Aqeef was playing around the house (read menyepahkan rumah n barang barang) when he stumbled upon some old pictures of me and his father. The hardcopy photos, and he was so excited, probably because its his first time with hardcopy photo kot. Selalu tgk softcopy dlm handphone or laptop je kot.
Aqeef : mama, ni gambar mama ke?
Mama : ha'ah yang, nape?
Aqeef : mama cantik....
Mama : awwwwww(terharu kejap).....
Aqeef : macam monyet... (With a big grin on his face)
Mama : erk... T-T
Papa, i know you're behind this. Confirm papa yang ajar aqeef ni. *ok bai heartbroken*
Friday, February 15, 2013
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
New year. New story.
Alhamdulillah, still here. Still trying to survive and get used to the idea that aqeef's going to have a baby brother/sister, insyaAllah. New year present for us. Shocked, wajiblah kan. Terkesima would be an understatement. Tapi syukur, Allah nak bagi rezeki kat kitorang lagi albeit all of our countless sins.
Found out that we were pregnant on the 12th of january. I did a DIY's home pregnancy test and it came up as below

Oh punyalah in denial bila period lambat, sampai dah seminggu lebih baru nak terpikir nak pegi buat test. Lepas dah positif baru nak meroyan risau sorang2 sbb takut papa aqeef marah. Boleh?
And i kept it from him for a while, bajet nak surprise kan dia masa birthday dia on february the 2nd. Tapi oh tidak, this kind of news u cannot keep it from your other half for long. At least not for me, haha. Smsed him dlm ketakutan. Oh motif takut?cause this year we have a lot of plans, what's with my postgrad studies, nak pegi holiday, yada yada yada. Macam macam lah. Was pretty sure hubby would freak out like i did, but to my surprise he was so sweet and calm when he heard the news. So thats done. We're happy, yea! Siap pegi penang berholiday dgn mak mentua and adik2 ipar on the 18th of january. Celebrate la konon.
Makan byk gila gorgeous food, siap bajet kuat naik bukit bendera bagai and had the first taste of morning sickness in penang. Right after we had glorious seafood kat batu feringggi, turun je dari kete, yea, muntah dgn jayanya. Siap cakap dgn papa aqeef, "ok, morning sickness dah dtg da " sambil bergelak ketawa sbb morning sickness malam2.
And then, from there, everything goes haywire. Morning, noon, and evening sickness all the way. Nausea, headache, heartburn, you name it. It was worse compared to when i was pregnant with aqeef. At least last time, i did manage to go to work selang selang hari. Now, it has been 3 weeks since i've been into the office.
I cried a lot, i think what made it worse was because i kept on thinking about the baby, and i stuffed myself with food and supplements even when i dont feel like it. The first trimester is the most crucial part because all the baby's body parts are being developed especially the brain and heart, so memikirkan baby, paksa jugak makan. So when i eat, it will automatically come out and sakitnya nauzubillah bila muntah tu,ðŸ˜
Ada one point siap cakap dgn papa aqeef "ki, takleh dah, how to get rid of this??" Crying.. And what more can he do other than ask me to be patient and tolong urut. And oh, now penatnya nauzubillah, melepek je keje, badan sakit2 (thankfully hubby's a great tukang urut - must buy him something later to reward him sbb rajin tolong urut) and my whole body's full with acne, something new for this pregnancy. Wah!hormon, mmg dahsyat.
And last week, i was even admitted to the hospital, had minor contraction and bleeding. Tskk..

And hubby stayed with me throughout the stay. ❤ Things to be thankful for in times of darkness. Haha. Poyo. Pregnancy sickness pun dah bising2 kan. But honestly, this is a self reminder for me to think twice before the next baby. Morning sickness does get worse compared to previous pregnancy. So think twice before i even think of giving aqeef another sibling ok.
At least kena jadi work at home mom dulu, baru boleh ada byk2 baby. That way takyah risau nak pegi office bagai kan.
Oh jealousnya dgn org yang takde morning sickness sepanjang pregnancy. Ok thats the hormon talking.
Anyhow, alhamdulillah, the worse is now going to be over, i'm at my 10 weeks, and insyaAllah the whole day sickness will ease at 12 weeks. Cant wait to see the baby in september, abang aqeef has started to call himself abang,but still somewhat in denial about having adik. When asked "aqeef nak adik berapa?" He would answer "tigaaaaaa", but when asked "dlm perut mama ada apa?" His answer would be "ada baby, tapi bukan adik aqeef". Pffttt.

Dont worry aqeef, u'll always be my first baby. With this kind of innocent face, first trimester sickness is nothing lah. Bersabarlah nordina. (Tapi think twice before the next one keh. Haha).
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Found out that we were pregnant on the 12th of january. I did a DIY's home pregnancy test and it came up as below

Oh punyalah in denial bila period lambat, sampai dah seminggu lebih baru nak terpikir nak pegi buat test. Lepas dah positif baru nak meroyan risau sorang2 sbb takut papa aqeef marah. Boleh?
And i kept it from him for a while, bajet nak surprise kan dia masa birthday dia on february the 2nd. Tapi oh tidak, this kind of news u cannot keep it from your other half for long. At least not for me, haha. Smsed him dlm ketakutan. Oh motif takut?cause this year we have a lot of plans, what's with my postgrad studies, nak pegi holiday, yada yada yada. Macam macam lah. Was pretty sure hubby would freak out like i did, but to my surprise he was so sweet and calm when he heard the news. So thats done. We're happy, yea! Siap pegi penang berholiday dgn mak mentua and adik2 ipar on the 18th of january. Celebrate la konon.
Makan byk gila gorgeous food, siap bajet kuat naik bukit bendera bagai and had the first taste of morning sickness in penang. Right after we had glorious seafood kat batu feringggi, turun je dari kete, yea, muntah dgn jayanya. Siap cakap dgn papa aqeef, "ok, morning sickness dah dtg da " sambil bergelak ketawa sbb morning sickness malam2.
And then, from there, everything goes haywire. Morning, noon, and evening sickness all the way. Nausea, headache, heartburn, you name it. It was worse compared to when i was pregnant with aqeef. At least last time, i did manage to go to work selang selang hari. Now, it has been 3 weeks since i've been into the office.
I cried a lot, i think what made it worse was because i kept on thinking about the baby, and i stuffed myself with food and supplements even when i dont feel like it. The first trimester is the most crucial part because all the baby's body parts are being developed especially the brain and heart, so memikirkan baby, paksa jugak makan. So when i eat, it will automatically come out and sakitnya nauzubillah bila muntah tu,ðŸ˜
Ada one point siap cakap dgn papa aqeef "ki, takleh dah, how to get rid of this??" Crying.. And what more can he do other than ask me to be patient and tolong urut. And oh, now penatnya nauzubillah, melepek je keje, badan sakit2 (thankfully hubby's a great tukang urut - must buy him something later to reward him sbb rajin tolong urut) and my whole body's full with acne, something new for this pregnancy. Wah!hormon, mmg dahsyat.
And last week, i was even admitted to the hospital, had minor contraction and bleeding. Tskk..

And hubby stayed with me throughout the stay. ❤ Things to be thankful for in times of darkness. Haha. Poyo. Pregnancy sickness pun dah bising2 kan. But honestly, this is a self reminder for me to think twice before the next baby. Morning sickness does get worse compared to previous pregnancy. So think twice before i even think of giving aqeef another sibling ok.
At least kena jadi work at home mom dulu, baru boleh ada byk2 baby. That way takyah risau nak pegi office bagai kan.
Oh jealousnya dgn org yang takde morning sickness sepanjang pregnancy. Ok thats the hormon talking.
Anyhow, alhamdulillah, the worse is now going to be over, i'm at my 10 weeks, and insyaAllah the whole day sickness will ease at 12 weeks. Cant wait to see the baby in september, abang aqeef has started to call himself abang,but still somewhat in denial about having adik. When asked "aqeef nak adik berapa?" He would answer "tigaaaaaa", but when asked "dlm perut mama ada apa?" His answer would be "ada baby, tapi bukan adik aqeef". Pffttt.

Dont worry aqeef, u'll always be my first baby. With this kind of innocent face, first trimester sickness is nothing lah. Bersabarlah nordina. (Tapi think twice before the next one keh. Haha).
-Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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