hubby took this photo. the photo of my baby's small and fragile hand on top of my big(full of fat) and mature(chewah) hand. and i came to a sudden realization at that moment of time that i have so many things to teach my baby and time is running so fast, and i might not have enough time to teach him everything there is to know about life, the afterlife and so on.
take this week for instance, it flew by in the blink of an eye. one minute we were celebrating the first day of eid, listening to khutbah raya and now here we are, its the last day of the raya holiday.boohoo.i can vaguely recall my raya with my baby now sbb sgt fun evert second bila dgn dia n family, semua benda lupa.does that make sense?ok i'm mumbling, i better go to sleep and enjoy the final day of raya holiday tomorrow.
p/s:aqeef can say 'kuih tart" clearly today.an achievement i must say.dia cakap clear gila, "kuih tart!". ok, ni just peringatan kepada diri sendiri bila aqeef start cakap kuih tart.3 sept 2011(he's 20 months and 3 days today,alhamdulillah),:)
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