No weekends shopping, no strolling at the mall just for fun, nothing. Of course hubby couldnt be more happier about it. He gets his sweet weekends rest finally. Kalau tak asal hujung minggu je dok drag dia pi jalan2 cari pasal berbelanja sana sini.
And up til now still no appetite to eat, buy things for myself or even the new baby. When we go out, its only to buy really necessary things like food or aqeef's stuff. Tu je kot. But now,my appetite's back. For this........

And this only.Muahahaha. Papa, hadiah bersalin boleh? Kalau kira2 4 bulan tak shopping boleh cover dah kan satu beg...Pretty please... Hahahaha. Gelak sbb takkan dpt punya neverfull ini. Baby sila mengidam benda lain sekarang. T-T.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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