the next morning we woke up really late and stayed on the bed til noon ok. i mentioned the bed was super comfortable right?huhu. we had our breakfast in bed and stayed in the room until
late afternoon. sebab hujan je kot,huhu. seronok je lepak2 kat bilik.

mendung je satu hari, org swimming pun kejap naik sebab hujan, kejap swim, the next minute naik balik sbb hujan. kesian. huhu. petang sket lepas hujan renyai2, kami keluar jalan2 around the hotel.

tempat org2 mandi pool
bersantai, org yang tak mandi and lepak2 baca buku macam kami pun boleh duduk juga,hihi.

hubby yg mcm budak sekolah, ke hulu ke hilir dgn bag laptop dia.pegi beach pun bawak bag laptop ok.

oh, ini saya kat compound hotel on the way to the beach. belakang tu adalah hotel punya main building. thats where the lobby is semua. i wore yellow!haha, for those who know me well, i never wear yellow ok, tapi since its my birthday, saya rasa kuning akan sgt menceriakan saya. and its true!i laughed the whole day, probably because i was with hubby chilling and relaxing je kan, no stress kan. tapi mmg sgt menaikkan mood ok kaler kuning.hehe.

the walking pavement heading to the beach, sgt cantik tmpt ni, sangat teratur and best. saya suka.

the beach ok lah, nothing to shout about, pantai teluk kemang lagi best kot, cuma tak ramai orang la kat sini, relax je. people would rather swim kat pools yang sgt best tu kan.huhu.

and then we headed to a secluded restaurant, eh ke pub, called cumulus. its separated from the main hotel areas and next to the beach. the third pool is inside this area and apparently its an infinity pool.sgt cool! but its not that big compared to the infinity pools i've seen before.just nice lah

and, its restricted only for adults ok. sapik kata ni tmpt org bogel2, hahaha. hampeh, pastu saya datang dgn tudung bagai kan.

still masuk and amik gambar gak, semangat dgn tak pakai swimming attire nya, org lain sume seksi2 je. nasib baik takde org bogel,hihi.

inilah infinity pool dia. ok lah, quite nice jugak, tapi sebelah pool ni ada pub n byk org putih minum2, hmm...

and then we went back to the hotel's main area and this is the huge pool area.

this is the children's room. omg!sgt besar and byk mainan ok playroom dia, and the provide babysitting service jugak. definitely going to come back
with aqeef nanti,:)

they also have recreational areas to play games, i managed to capture only the table tennis area. but they also have movie room with a big screen & game room as well.
after that we went out to get some food cause we were starving, i think it was 3pm dah kot.huhu.we went out and had our late lunch at lukut's secret recipe. this is the only decent food joint in the area that served cakes.hehe.

i chose the prawn macaroni with cheese cause its yellow.haha.sedondon tak kami?;p and sgtlah sedapnya.

those were the food that we had, and i also had their chocolate lava cake with vanilla ice cream.yummmsss!:) it was the perfect birthday lunch with the perfect person.*hati bunga bunga* :) hubby wanted to buy me a cake, but i was so full and took a raincheck on the cake offer,;p
after that, we went straight back to the hotel. we stayed in til the next morning...

called room service for our scrumptious dinner later that night..

hubby with his penne napolitana.

had our bedtime tea while watching our favourite show-how i met your mother- together. and we laughed together.:)
the best part of the day was that i woke up to a handsome guy next to me and he wished me happy birthday, and before we went to sleep that night, he wished me happy birthday again just before the clock striked 12.i felt like a cinderella, only my situation's better than hers, my prince charming is already my husband and he's still there when i woke up in the morning. and for the rest of my life insyaAllah,:)
thank you syafik azrir for everything.this is an understatement but i love you with all my heart.*hugs & kisses*
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