Friday, August 17, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
more books,i like!!
this week,i managed to read only two lines from my current night-reading book,and yet,i went out to bukit raja with syafik today and grabbed the two books shown in the picture!muahahaha,sgt gembira sbb i've been eyeing the sophie kinsellla book since it first came out,tapi tak terbeli2 jugak sebab rasa macam mahal gila je.double the normal book price ok.sbb dia besar and hard cover kot.tapi hari ni tak tahu kenapa,nampak je kat mph,terus ambil and beli.sgt happy la.bila nak baca pun tak tau.tapi,just by having it je,da rasa hilang penat bekerja seminggu,:)
i bought the other book because i wanted to know what the fuss is all about.the book has taken on great publisities since it first came out. the author was invited to lots of tv programmes to talk about her book and all the national newspapers have been praising the book gila2,out of curiousity,i bought the book.and guess what?i fell in love with the writer's way of elaborating her story only after reading the first three pages of the book.can't wait to read more.if only i have more free time..hmm..
Friday, April 06, 2007
cry baby

i just watched the elimination round of this week's american idol and i cried watching gina glocksen being voted out.apekah kan?mengarut betul.emosi sungguh i minggu ni.maybe da penat sgt menonton tv dan mengevaluate tv,bila tgk tv nak nangis je rasa.or maybe juga saya sgt suka itu gina glocksen dan sgt2 la mahu dia jadi american idol sampai bila dia kena keluar,saya juga menangis macam itu baby.hoho.
hmm,minggu ni rasa masa berlalu dgn sgt pantas je rasanya.saya baru start bekerja di tempat baru minggu ini,dan setakat ini,sgt la jatuh cinta dgn tmpt keje baru ni.tapi tak tahulah kan,baru je first week.maybe it's too early to tell la jugak kan.but,so far so good.the environment,best sgt.kawan2,best.job specs,best.gaji,best lagi dari dulu(tambah overtime lagi kan,huahuahua).i really hope that everything will go smoothly,insyaAllah..:)
p/s:btw,apakah syafik muka ada iras takuya kimura.sgt la tidak kan?
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Sampai Menutup Mata

Menebarkan bau basah
Detik demi detik ku hitung
Inikah saat ku pergi
Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan ku sakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi
Aku tak mudah mencintai
Aku tak mudah mengaku ku cinta
Aku tak mudah mengatakan
Aku jatuh cinta
Senandungku hanya untuk cinta
Tirakatku hanya untuk engkau
Tiada dusta sumpah ku cinta
Sampai ku menutup mata
Cintaku sampai ku menutup mata
Oh Tuhan ku cinta dia
Berikanlah aku hidup
Takkan ku sakiti dia
Hukum aku bila terjadi
-Acha Septriasa
i listened to this song for the first time this evening, and it made me think of my syafik,ohoho.mcm sayu je.tetibe terfikir,is it possible for us to be together sampai menutup mata?hmm,insyaAllah ek.i sure hope so.
our six years together has been great.HE has been great actually.he gets me and really knows how to treat me accordingly.
he's my epitome of patience.and here are the reasons why...
i talk a lot, and he listens to me patiently(before he starts to argue la kan,huhu).even when i have stupid problems with my friends,he'll listen to every single word that i have to say without being judgemental.
i shop a lot,and he patiently waits for me to finish my shopping and he even gives his opinion to me on what to buy and what not to buy.i'm the kind of shopper who will actually go around the shopping malls, survey all the options that i have and compare the prices before actually purchase a particular,u can only imagine how patient he is to actually be able to accompany me shopping for all this years,let alone give his honest(ya ka?) opinion on the things that i choose to buy.
i freak out everytime(every time ok) i have to sit for an exam or go to an interview,and he'll be there to cheer me up and assures me that i'll do just fine. even when he has his own problems to deal with,he'll make sure he'll be there when i need him.
when i am angry at him(God knows how often it occurs,mcm sehari sejuta kali je),i'll make sure he knows it and he'll make silly jokes and i will sure to forget about the things that make me angry at the first place and laugh along with him.that's one of the reasons why i love him actually.he's a man of few words but he can really make me laugh.sampai kuar2 air mata tau.huhu.
so,how can i not want to love him until i close my eyes aih?
Saturday, March 03, 2007
to infinity and beyond!!

Friday, March 02, 2007
taking charge?
i have a job.
still cant believe it.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
changes of life
so much has changed since my last second nephew whose picture was put in the previous entry was named anwar haarith and he is now 9mths old.hmm,what else?i went from being a hopeless student to an employee in 3 months time,alhamdulillah,=)
it's true what they say about life, i.e about it being a rollercoaster.we can be down in a gutter one day and on top of a rainbow the next all we can do i believe, is work hard, and pray very hard that everything will work out perfectly. and tawakkal after nothing else can be done.
i hope everything will work out fine for me and my friends. amin.