6th.6th years.6th years ok.
who would've thought eh?of all people,he ended up with me and it lasted for 6th years.and still going strong bebeh.it's been a long journey with ups and downs of course,but i still cant wait for our next six years together.insyaAllah.
the laughter.the tears.the fights.the arguments.all worth it.
That's like ..qullazhi dude.. Congratulations, and inshaAllah not only the 6 years to come, but hingga ke liang lahad :) .
p/s: Jangan pegi Syed sect 3 ade lipas atas meja...
yea!!my first comment,thanks turk!
muehehehe.n dont worry,we'll go to khalifah je from now on.the perfect place to be lectured,:p
inshaallah.....i do think u`ll end up more than 6years with that guy.but remember that thereare up and down in a relationship.patient and tolerate are the key
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