fuhhh..got one this month. the scare part.alhamdulillah, everything's as planned now, insyaAllah. focus on losing weight kembali ya. thanks to food poisoning, i lost 3kg bodoh2 je.syukur. skrg, kembali bersemangat. insyaAllah akan kembali ke gym 3-4 kali seminggu.
focus. please.
:) leaning more towards my ideal weight da skrg,baju lama byk da boleh pakai semula, syukur.
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Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
warning:post ini adalah bersifat emosional dan nafsu semata. harap maklum.
saya tak suka orang yang ambil puting anak saya bila dia tengah menyonyot dgn tujuan konon2 nak cakap hisap puting tu tak bagus dan akan menjongangkan gigi. unless if u're the one who gave me the money to buy my baby's pacifier, please lah, kindly refrain yourself from taking my son's pacifier from him, and stop giving stupid remarks about pacifier when you yourself do not know anything about it pun.
my son uses orthodontic pacifier for medical reasons ok. and its prescribed by a dentist some more so that my son wont put his hand in his mouth, and can cause more severe case of gigi jongang. kalau tak tahu jgn cakap boleh?and i'm aware of the fact that penggunaan pacifier akan menyebabkan gangguan bekalan susu ibu. seriously i'm aware of that. tapi, kalau mmg baby saya dah tak minum susu badan, saya dah takde susu(puas hati?) minum susu enfapro je, apa masalah engkau nak sibuk2 cabut puting anak aku and komen bongok bongok bagai?
i know i'm not a perfect mother, but i do try my best. apa masalahnya bagi pacifier kat anak weh?bukan gigi anak kau pun yang jongang, kalau yg jongang pun gigi anak aku kan, nauzubillah.tak effect orang lain pon insyaAllah. lainlah kalau anak saya buat benda yang affect org lain, contohnya dia pukul orang ke, cabut puting orang lain ke, of course la, by all means u're welcome to make any remarks pon.i wont mind at all.
seriously lah, i'm going crazy here. setiap orang pun ada cara nak membesarkan anak dia kan, please la respect other people's way jugak.i know my methods mungkin tak bagus di mata orang lain, boleh tegur tapi berpada2 lah. saya tengok orang yang hari2 tinggalkan anak kat rumah mak mereka on weekdays, weekends baru amik tido kat umah, saya fikir "uish,sedihnya saya kalau tak tido dgn baby saya satu malam pun, kesian baby saya, i will never do that to him ", tapi saya takkan komen mengarut2 dpn mereka. as a mother i have my limitations, threshold of points that i can and cannot cross. i simply cannot let my baby sleep with other people but me. but i respect others who do so. they must have reasons to do so and i respect that. so please lah weh,respect mine.
puting je pon, relax lah weh.
p/s: seronok usha design puting avent yg baru ptg tadi, makin galak pula saya membeli puting,;p
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saya tak suka orang yang ambil puting anak saya bila dia tengah menyonyot dgn tujuan konon2 nak cakap hisap puting tu tak bagus dan akan menjongangkan gigi. unless if u're the one who gave me the money to buy my baby's pacifier, please lah, kindly refrain yourself from taking my son's pacifier from him, and stop giving stupid remarks about pacifier when you yourself do not know anything about it pun.
my son uses orthodontic pacifier for medical reasons ok. and its prescribed by a dentist some more so that my son wont put his hand in his mouth, and can cause more severe case of gigi jongang. kalau tak tahu jgn cakap boleh?and i'm aware of the fact that penggunaan pacifier akan menyebabkan gangguan bekalan susu ibu. seriously i'm aware of that. tapi, kalau mmg baby saya dah tak minum susu badan, saya dah takde susu(puas hati?) minum susu enfapro je, apa masalah engkau nak sibuk2 cabut puting anak aku and komen bongok bongok bagai?
i know i'm not a perfect mother, but i do try my best. apa masalahnya bagi pacifier kat anak weh?bukan gigi anak kau pun yang jongang, kalau yg jongang pun gigi anak aku kan, nauzubillah.tak effect orang lain pon insyaAllah. lainlah kalau anak saya buat benda yang affect org lain, contohnya dia pukul orang ke, cabut puting orang lain ke, of course la, by all means u're welcome to make any remarks pon.i wont mind at all.
seriously lah, i'm going crazy here. setiap orang pun ada cara nak membesarkan anak dia kan, please la respect other people's way jugak.i know my methods mungkin tak bagus di mata orang lain, boleh tegur tapi berpada2 lah. saya tengok orang yang hari2 tinggalkan anak kat rumah mak mereka on weekdays, weekends baru amik tido kat umah, saya fikir "uish,sedihnya saya kalau tak tido dgn baby saya satu malam pun, kesian baby saya, i will never do that to him ", tapi saya takkan komen mengarut2 dpn mereka. as a mother i have my limitations, threshold of points that i can and cannot cross. i simply cannot let my baby sleep with other people but me. but i respect others who do so. they must have reasons to do so and i respect that. so please lah weh,respect mine.
puting je pon, relax lah weh.
p/s: seronok usha design puting avent yg baru ptg tadi, makin galak pula saya membeli puting,;p
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Thursday, May 26, 2011
suami mithali
i got back from bandung last sunday with severe food poisoning symptoms(fever,flu, joint pains, bodyache, diarrhea & vomitting)and had to be wheel-chaired in and out of the airplane.:( serik jugaklah nak ke negara jiran itu lagi selepas ini. and up til now although most of the symptoms have stopped, i'm still suffering from angin and cirit birit.
cirit birit menyebabkan perut kosong, sbb one hour if not immediately after every meal, i'll be in the toilet letting it all go again. and bila perut kosong, angin masuk, selera takde. yg ada selera oral rehydration salt semata. :( bila ada selera pun, kejap je da sakit perut balik, pastu menyesal sbb mkn.
smlm, ada department dinner. sedaplah saya makan chicken chop. balik rumah, membuang dgn jayanya, pastu angin, perut bloated, loya2 bagai,:( encik sapik pun telefon ckp ada byk keje balik lmbt,:( hidup kecewa. mengkereot la sorang dgn aqeef yg berdengkur kat tepi. 11 lebih mcm tu sapik balik. dia mandi tungtangtungtang, tgk isteri dia mengkereot, tolong urut perut, n satu badan.:) n he's a really good massager. sejuk perut saya mengandungkan anak dia, hehe.
n yg lebih terharu tu, lps urut satu badan siap, dia ambik stoking, pakaikan saya stoking supaya tak masuk angin balik. siap selimutkan bagai.sweet sgt, walaupun tak larat, tp air mata bergenang jugak lah sbb terharu.i've been truly loved. in my mind there n then, i know without the slightest doubt that i married the right person, the man i want to spend my old days with, insyaAllah,:)
i heart u lah syafik azrir. :)
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cirit birit menyebabkan perut kosong, sbb one hour if not immediately after every meal, i'll be in the toilet letting it all go again. and bila perut kosong, angin masuk, selera takde. yg ada selera oral rehydration salt semata. :( bila ada selera pun, kejap je da sakit perut balik, pastu menyesal sbb mkn.
smlm, ada department dinner. sedaplah saya makan chicken chop. balik rumah, membuang dgn jayanya, pastu angin, perut bloated, loya2 bagai,:( encik sapik pun telefon ckp ada byk keje balik lmbt,:( hidup kecewa. mengkereot la sorang dgn aqeef yg berdengkur kat tepi. 11 lebih mcm tu sapik balik. dia mandi tungtangtungtang, tgk isteri dia mengkereot, tolong urut perut, n satu badan.:) n he's a really good massager. sejuk perut saya mengandungkan anak dia, hehe.
n yg lebih terharu tu, lps urut satu badan siap, dia ambik stoking, pakaikan saya stoking supaya tak masuk angin balik. siap selimutkan bagai.sweet sgt, walaupun tak larat, tp air mata bergenang jugak lah sbb terharu.i've been truly loved. in my mind there n then, i know without the slightest doubt that i married the right person, the man i want to spend my old days with, insyaAllah,:)
i heart u lah syafik azrir. :)
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Thursday, May 19, 2011
off for retail therapy weekends!:)
budak kecik kena bangun jam 6 pagi utk solat subuh dgn mama & papa, mandi and pegi airport!:)

oh my little bruno mars, dlm hati mama ada kamu saja ok,:) (n papa of course,;p)
we're off to our short retail therapy getaway for the weekends.yea!have been eagerly waiting for this trip since forever. but i bet its going to get by pretty fast. time flies uberly fast when we're having fun kan?but thats not going to stop us from having fun kan kip?well, four whole days with my baby, of course i'm going to have fun,yea!(sense my excitement yet?;p)
kota bandung, here we come!or better yet, factory outlets, here we come!;p
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oh my little bruno mars, dlm hati mama ada kamu saja ok,:) (n papa of course,;p)
we're off to our short retail therapy getaway for the weekends.yea!have been eagerly waiting for this trip since forever. but i bet its going to get by pretty fast. time flies uberly fast when we're having fun kan?but thats not going to stop us from having fun kan kip?well, four whole days with my baby, of course i'm going to have fun,yea!(sense my excitement yet?;p)
kota bandung, here we come!or better yet, factory outlets, here we come!;p
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Monday, May 16, 2011
penyatuan cinta hanisah & halim
hujung minggu yang baru lepas ni, one of my girlfriends got hitched.alhamdulillah,:)

cantik tak puan hanisah kita?i live everything about her ceremonies, from the solemnization on saturday up til her wedding reception yesterday.sgt sweet.:)
rasa mcm baru smlm je mereka bertunang,kejap je dah kahwin,:) selamat pengantin baru ya hanisah and halim, semoga berbahagia di dunia dan akhirat, insyaAllah,:)
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cantik tak puan hanisah kita?i live everything about her ceremonies, from the solemnization on saturday up til her wedding reception yesterday.sgt sweet.:)
rasa mcm baru smlm je mereka bertunang,kejap je dah kahwin,:) selamat pengantin baru ya hanisah and halim, semoga berbahagia di dunia dan akhirat, insyaAllah,:)
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Tuesday, May 10, 2011
a song for mama
i want to dedicate boyz to men's "a song for mama" song to my lovely mother.
i know you're my only loyal reader mak, :p
happy mother's day,:)
You taught me everything
Everything you've given me
I'll always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that I could be
And it just wouldn't feel right
If I didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were gray
Whenever I was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me you will always be
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times
Mama, Mama you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul
Yes it is, yes it is, oh, yes it is, yes it is, yes it is oh
You're always there for me
Have always been around for me even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And then you come to me and say to me
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be, you will always be
The girl in my life, ooh oh
Mama, Mama you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul
Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinkin' about you
I'll never go a day
Without my mama
Mama, Mama you know I love you
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know lovin' you is like food to my soul
Lovin' you is like food to my soul,
You are the food to my soul, yes you are
if i can do for you a quarter of what you've done for me, i will be very happy.
for i know only Allah can repay you mummy.thank you for everything.i love you with all my heart.*xoxo*
kfc's chicken chop
semalam mengidam kfc chicken chop, lepas keje terus stop kat drive thru mereka kat kemuning utama n "satu set chicken chop!" haha, stok kebulur punya order.

tergoda tak tengok gambar ni?serius tak tergoda kan kalau tapau, oleh itu silalah pergi makan di restoran kfc terdekat instead of tapau bawak balik rumah, i'm sure it will look much better when u have it there n then.

tapi, makan kat rumah boleh tengok aksi si kecil makan atas lantai pastu happy sorang2,:) gambar ni je dia happy tapi, lepas tu dok la bergaduh dgn mama dia nak rebut chicken chop,;p

and oh, they even have chicken chop set with bag too. but its not free ok, the set with the bag will cost you rm5 more compared to the normal set. huhu, gatal tak beli jugak? takpe, boleh buat pegi pasar.(tang bila pegi pasar bawak bag pun tak tahu).
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tergoda tak tengok gambar ni?serius tak tergoda kan kalau tapau, oleh itu silalah pergi makan di restoran kfc terdekat instead of tapau bawak balik rumah, i'm sure it will look much better when u have it there n then.

tapi, makan kat rumah boleh tengok aksi si kecil makan atas lantai pastu happy sorang2,:) gambar ni je dia happy tapi, lepas tu dok la bergaduh dgn mama dia nak rebut chicken chop,;p

and oh, they even have chicken chop set with bag too. but its not free ok, the set with the bag will cost you rm5 more compared to the normal set. huhu, gatal tak beli jugak? takpe, boleh buat pegi pasar.(tang bila pegi pasar bawak bag pun tak tahu).
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Monday, May 09, 2011
royally jealous.
saya nak kahwin dgn putera raja juga.boleh?haha.seronok
baca pasal mereka dalam paper and magazine. mcm sweet sgt,:) not so much pasal william(bajet kawan sekolah je panggil william kan,haha) sbb dia da botak,;p, tapi i'm intrigued by kate. sgt jealous sbb baju dia sgt chantek ok.

ok, saya nak kahwin dgn anak raja supaya dapat beli baju cantik macam baju2 kate. tapi first mestilah demand utk sponsor kuruskan badan habis2an dulu, muahaha.

omg. sgt cantik, effortlessly beautiful.the dress, designed by sarah burton of alexander mcqueen, managed to be seductive and regal at the same time. urrghhh, jealous much. haih, the grass is always greenee on the other side huh?bersyukur sudah, kan?

i have clark kent some more, prince william pun tak boleh challenge ok. hahahahahahahaha(sambung gelak dari semalam) sorry yang. ;p
to kate and william,.............who am i kidding, janganlah harap mereka nak baca wish ni kan?hahaha. kensel wish.
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baca pasal mereka dalam paper and magazine. mcm sweet sgt,:) not so much pasal william(bajet kawan sekolah je panggil william kan,haha) sbb dia da botak,;p, tapi i'm intrigued by kate. sgt jealous sbb baju dia sgt chantek ok.

ok, saya nak kahwin dgn anak raja supaya dapat beli baju cantik macam baju2 kate. tapi first mestilah demand utk sponsor kuruskan badan habis2an dulu, muahaha.

omg. sgt cantik, effortlessly beautiful.the dress, designed by sarah burton of alexander mcqueen, managed to be seductive and regal at the same time. urrghhh, jealous much. haih, the grass is always greenee on the other side huh?bersyukur sudah, kan?

i have clark kent some more, prince william pun tak boleh challenge ok. hahahahahahahaha(sambung gelak dari semalam) sorry yang. ;p
to kate and william,.............who am i kidding, janganlah harap mereka nak baca wish ni kan?hahaha. kensel wish.
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Sunday, May 08, 2011
clark kent?
tak boleh blah ok cermin mata baru papa aqeef,:p ada hati bajet clark kent. hahahaha. kelakar plis.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. hep, sape suruh gelak? saya je boleh gelakkan suami saya. he is my one and only clark kent(support laki dik),;p

hahahahaha, sorry papa, even aqeef pun gelakkan papa ok.hahahahahahaha.
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. hep, sape suruh gelak? saya je boleh gelakkan suami saya. he is my one and only clark kent(support laki dik),;p

hahahahaha, sorry papa, even aqeef pun gelakkan papa ok.hahahahahahaha.
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Saturday, May 07, 2011
bridal shower (sort of,;p)
;) one of my girlfriends' getting married!uwaaa, sgt cpt masa berlalu ok. huhu. rasanya mcm baru smlm bertunang. hmm, so anyway, hari ni kami lepak bersama to celebrate the last days of hanisah's single life.

we went to get early lunch at famous thai's restaurant at shah alam mall. great choice sbb saya da lama teringin mereka punya deep fried brinjal.ngeeee.:)

bakal pengantin yg berseri2,:) semangat nak order food eh han.

fariza's deciding what to eat, she's with child btw, therefore we let her made all the choice. ibu mengandung ni kalau food tak kena tekak dia lain sket kan.

kudapan kami. berebut ok sbb semua tgh lapar. i didnt have any breakfast, so lagilah kan.

hanisah sedih pinggan ada, nasi tak sampai2, haha.

kangkung goreng belacan, sedap gila tapi byk sungguh, kitorang makan beria pun tak habis2 kena tapau.

yummeh kerabu mangga. pun tak habis juga. kesian..

ah, ni confirm la habis kan, sotong goreng tepung yang sgt lazat.

my deep fried brinjal!!!!!sgt lazat ok, idaman hatiku selalu. yumm, even the two girls pun kata lazat. ok, da teringat rasa dia balik n nak lagi. buruk perangai.huhu.

beancurd dgn soy sauce kot. i didnt have any sbb byk sgt makanan lain. haha.

bride to be tgh makan, n oh, ada tomyam juga, sgt lazat ok tomyam dia. a must have when you eat at famous thai.

ok, chekgu pengetua dah terikut perangai anak murid, ngehngeh.

kenyang perut suka hati. :)

lepas makan, singgah rumah cik bakal pengantin jap untuk solat zohor, pastu sambung perjalanan ke laman seri seksyen 13 utk tutti frutti!nyumnyum.

the froyo virgins. their first time having frozen yogurts.

mama aqeef mestilah suka sokmo, oh death by chocolate, i heart u,:)

kemudian, bertolak ke destinasi seterusnya serenity spa kat seksyen 13, the main event of the day. bridal spa for hanisah and saya n fariza menyibuk2 jugak buat spa. they're currently having mother's day promotion throughout the month of may. rm300 for 2 pax - inclusive of 20 minutes steam bath, 1 hour full body massage, scrub and milk bath. so we took it and my oh my, sgtlah berbaloi. i even dozed off masa tgh kena urut tu, sgt best ok. normal price adalah rm300 sorang. so sgt berbaloi2 la kan.

tgh tunggu mereka buka pintu.

waiting area, bali like n all. sgt selesa dgn music yg sgt relaxing nya. definitely will look for that kind of music in bandung nanti. for my journey to work, relax sket kan.huhu.

our room, siap ada bath tub siap2, utk couples la.sgt selesa dan cantik la tmpt ni. i highly recommend it kalau sesapa nak pamper diri sendiri. sgt worth it ok. i actually went to serenity spa ni for my bridal treatment 2 weeks before my wedding kot, tapi kat concorde shah alam la, n lebih byk treatment sbb bridal kan. n seriously, yang dulu pun sgt best, skrg even better. sgt menjaga kualitilah mereka ni. i like,:) thank u papa aqeef,sbb bagi can mama lepak2 pampering myself.

hanisah tgh facial, saya sibuk melayan kegembiraan sbb kulit sangat lembut n licin ok lepas scrub n mandi susu kambing,:)
oklah, hanisah da habis facial, we're heading home now, rindu baby busyuk saya. thank u girls! i had fun catching up today, da lama tak gosip2 macam dolu2. wish faten's here though. takpe, next time ada masa, kite lepak lagi ok.:)
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we went to get early lunch at famous thai's restaurant at shah alam mall. great choice sbb saya da lama teringin mereka punya deep fried brinjal.ngeeee.:)

bakal pengantin yg berseri2,:) semangat nak order food eh han.

fariza's deciding what to eat, she's with child btw, therefore we let her made all the choice. ibu mengandung ni kalau food tak kena tekak dia lain sket kan.

kudapan kami. berebut ok sbb semua tgh lapar. i didnt have any breakfast, so lagilah kan.

hanisah sedih pinggan ada, nasi tak sampai2, haha.

kangkung goreng belacan, sedap gila tapi byk sungguh, kitorang makan beria pun tak habis2 kena tapau.

yummeh kerabu mangga. pun tak habis juga. kesian..

ah, ni confirm la habis kan, sotong goreng tepung yang sgt lazat.

my deep fried brinjal!!!!!sgt lazat ok, idaman hatiku selalu. yumm, even the two girls pun kata lazat. ok, da teringat rasa dia balik n nak lagi. buruk perangai.huhu.

beancurd dgn soy sauce kot. i didnt have any sbb byk sgt makanan lain. haha.

bride to be tgh makan, n oh, ada tomyam juga, sgt lazat ok tomyam dia. a must have when you eat at famous thai.

ok, chekgu pengetua dah terikut perangai anak murid, ngehngeh.

kenyang perut suka hati. :)

lepas makan, singgah rumah cik bakal pengantin jap untuk solat zohor, pastu sambung perjalanan ke laman seri seksyen 13 utk tutti frutti!nyumnyum.

the froyo virgins. their first time having frozen yogurts.

mama aqeef mestilah suka sokmo, oh death by chocolate, i heart u,:)

kemudian, bertolak ke destinasi seterusnya serenity spa kat seksyen 13, the main event of the day. bridal spa for hanisah and saya n fariza menyibuk2 jugak buat spa. they're currently having mother's day promotion throughout the month of may. rm300 for 2 pax - inclusive of 20 minutes steam bath, 1 hour full body massage, scrub and milk bath. so we took it and my oh my, sgtlah berbaloi. i even dozed off masa tgh kena urut tu, sgt best ok. normal price adalah rm300 sorang. so sgt berbaloi2 la kan.

tgh tunggu mereka buka pintu.

waiting area, bali like n all. sgt selesa dgn music yg sgt relaxing nya. definitely will look for that kind of music in bandung nanti. for my journey to work, relax sket kan.huhu.

our room, siap ada bath tub siap2, utk couples la.sgt selesa dan cantik la tmpt ni. i highly recommend it kalau sesapa nak pamper diri sendiri. sgt worth it ok. i actually went to serenity spa ni for my bridal treatment 2 weeks before my wedding kot, tapi kat concorde shah alam la, n lebih byk treatment sbb bridal kan. n seriously, yang dulu pun sgt best, skrg even better. sgt menjaga kualitilah mereka ni. i like,:) thank u papa aqeef,sbb bagi can mama lepak2 pampering myself.

hanisah tgh facial, saya sibuk melayan kegembiraan sbb kulit sangat lembut n licin ok lepas scrub n mandi susu kambing,:)
oklah, hanisah da habis facial, we're heading home now, rindu baby busyuk saya. thank u girls! i had fun catching up today, da lama tak gosip2 macam dolu2. wish faten's here though. takpe, next time ada masa, kite lepak lagi ok.:)
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Wednesday, May 04, 2011
aqeef's attempt to wear mama's hairband

dok la mencuba nak pakai hairband mama,comel gila. pastu asyik jatuh je, kesian. tp finally berjaya juga dia pakai.and,it suits him well, no?haha. nampak macam pak arab pakai head band supaya serban tak jatuh tu pun ada juga. haha.
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Tuesday, May 03, 2011
entry di pagi buta
aqeef sgt happy bila..........

dalam kereta jalan2 dgn mama & papa,:)

and bila aqeef dpt naik kiddy ride kat shopping malls. punyalah happy.

and of course yang paling digemari adalah bila dpt swim.
at 16 months young, my baby's a very happy & active baby. syukur alhamdulillah,:) and his smiles, subhanallah, one of the sweetest that i've seen in my whole life. i'm being biased of course, he is after all the only person that's ever came out of me,hehe.
need to sleep now.its 1am in the morning, and tomorrow's a working day.huh. i blame it on starbuck's 50% off's frappucino that i had earlier today. huh.go get yours tomorrow, from 5-7pm on a weekday, u'll get 50% off selexted frappucinos. nyumnyum. the offer will be up until end of the month i think.

dalam kereta jalan2 dgn mama & papa,:)

and bila aqeef dpt naik kiddy ride kat shopping malls. punyalah happy.

and of course yang paling digemari adalah bila dpt swim.
at 16 months young, my baby's a very happy & active baby. syukur alhamdulillah,:) and his smiles, subhanallah, one of the sweetest that i've seen in my whole life. i'm being biased of course, he is after all the only person that's ever came out of me,hehe.
need to sleep now.its 1am in the morning, and tomorrow's a working day.huh. i blame it on starbuck's 50% off's frappucino that i had earlier today. huh.go get yours tomorrow, from 5-7pm on a weekday, u'll get 50% off selexted frappucinos. nyumnyum. the offer will be up until end of the month i think.
Monday, May 02, 2011
Something about the way you look tonight-elton john
There was a time
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
I need to tell you
How you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay
And I can't explain
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can't describe
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight
With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I'm speechless and I don't know where to start
We were on our way to klia to pick my parents up last friday night when hubby said with a big grin on his face, "i want to dedicate elton john's song, the way you look tonight - to you" out of the blue.My heart melted then and there. Better than any surprises or presents that he's ever given me.:) Dalam hati ada taman ok sepanjang weekends, :)
There was a time
I was everything and nothing all in one
When you found me
I was feeling like a cloud across the sun
I need to tell you
How you light up every second of the day
But in the moonlight
You just shine like a beacon on the bay
And I can't explain
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
It's that feeling I get about you, deep inside
And I can't describe
But it's something about the way you look tonight
Takes my breath away
The way you look tonight
With a smile
You pull the deepest secrets from my heart
In all honesty
I'm speechless and I don't know where to start
We were on our way to klia to pick my parents up last friday night when hubby said with a big grin on his face, "i want to dedicate elton john's song, the way you look tonight - to you" out of the blue.My heart melted then and there. Better than any surprises or presents that he's ever given me.:) Dalam hati ada taman ok sepanjang weekends, :)
Sunday, May 01, 2011
homedec @ klcc
yo, whats up?happy sungguh saya bermalas2 kat rumah i hari ahad ok, maklumlah esok cuti hari pekerja kan, hari ahad relax je, hati tenang, takyah keje hari isnin,huhu.
smlm hari sabtu, pagi2 mak ngah aqeef da ajak pegi homedec sebab dia nak mendecorate bilik dia. tak sudah2 decorate bilik, da setahun lebih, ada saja yg dia nak tukar. tapi, saya ikut saja, peluang berjalan2, mana boleh tak setuju, muahaha.so off we went to pusat konvensyen kuala lumpur.

da sampai, muehehe. posing dulu plis, akip mamai lagi tapi. homedec ni sampai 2nd may, esok lah. sgt best sbb semua benda2 berkaitan rumah ada, brg2 pun quite cheap. byk deals yg menarik la kat sini. kalau sesiapa yg tgh mendecorate rumah or nak pindah rumah baru mmg berbaloi2 lah.

ada lampu, macam2 lampulah, sgt best n price pun quite cheap jugak.

sgt suka lampu ni, will look for something like this for our house nanti.bajet umah cam istana la nak ada chandelier yg vertically long camni.huhu.

aqeef mestilah sgt excited kan, sibuk la membaca map ke hulu ke hilir pastu bila nampak maskot nippon paint kat bawah ni excited nak kejar, pastu mama pun kena kejar akip, huh.

menunggu mak ngah memilih wall paper dgn sabar.papa mcm da tak sabar je pa,huhu.

oh nampaknya, aqeef da tak sabar, da sibuk godek2 katalog wall paper tu pastu usha kakak comel yg promote wall paper tu. haha.

ni sgt best, comel2 je kerusi2 taman ni. sgt byk idea utk rumah saya dah.

lepas tu kami kelaparan pegi cari cuppies and benda2 manis ngarut. sgt sedap ok kat kedai ni.

ni red velvet cuppies mereka n my oh my, one of the best that i've tasted. nyumnyum. we also had their chocolate eclairs but its not quite to my liking.maybe sbb dia guna dark chocolate kot.

syafik n i had bento set at the klcc food court and it was surprisingly delicious. the miso soup was out of the world. definetely going to have 'em again the next time we're in klcc.

aqeef happy dpt minum air peach tea mama.

jalan2 kat isetan akip capai lagi beg tarik ni. haish, nampaknya kena beli jugak beg ni. tsktsk. ada tak sesapa nak sedekah beg tarik utk akip?huhu. and biasalah bila kita tak beli, dia melalak macam budak baru lepas kena dera. lepas tu haruslah distract dia dgn...

air soya sejuk and kiddie ride yg mahalnya lah kat concourse area tu. rm1 tapi seminit je kot castle tu bergerak2, haha. mama kedekut plis. all in all, we had great fun. mak ngah got what she came for and we managed to get a new microwave oven for my mom.berbaloi2 kat sana tau. silalah pergi homedec, esok last day,:) lepas tu malam lps balik dari klcc, n tidokan aqeef yg kepenatan jalan sehari tak nap pun-kami keluar tgk wayang cite thor. it was surprisingly good. i thought it's going to be another hard core action movie and only went to accompany hubby je. support laki beb, sian plak balik2 tgk romantic comedy je kan. sekali best plak cite tu. maybe sebab ada natalie portman kot, sgt sweet. n the actor who played thor,sgt macho ok, siap termimpi2 i,;p
oh anyway, slmt hari pekerja dan selamat bergembira dgn sisa2 cuti yg ada,:) kami nk keluar jalan2 cari makan!huhu.
smlm hari sabtu, pagi2 mak ngah aqeef da ajak pegi homedec sebab dia nak mendecorate bilik dia. tak sudah2 decorate bilik, da setahun lebih, ada saja yg dia nak tukar. tapi, saya ikut saja, peluang berjalan2, mana boleh tak setuju, muahaha.so off we went to pusat konvensyen kuala lumpur.

da sampai, muehehe. posing dulu plis, akip mamai lagi tapi. homedec ni sampai 2nd may, esok lah. sgt best sbb semua benda2 berkaitan rumah ada, brg2 pun quite cheap. byk deals yg menarik la kat sini. kalau sesiapa yg tgh mendecorate rumah or nak pindah rumah baru mmg berbaloi2 lah.

ada lampu, macam2 lampulah, sgt best n price pun quite cheap jugak.

sgt suka lampu ni, will look for something like this for our house nanti.bajet umah cam istana la nak ada chandelier yg vertically long camni.huhu.

aqeef mestilah sgt excited kan, sibuk la membaca map ke hulu ke hilir pastu bila nampak maskot nippon paint kat bawah ni excited nak kejar, pastu mama pun kena kejar akip, huh.

menunggu mak ngah memilih wall paper dgn sabar.papa mcm da tak sabar je pa,huhu.

oh nampaknya, aqeef da tak sabar, da sibuk godek2 katalog wall paper tu pastu usha kakak comel yg promote wall paper tu. haha.

ni sgt best, comel2 je kerusi2 taman ni. sgt byk idea utk rumah saya dah.

lepas tu kami kelaparan pegi cari cuppies and benda2 manis ngarut. sgt sedap ok kat kedai ni.

ni red velvet cuppies mereka n my oh my, one of the best that i've tasted. nyumnyum. we also had their chocolate eclairs but its not quite to my liking.maybe sbb dia guna dark chocolate kot.

syafik n i had bento set at the klcc food court and it was surprisingly delicious. the miso soup was out of the world. definetely going to have 'em again the next time we're in klcc.

aqeef happy dpt minum air peach tea mama.

jalan2 kat isetan akip capai lagi beg tarik ni. haish, nampaknya kena beli jugak beg ni. tsktsk. ada tak sesapa nak sedekah beg tarik utk akip?huhu. and biasalah bila kita tak beli, dia melalak macam budak baru lepas kena dera. lepas tu haruslah distract dia dgn...

air soya sejuk and kiddie ride yg mahalnya lah kat concourse area tu. rm1 tapi seminit je kot castle tu bergerak2, haha. mama kedekut plis. all in all, we had great fun. mak ngah got what she came for and we managed to get a new microwave oven for my mom.berbaloi2 kat sana tau. silalah pergi homedec, esok last day,:) lepas tu malam lps balik dari klcc, n tidokan aqeef yg kepenatan jalan sehari tak nap pun-kami keluar tgk wayang cite thor. it was surprisingly good. i thought it's going to be another hard core action movie and only went to accompany hubby je. support laki beb, sian plak balik2 tgk romantic comedy je kan. sekali best plak cite tu. maybe sebab ada natalie portman kot, sgt sweet. n the actor who played thor,sgt macho ok, siap termimpi2 i,;p
oh anyway, slmt hari pekerja dan selamat bergembira dgn sisa2 cuti yg ada,:) kami nk keluar jalan2 cari makan!huhu.
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