this week,i managed to read only two lines from my current night-reading book,and yet,i went out to bukit raja with syafik today and grabbed the two books shown in the picture!muahahaha,sgt gembira sbb i've been eyeing the sophie kinsellla book since it first came out,tapi tak terbeli2 jugak sebab rasa macam mahal gila je.double the normal book price ok.sbb dia besar and hard cover kot.tapi hari ni tak tahu kenapa,nampak je kat mph,terus ambil and beli.sgt happy la.bila nak baca pun tak tau.tapi,just by having it je,da rasa hilang penat bekerja seminggu,:)
i bought the other book because i wanted to know what the fuss is all about.the book has taken on great publisities since it first came out. the author was invited to lots of tv programmes to talk about her book and all the national newspapers have been praising the book gila2,out of curiousity,i bought the book.and guess what?i fell in love with the writer's way of elaborating her story only after reading the first three pages of the book.can't wait to read more.if only i have more free time..hmm..
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