sibuk(sibuk la sangat) prepare things untuk aqeef nak start makan.so far da byk da feeding accessories yg dia ada sbb banyak juga org bagi hadiah feeding accesories masa dia lahir hari tu.terima kasih semua.last week jalan2 kat ikea dgn nanny dia,sempat juga beli 3 mangkuk and sudu untuk dia.haha.sekali balik tgk banyak gila hadiah dia ok.alhamdulillah.rezeki aqeef murah.
ok ini adalah hadiah dari aunty ita, uncle ted and uncle saiful aqeef. terima kasih ya uncle2 and aunty.=)aqeef sgt gembira bila mama dia buka hadiah2 ni,siap nak makan semua benda2 ni.huhu.sabar ya aqeef, minggu depan kita makan insyaAllah.
petang ni insyaAllah nak gi shopping food processor.maktok aqeef nak belikan aqeef food processor.huhu.ingatkan nak pegi subang parade lah.dia ada mothercare juga,boleh tgkkan feeding accessories apa lagi yg aqeef takde lagi.Maybe we need to consider feeding chair kot(ni maktok dia yang suruh beli --> "eh,kena belilah feeding chair, nanti dia kacau kita makan,hehe.and nanti posture dia masa makan tak betul" dan2 tambah bab posture kan maktok.padahal takut aqeef kacau makan kan,hehe).and we have to go get beras herba pony taj mahal amende tu yg takde kanji kot (still maktok dia punya saranan juga).lagi apa eh?hmm.i'll think of more things to buy kejap lagi..oh,nak beli satu kasut juga untuk diri sendiri.haha
hopefully berjaya mendapatkan semua yg penting untuk aqeef hari ni,=)
skrg tgh sibuk(sibuk la sangat) prepare things untuk aqeef nak start makan.so far da byk da feeding accessories yg dia ada sbb banyak juga org bagi hadiah feeding accesories masa dia lahir hari tu.terima kasih semua.last week jalan2 kat ikea dgn nanny dia,sempat juga beli 3 mangkuk and sudu untuk dia.haha.sekali balik tgk banyak gila hadiah dia ok.alhamdulillah.rezeki aqeef murah.
petang ni insyaAllah nak gi shopping food processor.maktok aqeef nak belikan aqeef food processor.huhu.ingatkan nak pegi subang parade lah.dia ada mothercare juga,boleh tgkkan feeding accessories apa lagi yg aqeef takde lagi.Maybe we need to consider feeding chair kot(ni maktok dia yang suruh beli --> "eh,kena belilah feeding chair, nanti dia kacau kita makan,hehe.and nanti posture dia masa makan tak betul" dan2 tambah bab posture kan maktok.padahal takut aqeef kacau makan kan,hehe).and we have to go get beras herba pony taj mahal amende tu yg takde kanji kot (still maktok dia punya saranan juga).lagi apa eh?hmm.i'll think of more things to buy kejap lagi..oh,nak beli satu kasut juga untuk diri sendiri.haha
hopefully berjaya mendapatkan semua yg penting untuk aqeef hari ni,=)
laskar pelangi saya
Saya baru sudah menonton filem laskar pelangi.wah,sgt simple tetapi sangat menyentuh hati, memberi semangat dan mengagumkan.thumbs up again untuk indonesian filmmakers.mereka sangat pandai menyerlahkan benda2 kecil dan emosi yang susah untuk ditunjukkan di dalam sebuah movie.sgt laidback dan cool je cite,but managed to make me cry nonetheless.
This song below has been my favourite song for the past year kot. if i'm not mistaken, the whole month of november 2009 kot, i have to listen to this song repeatedly everyday on the way to work.bagi semangat nak keje dan berusaha keras untuk baby dalam perut.At the same time, memberi peringatan even though i have to go to work dan berasa depressed dgn situasi kerja yang tak best, maybe someone else, somewhere, lagi teruk suffering dia.Bersyukur sajalah,i think that's the most important thing kot. Bersyukur.
My dear Aqeef Danish,
Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia, selamanya..
Semoga Aqeef menjadi seorang hamba Allah yang berguna di dunia dan akhirat ya sayang, insyaAllah, Amin..
This song below has been my favourite song for the past year kot. if i'm not mistaken, the whole month of november 2009 kot, i have to listen to this song repeatedly everyday on the way to work.bagi semangat nak keje dan berusaha keras untuk baby dalam perut.At the same time, memberi peringatan even though i have to go to work dan berasa depressed dgn situasi kerja yang tak best, maybe someone else, somewhere, lagi teruk suffering dia.Bersyukur sajalah,i think that's the most important thing kot. Bersyukur.
My dear Aqeef Danish,
Menarilah dan terus tertawa
Walau dunia tak seindah surga
Bersyukurlah pada yang kuasa
Cinta kita di dunia, selamanya..
Semoga Aqeef menjadi seorang hamba Allah yang berguna di dunia dan akhirat ya sayang, insyaAllah, Amin..
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
aqeef saya jatuh katil,=(
hari ni aqeef jatuh dari katil kakak maryam dia yg tingginya about 2 feet high.first time dia jatuh,tsktsk.i had mixed feelings when i first heard the news from my mom.anger,sad,afraid(semua perkara negative yang boleh terjadi pun da fikir tadi) and regret for not being there to take care of my baby myself.=(
when i first told syafik he was very angry.mmg jarang dia nak marah cause he's not the type of person yg reti nak marah.tapi i've noticed kalau bad things happen to me or aqeef,dia akan jadi sgt marah.tp kalau pasal aqeef mmg dia paling concern la.intan payung dia,mmg marah gila kat org yg biar aqeef jatuh tu.once he heard the news,sepantas kilat dia balik rumah to check on aqeef.
pukul 5,saya baru nak melangkah keluar dari office, dia dah call "dont worry,aqeef mcm ok,dont rush,take ur time.dia boleh senyum lagi da stop nangis da.ni dia tgh minum susu,saya akan monitor dia." so, saya pun legalah sket.drive relax2 je.alhamdulillah.
once da sampai rumah,aqeef tgh tido.risau jugak,tak tahu kenapa.cause i've read somewhere, after budak2 jatuh,kalau dia asyik tido saja pun tak elok juga.once i told syafik my concerns, terus dia ajak pergi klinik."better safe than sorry" kata dia.so off we went to the clinic.
on the way pegi klinik,aqeef bgn.tapi tak aktif langsung.papa dia agah dia beria pun dia tenung je.lagi risau kami.seb baik sampai klinik ada sorang je before us,cepat sket jumpa doktor.once da jumpa doktor, doktor tu sgt calm and menenangkan kami dgn jayanya. "baby ni mcm kucing, dia boleh jatuh dari tingkat dua bangunan unhurt pun, insyaAllah.semua benda lembut lagi baby ni" terus lega.huhu.she performed some tests and alhamdulillah everything seems ok.dia just beritahu untuk monitor aqeef for the next 24hours,for any swelling,constant puking,atau asyik tido tak bgn2 je.
lepas tu, we decided to proceed with aqeef's six months hepatitis b shot and alhamdulillah even though the doctor said that hepB shots normally hurt the most, aqeef just screamed once the needle was poked into his skin and smiled immediately after the needle was taken out.one strong boy.papa dia mestilah sgt bangga kan.pastu aqeef tunjuk kehebatan dia bersalam dgn doktor tu.hehe.terkejut doktor tu bila hulur tangan kat aqeef suruh salam, dia terus salam siap cium tangan.haha.mama's proud of you sayang.=)
lepas keluar dari klinik, we went to carrefour to get some stuff and aqeef returned to his old self.alhamdulillah.tergelak2 tgk lampu n orang ramai.lepas ni mmg takdelah aqeef akan dibiarkan tidur atas katil sorang2 kan.haish.alhamdulillah everything's fine.=)
when i first told syafik he was very angry.mmg jarang dia nak marah cause he's not the type of person yg reti nak marah.tapi i've noticed kalau bad things happen to me or aqeef,dia akan jadi sgt marah.tp kalau pasal aqeef mmg dia paling concern la.intan payung dia,mmg marah gila kat org yg biar aqeef jatuh tu.once he heard the news,sepantas kilat dia balik rumah to check on aqeef.
pukul 5,saya baru nak melangkah keluar dari office, dia dah call "dont worry,aqeef mcm ok,dont rush,take ur time.dia boleh senyum lagi da stop nangis da.ni dia tgh minum susu,saya akan monitor dia." so, saya pun legalah sket.drive relax2 je.alhamdulillah.
once da sampai rumah,aqeef tgh tido.risau jugak,tak tahu kenapa.cause i've read somewhere, after budak2 jatuh,kalau dia asyik tido saja pun tak elok juga.once i told syafik my concerns, terus dia ajak pergi klinik."better safe than sorry" kata dia.so off we went to the clinic.
on the way pegi klinik,aqeef bgn.tapi tak aktif langsung.papa dia agah dia beria pun dia tenung je.lagi risau kami.seb baik sampai klinik ada sorang je before us,cepat sket jumpa doktor.once da jumpa doktor, doktor tu sgt calm and menenangkan kami dgn jayanya. "baby ni mcm kucing, dia boleh jatuh dari tingkat dua bangunan unhurt pun, insyaAllah.semua benda lembut lagi baby ni" terus lega.huhu.she performed some tests and alhamdulillah everything seems ok.dia just beritahu untuk monitor aqeef for the next 24hours,for any swelling,constant puking,atau asyik tido tak bgn2 je.
lepas tu, we decided to proceed with aqeef's six months hepatitis b shot and alhamdulillah even though the doctor said that hepB shots normally hurt the most, aqeef just screamed once the needle was poked into his skin and smiled immediately after the needle was taken out.one strong boy.papa dia mestilah sgt bangga kan.pastu aqeef tunjuk kehebatan dia bersalam dgn doktor tu.hehe.terkejut doktor tu bila hulur tangan kat aqeef suruh salam, dia terus salam siap cium tangan.haha.mama's proud of you sayang.=)
lepas keluar dari klinik, we went to carrefour to get some stuff and aqeef returned to his old self.alhamdulillah.tergelak2 tgk lampu n orang ramai.lepas ni mmg takdelah aqeef akan dibiarkan tidur atas katil sorang2 kan.haish.alhamdulillah everything's fine.=)
A douchebag & sausage mcmuffin with egg
yesterday morning, on the way to work, i suddenly had a strong craving for sausage mcmuffin with egg.therefore, i managed (poyo managed,padahal memaksa diri) to stop at one of mcdonald's drivethrough on the way to work.once i reached the ordering intercom..
dina:one ala carte sausage mcmuffin with egg please.
cashier:kak,lebih baik akak ambik satu set dgn coffee, rm4.25 sen je.
dina: erm..ok2.bolehlah.
cashier:ok kak, ada pape lagi?
(i thought then, i have homemade coffee in my tumbler, why do i still need coffee?)
dina:eh,takpelah dik,ala carte saja.
cashier:erk.ok kak, semuanya rm5.05.bayar depan ya.
so i drove my car to the receiving window,paid for the food and drove away, oblivious to the fact that i just made one stupid decision(regardless the weird look that the cashier glazed upon me).hahaha.after what seems like 5 minutes of driving only i realized that i should've gotten the burger+coffee set cause it's cheaper than ala carte.kahkahkah.
the cashier must have thought then "what a douchebag".i admit,sometimes i can be quite a douchebag especially in the morning before any caffeine intake.oh,and of course, my diet's slightly ruined.apakah makan fast food di kala diet.tsktsk.
dina:one ala carte sausage mcmuffin with egg please.
cashier:kak,lebih baik akak ambik satu set dgn coffee, rm4.25 sen je.
dina: erm..ok2.bolehlah.
cashier:ok kak, ada pape lagi?
(i thought then, i have homemade coffee in my tumbler, why do i still need coffee?)
dina:eh,takpelah dik,ala carte saja.
cashier:erk.ok kak, semuanya rm5.05.bayar depan ya.
so i drove my car to the receiving window,paid for the food and drove away, oblivious to the fact that i just made one stupid decision(regardless the weird look that the cashier glazed upon me).hahaha.after what seems like 5 minutes of driving only i realized that i should've gotten the burger+coffee set cause it's cheaper than ala carte.kahkahkah.
the cashier must have thought then "what a douchebag".i admit,sometimes i can be quite a douchebag especially in the morning before any caffeine intake.oh,and of course, my diet's slightly ruined.apakah makan fast food di kala diet.tsktsk.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
short quickie.
this week :
(1) aqeef's been a really good boy.he normally falls asleep at 10pm at night,cries a little at 2pm due to wet nappy and starvation, and goes back to sleep until 6 in the morning.=)[dia jadi baik after my last post,adakah dia tahu saya mengumpat dia?] tsktsk.
(2) hanisah's finally engaged!=) congratulations han2.
(3) i sort of ruined my diet plan.i had rice on friday(lunch time) and sunday(at hanisah's engagement).=( need to fast tomorrow.
(4) world cup has started.tsktsk.tak suka.tak tahu kenapa.actually tahu tapi tak tahu where to begin utk explain.
(5) my best friend, cik ili faten johari will be transferred to sarawak.tsktsk.
not a good week except for hanisah's engagement and aqeef's development.hope next week will be a better one.
(1) aqeef's been a really good boy.he normally falls asleep at 10pm at night,cries a little at 2pm due to wet nappy and starvation, and goes back to sleep until 6 in the morning.=)[dia jadi baik after my last post,adakah dia tahu saya mengumpat dia?] tsktsk.
(2) hanisah's finally engaged!=) congratulations han2.
(3) i sort of ruined my diet plan.i had rice on friday(lunch time) and sunday(at hanisah's engagement).=( need to fast tomorrow.
(4) world cup has started.tsktsk.tak suka.tak tahu kenapa.actually tahu tapi tak tahu where to begin utk explain.
(5) my best friend, cik ili faten johari will be transferred to sarawak.tsktsk.
not a good week except for hanisah's engagement and aqeef's development.hope next week will be a better one.
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
ragam si aqeef.
5 bulan seminggu dah aqeef,alhamdulillah.sekarang tgh study2 pasal aqeef's first solid food nanti.thank you rakan2 yg sgt banyak membantu.=) skrg tgh cari food processor yg sesuai(dan murah,=p) utk blend bubur dan buat bermacam2 home made food for aqeef.so far semua around rm160~rm240.cari jenama moulinex mcm tak jumpa.takkan takde kot kan?
skrg aqeef sgt meragam malam2,dia suka golek2,kadang2 mama dgn papa terhempap aqeef(boleh bayangkan tak?kesian tak kesian dia?kahkah).tiba2 je nangis tgh2 malam,kadang nangis sekejap pastu tido balik,kadang2 sejam nangis tak tido2.tsktsk.bergilir2 lah kami mendodoikan dia.pastu kalau tido pun mcm restless sgt,tergaru2,terpisat2.mcm tak nyenyak je tido.kesian sgt.i dont know whether its normal for a 5months old baby to have this kind of interrupted sleeping,tp rasa mcm nak pi jumpa paeds dia je tanya nanti.hmm.smlm dia tak tido langsung,kami pun bersengkang mata ok,jam 6 baru tido and kami terlajak tido sampai kul 9 baru bgn.langsung kena halfday pagi pastu pegi the loaf.kahkahkah.
malam ni hopefully aqeef tido nyenyak.amin.
skrg aqeef sgt meragam malam2,dia suka golek2,kadang2 mama dgn papa terhempap aqeef(boleh bayangkan tak?kesian tak kesian dia?kahkah).tiba2 je nangis tgh2 malam,kadang nangis sekejap pastu tido balik,kadang2 sejam nangis tak tido2.tsktsk.bergilir2 lah kami mendodoikan dia.pastu kalau tido pun mcm restless sgt,tergaru2,terpisat2.mcm tak nyenyak je tido.kesian sgt.i dont know whether its normal for a 5months old baby to have this kind of interrupted sleeping,tp rasa mcm nak pi jumpa paeds dia je tanya nanti.hmm.smlm dia tak tido langsung,kami pun bersengkang mata ok,jam 6 baru tido and kami terlajak tido sampai kul 9 baru bgn.langsung kena halfday pagi pastu pegi the loaf.kahkahkah.
malam ni hopefully aqeef tido nyenyak.amin.
the yummy the loaf.
had the loaf's scrumptious breads today and my oh my, no wonder the queue at the bakery is neverending(tadi sbb weekday kot,pendek je line dia).it's delicious beyond words.all the breads that i had are highly recommended.seriously you should try it.i ate it with some of my colleagues,cika,zul,izran and darren.and oh,seriously diorang pun ckp sgt sdp ok.

walaupun harga dia agak pricey utk roti,tapi seriously worth every penny.nyummy2.
chocolate danish(ok saya beli sbb ada nama danish,terus teringat aqeef)yg ada coklat atas dia.sgt lazat.coklat dia kot yg lain dari yg lain.yang bulat adalah mushroom quiche yg oh sgt lazat jugak.uwaa,i'm drooling ni.triangle tu croque monsieur, roti goreng dgn cheese n dalam ada chicken ham if i'm not mistaken.yg atas sekali tu sausage roll yg sgt lazat jugak.n yg empat segi tu brownie yg rasa mcm the delicious mrs field brownie yg dah takde kat klcc da.i used to buy it dolu2 masa zaman2 dating ngan sapik kat matrix dolu.tetibe makan brownie ni teringat kenangan lama(poyo pls).tp the point is serious sedap.you have to try to believe it.
definitely going again this saturday.there goes my diet again,=(
definitely going again this saturday.there goes my diet again,=(
weekends lepas punya cerita.
sabtu lepas diet program saya hancur.haha.walaupun dah brisk walk beria hari jumaat tu,tapi hancur juga hari sabtu.tsktsk.mak belanja kami makan hi-tea kat concorde.oh,mmg saya sepatutnya bersyukur dgn rezeki yg Allah bagi tapi terkilan juga sbb diet saya hancur.(diamlah nordina.diet diet.tak boleh blah).walaupun food kat concorde tu agak hampeh hari tu berbanding hari2 lain,tapi melantak jugak kot saya.kahkahkah.
restoran yg sgt cosy ya.
waffle yg sangat lazat.tsktsktsk.nyesal makan satu bite jek.
adik kecik saya yg baik jaga akip da sebulan.tq dude.
ya,suami saya tak betol sket.
main iphone ana yg ada gambar dia.
first round.tp nasi saya bagi kat sapik selepas one bite.(kesedaran utk diet muncul tiba2).
lepas kekenyangan masing2 ajak mak pegi sunway pyramid sbb perlu membuang semua kalori2 yang telah diconsume.erm.finally mak yg memborong mcm2,shopping spree habis.mak mmg camtu tau.nak ajak keluar shopping ke jalan2 sikit punya susah.tapi once da keluar jalan,selagi2 dia beli.huhu.maybe thats the reason dia malas nak keluar kot,sbb nanti beli macam2.pastu kat pyramid saya telah berjumpa dgn tuan punya kepada syafik's favourite blog.kahkah.kelakar.tapi malu nak tegur.ada ke org yg tegur dgn blogger eh?nak cakap mcm mana pun kan "hai,saya dina,suami saya peminat blog awak". (padahal sendiri letak blog org tu kat favourite blog list sendiri.kahkah).tapi sgt excited ok jumpa blogger kat luar,mcm perasaan dia lain macam (serius haku yg super excited pls).
pastu ahad lepas kami ada banyak sangat wedding tp tak dpt nak pergi semua.tsktsk.keadaan tak mengizinkan.kami hanya mampu pergi ke wedding encik abid, one of sapiki's best friends.best jugak jumpa ramai org.abid and his wife, izura looked so beautiful in blue.congratulations encik abid dan puan izura,semoga sentiasa berbahagia dan diberkati Allah hingga ke akhirat ya.insyaAllah.p/s: kepada pengapit encik abid (dan juga pengapit kami dulu),bila nak naik pelamin pulak?tetibe.
with the cute humaira and her ever lovely mum.
humaira comel,=) nak chop buat menantu boleh?huhu
aqeef dgn papa kepanasan tunggu pengantin tak sampai2.iskisk.
akhirnya pengantin sampai dan semua org gembira!yippie!
us with the bride & groom.=) alhamdulillah selamat semua.
lepas kekenyangan masing2 ajak mak pegi sunway pyramid sbb perlu membuang semua kalori2 yang telah diconsume.erm.finally mak yg memborong mcm2,shopping spree habis.mak mmg camtu tau.nak ajak keluar shopping ke jalan2 sikit punya susah.tapi once da keluar jalan,selagi2 dia beli.huhu.maybe thats the reason dia malas nak keluar kot,sbb nanti beli macam2.pastu kat pyramid saya telah berjumpa dgn tuan punya kepada syafik's favourite blog.kahkah.kelakar.tapi malu nak tegur.ada ke org yg tegur dgn blogger eh?nak cakap mcm mana pun kan "hai,saya dina,suami saya peminat blog awak". (padahal sendiri letak blog org tu kat favourite blog list sendiri.kahkah).tapi sgt excited ok jumpa blogger kat luar,mcm perasaan dia lain macam (serius haku yg super excited pls).
pastu ahad lepas kami ada banyak sangat wedding tp tak dpt nak pergi semua.tsktsk.keadaan tak mengizinkan.kami hanya mampu pergi ke wedding encik abid, one of sapiki's best friends.best jugak jumpa ramai org.abid and his wife, izura looked so beautiful in blue.congratulations encik abid dan puan izura,semoga sentiasa berbahagia dan diberkati Allah hingga ke akhirat ya.insyaAllah.p/s: kepada pengapit encik abid (dan juga pengapit kami dulu),bila nak naik pelamin pulak?tetibe.
Monday, June 07, 2010
Sunday, June 06, 2010
Kami sedang berfikir utk membeli kereta baru juga utk menampung keluarga kami yang sedang mengembang ni(aqeef dgn mama dia je kot yg mengembang setiap hari.papa tak,kahkah).hmm,tgh memilih antara 3 mpv yg ada,oh semoga kami dpt memilih yg terbaik.amin.
ok ini cerita kelakar tentang aqeef dan papanya.more to papa aqeef yg kelakar tp takpe,nak cerita jugak,takut lupa nanti and saya taknak lupa perasaan ini.
last sunday after we got back to kota kemuning from mama's hse, while i was busy unpacking our bags, i asked papa aqeef to play with him for a while. tiba2 masuk dlm bilik lepas hantar laundry kat mesin basuh dgr si sapik chanting "aqeef tido,aqeef tido, aqeef tido" banyak2 kali mcm org nak jampi hape tah.pastu tgk si aqeef muka pelik konpius..jpg)
pelik juga kenapa muka aqeef sebegitu rupa.mcm tgk konpius gitu.pastu tgk papa dia.harharhar.i laughed my ass out ok.sampai nangis2.ngok betul.hahahahahahaha.
!S@#$%^&*()*&^%$#$%^&*()(*&^%$#$%^&*()(*&^%$%hahahahahaha.no wonder la aqeef had that confused look on his face.mesti tgh fikir "ni papa ke sape ni?tak kenal pls(pls ok anak i ckp)".hahahahahaha.
oh pastu bila suruh senyum nak ambik gambar,senyum pulak tu.maybe sbb ada mask dia rasa takpe kot, takde org boleh kenal.hence the smile.kahkahkahkahkahkah.hai,inilah dia my syafik azrir.tahhapehapetah.=).still laughing inside as i'm typing this post.
last sunday after we got back to kota kemuning from mama's hse, while i was busy unpacking our bags, i asked papa aqeef to play with him for a while. tiba2 masuk dlm bilik lepas hantar laundry kat mesin basuh dgr si sapik chanting "aqeef tido,aqeef tido, aqeef tido" banyak2 kali mcm org nak jampi hape tah.pastu tgk si aqeef muka pelik konpius.
pelik juga kenapa muka aqeef sebegitu rupa.mcm tgk konpius gitu.pastu tgk papa dia.harharhar.i laughed my ass out ok.sampai nangis2.ngok betul.hahahahahahaha.
hapdet hapdet hapdet
oh hi.have been busy recovering from the never ending flu.tsktsk.now that i've recovered fully(alhamdulillah),encik sapik pula yg terkena flu.alhamdulillah jugak so far aqeef seems healthy,not affected by any of the virus.huhu.
minggu ni line telefon rumah kena strike dgn lightning,langsung takde ringing tone whatsoever.called tm tapi tah bila tah nak dtg as usual.haish.so,one week lah takde connection to internet.pastu yesterday balik keje masuk bilik adik,tgk dia boleh access internet.pastu sibuk lah "wah!line telefon da hokeh ke?",pastu dgn selamba je dia boleh ckp "taklah,kita pakai maxis broadband kita,kan kita ada broadband utk kat asrama".ces.awal2 tanak cakap pls.boleh curi,kahkah.so now,saya menggunakan her maxis broadband utk surfing.kahkah.(apakah kahkah).
currently i'm contemplating whether or not i should buy an iphone.i never liked iphone to be honest,but lately tak tahu kenapa mcm tergoda semacam.sbb hari tu ada tgk org kat surau ni baca Quran,pastu mcm tak pegang Quran pun,tgk2 dia baca dari iphone.pastu cam tergoda.Quran yg boleh dibawa ke mana2.hmm.interesting.one point for iphone.tp saya tak suka the fact that dia takde button and selalu terfikir,mcm mana nak sms waktu tgh drive.kahkah.harap2 takde polis baca blog ini.=p.tp seriously,camne weh nak sms dlm kereta kalau pakai touch screen?
pastu survey2 dlm internet,iphone takde bluetooth.ada pun utk pakai headset je.pastu iphone sgt bulky compared to my current and previous handphones.i've always liked small & slim handphones(maybe to compensate my not small and not slim figure kot.kahkah).
alamak,nampaknya byk je keburukan iphone yg saya nampak(taknak list down sume,byk sgt).am i subconsciously rejecting iphone here?tsktsk.
ok,esok nak pegi 2 weddings,first wedding one of encik sapik's best friends, abid & izura and then we're off to his cousin's wedding in kg delek klang with my parent in laws.maybe after that we can drop by any maxis store and ask about the iphone.ces.ada hati nak survey.kata tak suka.sudahlah.
minggu ni line telefon rumah kena strike dgn lightning,langsung takde ringing tone whatsoever.called tm tapi tah bila tah nak dtg as usual.haish.so,one week lah takde connection to internet.pastu yesterday balik keje masuk bilik adik,tgk dia boleh access internet.pastu sibuk lah "wah!line telefon da hokeh ke?",pastu dgn selamba je dia boleh ckp "taklah,kita pakai maxis broadband kita,kan kita ada broadband utk kat asrama".ces.awal2 tanak cakap pls.boleh curi,kahkah.so now,saya menggunakan her maxis broadband utk surfing.kahkah.(apakah kahkah).
currently i'm contemplating whether or not i should buy an iphone.i never liked iphone to be honest,but lately tak tahu kenapa mcm tergoda semacam.sbb hari tu ada tgk org kat surau ni baca Quran,pastu mcm tak pegang Quran pun,tgk2 dia baca dari iphone.pastu cam tergoda.Quran yg boleh dibawa ke mana2.hmm.interesting.one point for iphone.tp saya tak suka the fact that dia takde button and selalu terfikir,mcm mana nak sms waktu tgh drive.kahkah.harap2 takde polis baca blog ini.=p.tp seriously,camne weh nak sms dlm kereta kalau pakai touch screen?
pastu survey2 dlm internet,iphone takde bluetooth.ada pun utk pakai headset je.pastu iphone sgt bulky compared to my current and previous handphones.i've always liked small & slim handphones(maybe to compensate my not small and not slim figure kot.kahkah).
alamak,nampaknya byk je keburukan iphone yg saya nampak(taknak list down sume,byk sgt).am i subconsciously rejecting iphone here?tsktsk.
ok,esok nak pegi 2 weddings,first wedding one of encik sapik's best friends, abid & izura and then we're off to his cousin's wedding in kg delek klang with my parent in laws.maybe after that we can drop by any maxis store and ask about the iphone.ces.ada hati nak survey.kata tak suka.sudahlah.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
jam 4 pagi punya quickie
i was down with fever and flu last sunday evening and still am actually.did not go to work yesterday, was having throbbing headache and heavily runny nose.=( i think this is the first time that i've been sick since aqeef was born kot.tsk tsk.i slept through the whole day yesterday.woke up only to go to the clinic,took the meds and went to the loo.but alhamdulillah, the fever's gone now.but my nose's still a little bit runny.hopefully it'll get better by tomorrow so that i can go to work.
hmm, our weekends started earlier this week due to wesak day(arent you glad you live in a multiracial country?=p) and we went to the newly opened empire shopping gallery next to subang parade.we parked our car in subang parade and had to walk to empire but its not that far away.my first impression?a tad too small for its name-empire.(or maybe its not fully opened yet kot).the shops' quite fascinating though.they have chili's(weeee-no need to go to OU or midvalley da), toys r us, popular bookstore, starbucks, FOS, crocs, osh kosh, pumpkin patch, the loaf, kenny rogers and many more.quite ok for a weekend quickie with your family kot.

we had our lunch at kenny rogers.oh,and since i'm on a diet (poyo),i had their caesar salad while syafik and my sister each had their scrumptious chicken with three side dishes meal(tsk tsk). tp sgt bangga dpt menahan diri ok.but their caesar salad was not that bad kot.boleh terima la.
aqeef teruja dgn food papa.
pastu usha kakak comel kat meja sebelah,haha.
mama stress sbb tak dpt makan ayam dgn mac & cheese.
after buying some stuff for aqeef, we headed to mama's hse to spend the weekends there.hari sabtu tersgtlah hecticnya.there are 3 kenduris in mama's neighbourhood itself and we also had to go to ita & izran's engagement ceremony in putrajaya.(maybe thats why i fell sick kot,sgt memenatkan hari sabtu tu.)below are some pictures from ita & izran's ceremony.it was such a beautiful ceremony.both ita and izran wore white ensemble and both looked so beautiful and contented.congratulations ya ita and izran!nanti kahwin jgn lupa jemput hokeh?=)
after ita & izran's ceremony,syafik and i headed to alamanda to buy some important stuffs. i needed to buy jogging shoes(kasut lama da ketat,haha.naik satu saiz ok lepas pregnant),coffee tumbler(sbb yg lama getah kat penutup dah tercabut,asyik la tumpah dlm kereta la,kat office la.tsktsk) and some jogging attire(kahkah,gelak kat diri sendiri pls.beria benar nak exercise hari ahad,pastu demam).
baju dan socks yg papa beli untuk aqeef.first time kot dia pilih baju and socks untuk aqeef sbb dia suka.haha.tetibe dtg kat mama pastu tanya "boleh beli ni tak?cantiklah".not bad papa.=)
ouh,tumbler kegemaran saya.sgt suka.terima kasih papa sbb bagi kebenaran nak beli.harga dia,oh agak mahal bagi kami yg cheapskate ni.kahkah.
ini kasut papa belanja.thank you jugak!sgt terharu.(padahal siap warning kalau tak jogging, nak jual kasut ni kat mudah.tahpape tah.hehe).
and oh,skrg kami sudah ada camera baru!=) thanks to papa aqeef juga,kesiankan tgk mama aqeef gagah pakai camera handphone cabuk ni nak buat collection gambar aqeef membesar?huhu.tetibe tadi balik keje kul 10 malam salam2 papa tetibe hulur camera "na,ni camera utk dia ambil gambar aqeef".terus hilang sekejap rasa ngantuk (dan kecewa sbb takde org nak urut demam2 ni,=p).thank you sapiki.i heart you with all my heart.
hmm, our weekends started earlier this week due to wesak day(arent you glad you live in a multiracial country?=p) and we went to the newly opened empire shopping gallery next to subang parade.we parked our car in subang parade and had to walk to empire but its not that far away.my first impression?a tad too small for its name-empire.(or maybe its not fully opened yet kot).the shops' quite fascinating though.they have chili's(weeee-no need to go to OU or midvalley da), toys r us, popular bookstore, starbucks, FOS, crocs, osh kosh, pumpkin patch, the loaf, kenny rogers and many more.quite ok for a weekend quickie with your family kot.
we had our lunch at kenny rogers.oh,and since i'm on a diet (poyo),i had their caesar salad while syafik and my sister each had their scrumptious chicken with three side dishes meal(tsk tsk). tp sgt bangga dpt menahan diri ok.but their caesar salad was not that bad kot.boleh terima la.
after buying some stuff for aqeef, we headed to mama's hse to spend the weekends there.hari sabtu tersgtlah hecticnya.there are 3 kenduris in mama's neighbourhood itself and we also had to go to ita & izran's engagement ceremony in putrajaya.(maybe thats why i fell sick kot,sgt memenatkan hari sabtu tu.)below are some pictures from ita & izran's ceremony.it was such a beautiful ceremony.both ita and izran wore white ensemble and both looked so beautiful and contented.congratulations ya ita and izran!nanti kahwin jgn lupa jemput hokeh?=)
after ita & izran's ceremony,syafik and i headed to alamanda to buy some important stuffs. i needed to buy jogging shoes(kasut lama da ketat,haha.naik satu saiz ok lepas pregnant),coffee tumbler(sbb yg lama getah kat penutup dah tercabut,asyik la tumpah dlm kereta la,kat office la.tsktsk) and some jogging attire(kahkah,gelak kat diri sendiri pls.beria benar nak exercise hari ahad,pastu demam).
and oh,skrg kami sudah ada camera baru!=) thanks to papa aqeef juga,kesiankan tgk mama aqeef gagah pakai camera handphone cabuk ni nak buat collection gambar aqeef membesar?huhu.tetibe tadi balik keje kul 10 malam salam2 papa tetibe hulur camera "na,ni camera utk dia ambil gambar aqeef".terus hilang sekejap rasa ngantuk (dan kecewa sbb takde org nak urut demam2 ni,=p).thank you sapiki.i heart you with all my heart.
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