Just put aqeef to bed(sgt susah tapi berbaloi.need to go through the routine of brushing his teeth-minum susu-tukar lampin-main ipad-mama jadi kuda sampai pengsan, baru nak tido). Just before he went to sleep, mata dah layu2, he hugged me, put his head on my chest and looked straight into my eyes dgn mata kuyu dia. As usual, i said to him "i love you aqeef danish.." and kissed him. Today, to my surprise, he replied slowly, "i lap you.." that brought tears to my eyes. Subhanallah. The feeling's better than when syafik told me he loves me kot,;p sorry papa.
And for that, my baby will have a big birthday bash this year insyaAllah.hehe. Already booked a rainbow cake for him. Now still searching for the best theme for his cuppies.

Nilah hasil survey survey kejap tadi lepas dia tido. Tak tahu nak choose mana satu, upin ipin
or elmo. Or maybe i should get him both?haha.
This is so much fun. :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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