we went out on tuesday afternoon after hubby returned home from his morning meeting(he took leave but needed to attend a meeting, pffftt). we went to have our anniversary dinner at manhattan fish market, sunway pyramid cause i was craving for a good ol' fish and chips, yummsss!:)

after lunch, we headed out of the city to port dickson!yea!great choice for a romantic getaway dearest hubby!dekat je dari rumah tapi still rasa mcm jauh jugak.sbb ada laut & greeneries
whatnot kan.

the signage that greeted us before entering the resort's compound. at this time i was bursting with happiness because the resort's so damn beautiful, and huge. (eh jap, i think i felt like bursting because i was holding in my full bladder to keep myself from
peeing in
my pants since sunway pyramid kot,haha).

the resort's beautiful driveway.

oh, finally we arrived at the hotel lobby, it was quite far from the roadside as the resort's surrounded by a golf course, but it's currently under construction.after that, we checked in and went around the hotel before heading to our room. the hotel was awesome!huge & calming. plus, the scenery..subhanallah, sgt cantik!:)

our comfortable huge bed!seriously, this was the best part of our stay, the bed is so comfortable, to the point that, once yout sunk your body into the bed, thats it, u'll be fast asleep, and tido mati plak tu, tak sedar apa. thats how good the bed was.oh i miss the bed already,huhu.

the sink area inside the bathroom. classy.

the shower area. i was dissapointed that they do not have a bath tub :p

the view from our room. they have 3 pools here at the hotel
ok. their main pool above is the largest hotel pool that i've ever seen. seriously. and it goes down as deep as 2.7 metres ok.

this is their kiddies pool. siap ada slide ok. aqeef would've been very happy here. next time we plan to bring aqeef here. masa tgk kolam ni, asyik teringat aqeed je, huhu. and belakang tu adalah
laut. pagi2 bukak mata n tgk
luar tingkap nampak laut, heaven.:)

ptg tu lepas mandi2 lepak2, da fresh sket lepas solat maghrib and jamak isyak, we went out to explorw pd town. explore la sgt, kecik je, hehe. after that we had our dinner at one of the local seafood warungs named mutiara seafood restaurant. hubby said he once ate at the restaurant with his friends and it was quite good.i was sceptical at first, but my oh my, the food was scrumptious!

we ordered tomyam campur,kangkung goreng belacan, sotong goreng tepung and telur bistik. it was so finger licking good that both of us silently ate our dinner without any conversation. except when we wanted to express how good the food tasted la kan. serious sgt sedap, kedai biasa je kot. tepi jalan je,huhu. its situated at one of the big simpang tiga kat pantai batu 14 tu, sgtlah senang dijumpai, n ramai je org kat situ.

hubby, before savouring the food.hehe.after dinner we went straight back to the hotel. went around the hotel and sleep cause we were so exhausted from the journey(jauhlah sgt pun,;p)

oh, atas ni adalah gambar2 sekitar hotel n lobbynya. sgt cool n relaxing je.

our room. room 560.ok thats the end of our anniversary day and i shall continue later. saya lapar,haha.
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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