Wah, it's been so long since I've blogged something here.
Alhamdulillah, I am now on my 35th week of pregnancy and so far so good, not complaining. :) Pregnancy symptoms here and there, but it's normal right? So far it's better than when I was pregnant with aqeef kot, less late night cramps, no water retention at all and I feel so energetic(Kadang2 penyek gak at the end of the day+demam selsema suka datang) so much so that I can fast for the past 26 days of Ramadhan (Ada je muntah2 and nak buka sgt sbb pening2 perut kosong, tapi belasah je continue puasa). Alhamdulillah, baby kuat. And growing according to the chart, not too big, not too small, Alhamdulillah. The other day my gynae was worried to let me fast during this stage at pregnancy, but Alhamdulillah, baby's growth is very good, so, I can continue to fast. InsyaAllah for the whole month, :)
And to top it off, Alhamdulillah, rezeki baby, my second semester result and the baby helped me score straight A's. Alhamdulillah, sayang baby mama. Even though dgn morning sickness yg sgt teruk, baik je tolong mama belajar. :)
It's 3 days before raya and I have started to go on hari raya leave today. Woopiee.. :) Tapi lepas raya kena masuk office awal sbb bos kata org kampong shah alam kena masuk keje tolong support awal. Pffttt. The downside of takde kampong. Huwaa. Tapi dpt cuti awal, takpe ah. (Sedapkan hati). My maid has gone back to her hometown last Saturday and we are currently maidless. Hence, the early cuti raya, cause I have to look after my baby aqeef (Dah nak dpt adik pun baby lagi, huhu). And syafik will be taking one week off after hari raya to look after aqeef plak. Ganti ganti la kan.
Preparation raya tahun ni ala kadar je. Eh, ala kadar mende, mmg takde ah nak celebrate. Beli barang baby je kot, sbb baby due 11th September insyaAllah. Eh, tapi brg baby pun takde mende beli. Beli baju sket2 sbb kesian dia pakai baju lama aqeef, pastu beli breastpump ngan fisher price punya bouncer je kot. Haha. Mmg takde ah shopping mana. Shopping barang raya aqeef je, itu pun sbb dia dah outgrown baju lama. Mama & papa recycle baju dulu2 je sudah, huhu. Takde perasaan nak beli brg baru. Jalan2 tgk barang raya pun takde perasaan, we have all we need kot, everybody's healthy, Alhamdulillah. And hari tu tgk ada satu kawan up status kat facebook " Kalau sibuk ralat nak beli baju mahal2 tu ingat kain kapan, insyaAllah takde perasaan nak beli". Haha, works wonder for me. Mmg takde perasaan. Huhu.

Eh, tapi mana boleh takde barang raya langsung utk mama kan? Hehe, ni hadiah dari papa aqeef for raya, hadiah result second sem ngan hadiah beranak kot eh papa? Thank you syafik azrir, I love you so much. :) Semoga murah rezeki boleh beli handbag lagi besar (And banyak) tahun depan, hehe.
Selamat mengejar malam lailatulqadar di malam2 terakhir ni and selamat hari raya. Maaf zahir batin. :)